aPageTmpl = array( 'name_index' => 9, 'header' => $GLOBALS['site']['title'], 'header_text' => '', ); $this->sModuleUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this -> _oConfig -> getBaseUri(); $this->_iVisitorID = $this->getUserId(); } function actionAdministration() { if( !isAdmin() ) { header('location: ' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT); } $aLanguageKeys = array( 'settings' => _t('_Settings'), ); // try to define globals category number; $iId = $this->_oDb->getSettingsCategory(); if (!$iId) { $sContent = MsgBox(_t('_Empty')); } else { bx_import('BxDolAdminSettings'); $mixedResult = ''; if(isset($_POST['save']) && isset($_POST['cat'])) { $oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings($iId); $mixedResult = $oSettings->saveChanges($_POST); } $oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings($iId); $sResult = $oSettings->getForm(); if($mixedResult !== true && !empty($mixedResult)) $sResult = $mixedResult . $sResult; $sContent = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('design_box_content.html', array('content' => $sResult)); $sContent = $this-> _oTemplate->adminBlock($sContent, $aLanguageKeys['settings']); } $this->aPageTmpl['header'] = _t('_abb_main'); $this->aPageTmpl['header_text'] = _t('_abb_main'); $this->_oTemplate->pageCode($this->aPageTmpl, array('page_main_code' => $sContent), array(), array(), true); } function serviceIndexBlock() { $sBlockName = 'BirthBlock'; $iLimit = 16; //main fields $sqlMainFields = ""; $aDefFields = array('ID', 'NickName', 'Couple', 'Sex'); foreach ($aDefFields as $iKey => $sValue) $sqlMainFields .= "`Profiles`. `{$sValue}`, "; $sqlMainFields .= "`DateLastNav`"; // possible conditions $sqlCondition = "WHERE `Profiles`.`Status` = 'Active' and (`Profiles`.`Couple` = 0 or `Profiles`.`Couple` > `Profiles`.`ID`)"; $sqlConditionDOB = " AND MONTH(`Profiles`.`DateOfBirth`) = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND DAY(`Profiles`.`DateOfBirth`) = DAY(CURDATE())"; // top menu and sorting $aModes = array('all'); if ($this->_iVisitorID) $aModes[] = 'friends'; $aDBTopMenu = array(); $sMode = (in_array($_GET[$sBlockName . 'Mode'], $aModes)) ? $_GET[$sBlockName . 'Mode'] : $sMode = 'all'; $sqlOrder = ""; foreach( $aModes as $sMyMode ) { switch ($sMyMode) { case 'all': if ($sMode == $sMyMode) $sqlOrder = " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Couple` ASC, `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC"; $sModeTitle = _t('_All'); break; case 'friends': if ($sMode == $sMyMode && $this->_iVisitorID > 0) { $sqlLJoin = 'LEFT JOIN `sys_friend_list` AS f1 ON (f1.`ID` = `Profiles`.`ID` AND f1.`Profile` ='.$this->_iVisitorID.' AND `f1`.`Check` = 1) LEFT JOIN `sys_friend_list` AS f2 ON (f2.`Profile` = `Profiles`.`ID` AND f2.`ID` ='.$this->_iVisitorID.' AND `f2`.`Check` = 1)'; $sqlCondition .= " AND (f1.`ID` IS NOT NULL OR f2.`ID` IS NOT NULL)"; } $sModeTitle = _t('_Friends'); break; } $aDBTopMenu[$sModeTitle] = array('href' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "index.php?{$sBlockName}Mode={$sMyMode}", 'dynamic' => true, 'active' => ( $sMyMode == $sMode )); } $iCount = (int)db_value("SELECT COUNT(`Profiles`.`ID`) FROM `Profiles` {$sqlLJoin} {$sqlCondition} {$sqlConditionDOB}"); $aData = array(); $sPaginate = ''; if ($iCount) { $iNewWidth = BX_AVA_W + 6; $iPages = ceil($iCount/ $iLimit); $iPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if ($iPage < 1) $iPage = 1; if ($iPage > $iPages) $iPage = $iPages; $sqlFrom = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimit; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT {$sqlFrom}, {$iLimit}"; $sqlQuery = "SELECT " . $sqlMainFields . " FROM `Profiles` {$sqlLJoin} {$sqlCondition} {$sqlConditionDOB} {$sqlOrder} {$sqlLimit}"; $rData = db_res($sqlQuery); $iCurrCount = mysql_num_rows($rData); while ($aData = mysql_fetch_assoc($rData)) { $sCode .= get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true); } $sCode = '