change database passwordvoni started 17 Sep 2017
hawk007 replied 12 Oct 2017I was recently hacked and several key things deleted ect with al the usual bullshit that these people do. I have almost fixed... | 22POSTS |
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ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITORvoni started 6 Oct 2017
voni replied 9 Oct 2017keep getting this error from the user side of the website. it seems to be chrome, when ever I post into the profile, like edi... | 4POSTS |
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App rebrandingralphstrahorn started 4 Oct 2017
ralphstrahorn replied 4 Oct 2017Anyone have time to rebrand an app and integrate a chat feature? or does anyone know anyone besides the guy doing it for $900... | 1POST |
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