array ('w' => 24, 'h' => 24, 'url' => ''),
'default' => array ('w' => 24, 'h' => 24, 'url' => ''),
function BxWmapModule(&$aModule)
$this->_iProfileId = $GLOBALS['logged']['member'] || $GLOBALS['logged']['admin'] ? $_COOKIE['memberID'] : 0;
$this->_aParts = $this->_oDb->getParts();
$this->_oDb->_aParts = &$this->_aParts;
function actionHome ()
bx_import ('PageMain', $this->_aModule);
$oPage = new BxWmapPageMain ($this);
echo $oPage->getCode();
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('' . getParam('bx_wmap_key'));
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('BxWmap.js');
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');
$this->_oTemplate->pageCode(_t('_bx_wmap_block_title_block_map'), false, false);
function actionEdit ($iEntryId, $sPart)
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart])) {
$this->_oTemplate->displayPageNotFound ();
$iEntryId = (int)$iEntryId;
$aLocation = $this->_iProfileId ? $this->_oDb->getDirectLocation($iEntryId, $this->_aParts[$sPart]) : false;
if (!$aLocation || !$this->isAllowedEditOwnLocation($aLocation)) {
$this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();
if ('profiles' == $sPart)
$aLocation['title'] = getNickName($aLocation['id']);
bx_import ('PageEdit', $this->_aModule);
$oPage = new BxWmapPageEdit ($this, $aLocation);
echo $oPage->getCode();
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('' . getParam('bx_wmap_key'));
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('BxWmap.js');
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');
$this->_oTemplate->pageCode(sprintf(_t('_bx_wmap_edit'), $aLocation['title'], _t($this->_aParts[$sPart]['title_singular'])), false, false);
function actionSaveData ($iEntryId, $sPart, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng, $sMapClassInstanceName, $sAddress, $sCountry)
$iRet = $this->_saveData ($iEntryId, $sPart, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng, $sMapClassInstanceName, $sAddress, $sCountry);
switch ((int)$iRet) {
case 404:
echo 404;
case 403:
$this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();
case 1:
echo 1;
function actionSaveLocationPartHome ($sPart, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng)
$this->_saveLocationByPrefix ('bx_wmap_home_' . $sPart, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng);
function actionSaveLocationHomepage ($iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng)
$this->_saveLocationByPrefix ('bx_wmap_homepage', $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng);
function actionSaveLocationSeparatePage ($iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng)
$this->_saveLocationByPrefix ('bx_wmap_separate', $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng);
function actionGetDataLocation ($iId, $sPart, $sMapClassInstanceName)
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
$iEntryId = (int)$iId;
$r = $this->_oDb->getDirectLocation($iEntryId, $this->_aParts[$sPart]);
if (!$r || empty($r['lat']))
if ('profiles' == $sPart)
$r['title'] = getNickName($r['id']);
$oPermalinks = new BxDolPermalinks();
$sIcon = $this->_aParts[$r['part']]['icon_site'];
$sIcon = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->sysImage (false === strpos($sIcon, '.') ? $sIcon : $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl ($sIcon));
$aVars = array ('icon' => $sIcon, 'title' => $r['title'], 'link' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oPermalinks->permalink($this->_aParts[$r['part']]['permalink'] . $r['uri']));
$sHtml = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName ('popup_location', $aVars);
$aIconJSON = $this->_getIconArray ($sMapClassInstanceName == 'glBxWmapEdit' ? '' : $this->_aParts[$r['part']]['icon']);
$aRet = array ();
$aRet[] = array (
'lat' => $r['lat'],
'lng' => $r['lng'],
'data' => $sHtml,
'icon' => $aIconJSON,
$oParser = new Services_JSON();
echo $oParser->encode($aRet);
function actionGetData ($iZoom, $fLatMin, $fLatMax, $fLngMin, $fLngMax, $sMapClassInstanceName, $sCustomParts = '', $sCustom = '')
$fLatMin = (float)$fLatMin;
$fLatMax = (float)$fLatMax;
$fLngMin = (float)$fLngMin;
$fLngMax = (float)$fLngMax;
$iZoom = (int)$iZoom;
echo $this->_getLocationsData($fLatMin, $fLatMax, $fLngMin, $fLngMax, $sCustomParts, $sCustom);
function _getLocationsData ($fLatMin, $fLatMax, $fLngMin, $fLngMax, $sCustomParts = '', $sCustom = '')
$oPermalinks = new BxDolPermalinks();
$aCustomParts = $this->_validateParts ($sCustomParts);
$a = $this->_oDb->getLocationsByBounds('', (float)$fLatMin, (float)$fLatMax, (float)$fLngMin, (float)$fLngMax, $aCustomParts, getLoggedId() ? array(BX_DOL_PG_ALL, BX_DOL_PG_MEMBERS) : BX_DOL_PG_ALL);
$aa = array ();
foreach ($a as $r) {
if ('profiles' == $r['part'])
$r['title'] = getNickName($r['id']);
$sKey = $r['lat'].'x'.$r['lng'];
$sIcon = $this->_aParts[$r['part']]['icon_site'];
$sIcon = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->sysImage (false === strpos($sIcon, '.') ? $sIcon : $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl ($sIcon));
$aVars = array ('icon' => $sIcon, 'title' => $r['title'], 'link' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oPermalinks->permalink($this->_aParts[$r['part']]['permalink'] . $r['uri']));
$aa[$sKey][] = array (
'lat' => $r['lat'],
'lng' => $r['lng'],
'title' => $r['title'],
'icon' => $this->_aParts[$r['part']]['icon'],
'html' => $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName ('popup_location', $aVars),
$aRet = array();
foreach ($aa as $k => $a) {
$sHtml = '';
$aTitles = array ();
$sIcon = '';
foreach ($a as $r) {
$sHtml .= $r['html'];
$aTitles[] = $r['title'];
$sIcon = $r['icon'];
$aVars = array ('content' => $sHtml);
$aRet[] = array (
'lat' => $r['lat'],
'lng' => $r['lng'],
'titles' => $aTitles,
'data' => $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName ('popup_locations', $aVars),
'icon' => $this->_getIconArray((count($a) > 1 ? 'group.png' : $sIcon)),
$oParser = new Services_JSON();
return $oParser->encode($aRet);
// ================================== admin actions
function actionUpdateLocations ($iLimit = 4, $iDelay = 6)
if (!$this->isAdmin()) {
$this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();
$iLimit = (int)$iLimit;
$iDelay = (int)$iDelay;
$a = $this->_oDb->getUndefinedLocations ($iLimit);
if ($a) {
foreach ($a as $r) {
$this->_updateLocation ($iDelay, $r);
$aVars = array (
'refresh' => 1,
'msg' => 'Entries update is in progress, please wait...',
echo $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName ('updating', $aVars);
} else {
$this->_oTemplate->displayMsg('Entries locations update has been completed');
function actionAdministrationParts ($sPart)
if (!$this->isAdmin()) {
$this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart])) {
$this->_oTemplate->displayPageNotFound ();
$mixedResult = '';
if(isset($_POST['save']) && isset($_POST['cat']) && (int)$_POST['cat']) {
$oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings((int)$_POST['cat']);
$mixedResult = $oSettings->saveChanges($_POST);
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
unset ($_POST[$k]);
$aCats = array (
array (
'cat' => 'World Map Home: ' . ucfirst($sPart),
'title' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_settings_part_home', _t($this->_aParts[$sPart]['title'])),
'extra' => 'return $this->_saveLocationForm ("PartHome", $this->serviceHomepagePartBlock ("' . $sPart . '"));',
array (
'cat' => 'World Map Entry: ' . ucfirst($sPart),
'title' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_settings_part_entry', _t($this->_aParts[$sPart]['title'])),
'extra' => '',
array (
'cat' => 'World Map Edit Location: ' . ucfirst($sPart),
'title' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_settings_edit_location', _t($this->_aParts[$sPart]['title'])),
'extra' => '',
foreach ($aCats as $a) {
$iId = $this->_oDb->getSettingsCategory($a['cat']);
$sResult = '';
if ($iId) {
$oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings($iId);
$sResult = $oSettings->getForm();
if($mixedResult !== true && !empty($mixedResult) && $_POST['cat'] == $iId)
$sResult = $mixedResult . $sResult;
$sExtra = '';
if ($a['extra']) {
$aVars = array ('content' => eval($a['extra']));
$sExtra = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('extra_wrapper', $aVars);
$aVars = array ('content' => $sResult . $sExtra);
echo $this->_oTemplate->adminBlock ($this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('default_padding', $aVars), $a['title']);
$this->_oTemplate->addJsAdmin ('' . getParam('bx_wmap_key'));
$this->_oTemplate->addJsAdmin (BX_DOL_URL_MODULES . $this->_aModule['path'] . 'js/BxWmap.js');
$this->_oTemplate->addCssAdmin ('main.css');
$this->_oTemplate->addCssAdmin ('forms_adv.css');
$this->_oTemplate->pageCodeAdmin (_t('_bx_wmap_administration') . ' ' . _t($this->_aParts[$sPart]['title']));
function actionAdministration ()
if (!$this->isAdmin()) {
$this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();
$aPartsForVars = array();
foreach ($this->_aParts as $k => $r) {
$aPartsForVars[] = array(
'part' => $k,
'title' => _t($r['title']),
'icon' => $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->sysImage (false === strpos($r['icon_site'], '.') ? $r['icon_site'] : $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl ($r['icon_site'])),
'link_base' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'administration_parts/',
$aVars = array (
'module_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri(),
'bx_repeat:parts' => $aPartsForVars,
$sContent = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName ('admin_links', $aVars);
echo $this->_oTemplate->adminBlock ($sContent, _t('_bx_wmap_admin_links'), false, false, 11);
$mixedResult = '';
if(isset($_POST['save']) && isset($_POST['cat']) && (int)$_POST['cat']) {
$oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings((int)$_POST['cat']);
$mixedResult = $oSettings->saveChanges($_POST);
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
unset ($_POST[$k]);
$aCats = array (
array (
'cat' => 'World Map General',
'title' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_settings_general'),
'extra' => '',
array (
'cat' => 'World Map Homepage',
'title' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_settings_homepage'),
'extra' => 'return $this->_saveLocationForm ("Home", $this->serviceHomepageBlock ());',
array (
'cat' => 'World Map Separate',
'title' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_settings_separate'),
'extra' => 'return $this->_saveLocationForm ("Page", $this->serviceSeparatePageBlock ());',
foreach ($aCats as $a) {
$iId = $this->_oDb->getSettingsCategory($a['cat']);
$sResult = '';
if ($iId) {
$oSettings = new BxDolAdminSettings($iId);
$sResult = $oSettings->getForm();
if($mixedResult !== true && !empty($mixedResult) && $_POST['cat'] == $iId)
$sResult = $mixedResult . $sResult;
$sExtra = '';
if ($a['extra']) {
$aVars = array ('content' => eval($a['extra']));
$sExtra = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('extra_wrapper', $aVars);
$aVars = array ('content' => $sResult . $sExtra);
echo $this->_oTemplate->adminBlock ($this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('default_padding', $aVars), $a['title']);
$this->_oTemplate->addJsAdmin ('' . getParam('bx_wmap_key'));
$this->_oTemplate->addJsAdmin (BX_DOL_URL_MODULES . $this->_aModule['path'] . 'js/BxWmap.js');
$this->_oTemplate->addCssAdmin ('main.css');
$this->_oTemplate->addCssAdmin ('forms_adv.css');
$this->_oTemplate->pageCodeAdmin (_t('_bx_wmap_administration'));
// ================================== service actions
* Get location array
* @param $sPart module/part name
* @param $iEntryId entry's id which location is edited
* @param $iViewer viewer profile id
* @return false - location undefined, -1 - access denied, array - all good
function serviceGetLocation ($sPart, $iEntryId, $iViewer = false)
if (false === $iViewer)
$iViewer = getLoggedId();
if ('profiles' == $sPart) {
if (!bx_check_profile_visibility ($iEntryId, $iViewer, true))
return -1;
} else {
$oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacy($this->_aParts[$sPart]['join_table'], $this->_aParts[$sPart]['join_field_id'], $this->_aParts[$sPart]['join_field_author']);
if (!$oPrivacy->check('view', $iEntryId, $iViewer))
return -1;
$aLocation = $this->_oDb->getDirectLocation($iEntryId, $this->_aParts[$sPart]);
if (!$aLocation || (!$aLocation['lat'] && $aLocation['lng']))
return false;
if (false === $aLocation['zoom'] || -1 == $aLocation['zoom'])
$aLocation['zoom'] = getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_zoom");
if (!$aLocation['type'])
$aLocation['type'] = getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_map_type");
return $aLocation;
* Update location
* @param $sPart module/part name
* @param $iEntryId entry's id which location is edited
* @param $fLat latitude
* @param $fLng longitude
* @param $iZoom zoom level
* @param $sMapType map type: normal, satellite, hybrid, terrain
* @param $sCountry
* @param $sState
* @param $sCity
* @param $sAddress
* @return false - location undefined, -1 - access denied, array - all good
function serviceUpdateLocationManually ($sPart, $iEntryId, $fLat, $fLng, $iZoom, $sMapType, $sCountry = '', $sState = '', $sCity = '', $sAddress = '')
$a = array ('fLat', 'fLng', 'iZoom', 'sMapType', 'sCountry', 'sState', 'sCity', 'sAddress');
foreach ($a as $sVar)
if ('' === $$sVar || false === $$sVar)
$$sVar = 'null';
return $this->_saveData ($iEntryId, $sPart, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng, '', $sAddress, $sCountry);
* Edit location block
* @param $sPart module/part name
* @param $iEntryId entry's id which location is edited
* @return html with clickable map
function serviceEditLocation ($sPart, $iEntryId)
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
return false;
$iEntryId = (int)$iEntryId;
$aLocation = $this->_oDb->getDirectLocation($iEntryId, $this->_aParts[$sPart]);
if ('profiles' == $sPart)
$aLocation['title'] = getNickName($aLocation['id']);
if (!$aLocation)
return false;
$fLat = false;
$fLng = false;
$iZoom = false;
$sMapType = false;
if ($aLocation && !empty($aLocation['lat'])) {
$fLat = $aLocation['lat'];
$fLng = $aLocation['lng'];
$iZoom = $aLocation['zoom'];
$sMapType = $aLocation['type'];
if (false === $fLat || false === $fLng) {
$aLocationCountry = $this->_geocode($aLocation['country'], $aLocation['country']);
$fLat = isset($aLocationCountry[0]) ? $aLocationCountry[0] : 0;
$fLng = isset($aLocationCountry[1]) ? $aLocationCountry[1] : 0;
if (false === $iZoom || -1 == $iZoom)
$iZoom = getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_zoom");
if (!$sMapType)
$sMapType = getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_map_type");
$aVars = array (
'msg_incorrect_google_key' => trim(_t('_bx_wmap_msg_incorrect_google_key')),
'loading' => _t('_loading ...'),
'map_control' => getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_control_type"),
'map_is_type_control' => getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_is_type_control") == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_scale_control' => getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_is_scale_control") == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_overview_control' => getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_is_overview_control") == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_dragable' => getParam("bx_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_is_map_dragable") == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_type' => $sMapType,
'map_lat' => $fLat,
'map_lng' => $fLng,
'map_zoom' => $iZoom,
'parts' => $sPart,
'custom' => '',
'suffix' => 'Edit',
'subclass' => 'bx_wmap_edit',
'data_url' => BX_DOL_URL_MODULES . "?r=wmap/get_data_location/$iEntryId/{parts}/{instance}/{ts}",
'save_data_url' => BX_DOL_URL_MODULES . "?r=wmap/save_data/$iEntryId/{parts}/{zoom}/{map_type}/{lat}/{lng}/{instance}/{address}/{country}/{ts}",
'save_location_url' => '',
'shadow_url' => '',
$sMap = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('map', $aVars);
$oPermalinks = new BxDolPermalinks();
$sBackLink = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oPermalinks->permalink($this->_aParts[$aLocation['part']]['permalink'] . $aLocation['uri']);
$aVars = array (
'info' => sprintf(_t('_bx_wmap_edit'), "{$aLocation['title']}", _t($this->_aParts[$sPart]['title_singular'])),
'map' => $sMap,
return array($this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('map_edit', $aVars));
* Homepage block with world map
* @return html with world map
function serviceHomepageBlock ()
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('' . getParam('bx_wmap_key'));
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('BxWmap.js');
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');
return $this->serviceSeparatePageBlock (false, false, false, '', '', 'bx_wmap_homepage', 'bx_wmap_homepage', 'Home', 'homepage');
* Module Homepage block with world map
* @return html with world map
function serviceHomepagePartBlock ($sPart)
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
return '';
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('' . getParam('bx_wmap_key'));
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('BxWmap.js');
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');
return $this->serviceSeparatePageBlock (false, false, false, $sPart, '', 'bx_wmap_homepage_part', 'bx_wmap_home_'.$sPart, 'PartHome', 'part_home/'.$sPart, false);
* Separate page block with world map
* @return html with world map
function serviceSeparatePageBlock ($fLat = false, $fLng = false, $iZoom = false, $sPartsCustom = '', $sCustom = '', $sSubclass = 'bx_wmap_separate', $sParamPrefix = 'bx_wmap_separate', $sSuffix = 'Page', $sSaveLocationSuffix = 'separate_page', $isPartsSelector = true)
if (false === $fLat)
$fLat = getParam($sParamPrefix . '_lat');
if (false === $fLng)
$fLng = getParam($sParamPrefix . '_lng');
if (false === $iZoom)
$iZoom = getParam($sParamPrefix . '_zoom');
$aVars = array (
'msg_incorrect_google_key' => trim(_t('_bx_wmap_msg_incorrect_google_key')),
'loading' => _t('_loading ...'),
'map_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_control_type'),
'map_is_type_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_type_control') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_scale_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_scale_control') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_overview_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_overview_control') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_dragable' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_map_dragable') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_type' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_map_type'),
'map_lat' => $fLat,
'map_lng' => $fLng,
'map_zoom' => $iZoom,
'parts' => $sPartsCustom,
'custom' => $sCustom,
'suffix' => $sSuffix,
'subclass' => $sSubclass,
'data_url' => BX_DOL_URL_MODULES . "?r=wmap/get_data/{zoom}/{lat_min}/{lat_max}/{lng_min}/{lng_max}/{instance}/{parts}/{custom}",
'save_data_url' => '',
'save_location_url' => $this->isAdmin() ? BX_DOL_URL_MODULES . "?r=wmap/save_location_{$sSaveLocationSuffix}/{zoom}/{map_type}/{lat}/{lng}" : '',
'shadow_url' => $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl ('flag_icon_shadow.png'),
'lang' => bx_lang_name(),
$sMap = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('map', $aVars);
if (!$isPartsSelector)
return array($sMap);
$aVarsParts = array (
'suffix' => $aVars['suffix'],
'subclass' => $aVars['subclass'],
'bx_repeat:parts' => array(),
$aPartsSelected = $this->_validateParts ($sPartsCustom);
foreach ($this->_aParts AS $k => $r) {
$aVarsParts['bx_repeat:parts'][] = array(
'part' => $k,
'title' => _t($r['title']),
'icon' => $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->sysImage (false === strpos($r['icon_site'], '.') ? $r['icon_site'] : $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl ($r['icon_site'])),
'suffix' => $aVars['suffix'],
'checked' => isset($aPartsSelected[$k]) ? 'checked' : '',
$sMapParts = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('map_parts', $aVarsParts);
return array($sMapParts . $sMap);
* Block with entry's location map
* @param $sPart module/part name
* @param $iEntryId entry's id which location is shown on the map
* @return html with entry's location map
function serviceLocationBlock ($sPart, $iEntryId)
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
return '';
$sParamPrefix = 'bx_wmap_entry_' . $sPart;
$iEntryId = (int)$iEntryId;
$r = $this->_oDb->getDirectLocation($iEntryId, $this->_aParts[$sPart]);
$sBoxContent = '';
if ($r && !empty($r['lat'])) {
$aVars = array (
'msg_incorrect_google_key' => _t('_bx_wmap_msg_incorrect_google_key'),
'loading' => _t('_loading ...'),
'map_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_control_type'),
'map_is_type_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_type_control') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_scale_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_scale_control') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_overview_control' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_overview_control') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_dragable' => getParam($sParamPrefix . '_is_map_dragable') == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_lat' => $r['lat'],
'map_lng' => $r['lng'],
'map_zoom' => -1 != $r['zoom'] ? $r['zoom'] : (getParam($sParamPrefix . '_zoom') ? getParam($sParamPrefix . '_zoom') : BX_WMAP_ZOOM_DEFAULT_ENTRY),
'map_type' => $r['type'] ? $r['type'] : (getParam($sParamPrefix . '_map_type') ? getParam($sParamPrefix . '_map_type') : 'normal'),
'suffix' => 'Location',
'subclass' => 'bx_wmap_location_box',
'data_url' => BX_DOL_URL_MODULES . "' + '?r=wmap/get_data_location/" . $iEntryId . "/" . $sPart . "/{instance}",
'save_data_url' => '',
'save_location_url' => '',
'shadow_url' => '',
'lang' => bx_lang_name(),
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('' . getParam('bx_wmap_key'));
$this->_oTemplate->addJs ('BxWmap.js');
$this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');
$aVars2 = array (
'map' => $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('map', $aVars),
$sBoxContent = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('entry_location', $aVars2);
$sBoxFooter = '';
if ($r['author_id'] == $this->_iProfileId || $this->isAdmin()) {
$aVars = array (
'icon' => $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl('more.png'),
'url' => $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . "edit/$iEntryId/$sPart",
'title' => _t('_bx_wmap_box_footer_edit'),
$sBoxFooter = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('box_footer', $aVars);
if (!$sBoxContent)
$sBoxContent = MsgBox(_t('_bx_wmap_msg_locations_is_not_defined'));
if ($sBoxContent || $sBoxFooter)
return array($sBoxContent, array(), $sBoxFooter);
return '';
function serviceResponseEntryDelete ($sPart, $iEntryId)
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
return false;
$aPart = $this->_aParts[$sPart];
return $this->_oDb->deleteLocation((int)$iEntryId, $sPart);
function serviceResponseEntryAdd ($sPart, $iEntryId)
return $this->serviceResponseEntryChange ($sPart, $iEntryId);
function serviceResponseEntryChange ($sPart, $iEntryId)
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
return false;
$aPart = $this->_aParts[$sPart];
$a = $this->_oDb->getDirectLocation ($iEntryId, $aPart);
if (!$a)
return false;
if ($a['lat'] && $a['lng']) {
// don't update location if it is already geocoded (just update privacy), becuase it maybe be updated manually and we can erase manually updated position
$this->_oDb->updateLocationPrivacy ((int)$a['id'], !empty($a['privacy']) ? $a['privacy'] : BX_WMAP_PRIVACY_DEFAULT);
return true;
return $this->_updateLocation (0, $a);
function servicePartEnable ($sPart, $isEnable, $isClearPartLocations = false)
if (!$this->_oDb->enablePart($sPart, (int)$isEnable))
return false;
if ($isClearPartLocations)
$this->_oDb->clearLocations($sPart, false);
return true;
function servicePartInstall ($sPart, $a)
$aDefaults = array(
'part' => $sPart,
'title' => '',
'title_singular' => '',
'icon' => '',
'icon_site' => '',
'join_table' => '',
'join_where' => '',
'join_field_id' => 'id',
'join_field_country' => '',
'join_field_city' => '',
'join_field_state' => '',
'join_field_zip' => '',
'join_field_address' => '',
'join_field_title' => '',
'join_field_uri' => '',
'join_field_author' => '',
'join_field_privacy' => '',
'permalink' => '',
'enabled' => 1);
$aOptions = array_merge($aDefaults, $a);
if (!$this->_oDb->addPart($aOptions))
return false;
return true;
function servicePartUninstall ($sPart)
$this->_oDb->clearLocations($sPart, false);
return $this->_oDb->removePart($sPart);
// ================================== events
function onEventGeolocateProfile ($iProfileId, $aLocation)
$oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('bx_wmap', 'geolocate_profile', $iProfileId, $this->_iProfileId, array('location' => $aLocation));
function onEventLocationManuallyUpdated ($sPart, $iEntryId, $aLocation)
$oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('bx_wmap', 'location_manually_updated', $iProfileId, $this->_iProfileId, array('location' => $aLocation));
// ================================== permissions
function isAllowedEditOwnLocation (&$aLocation)
return false;
return true;
if ($aLocation && $aLocation['author_id'] == $this->_iProfileId)
return true;
return false;
function isAdmin ()
return $GLOBALS['logged']['admin'] || $GLOBALS['logged']['moderator'];
// ================================== other
function _geocode ($sAddress, $sCountryCode = '')
$iRet = 404;
$sAddress = rawurlencode($sAddress);
$sUrl = "";
$s = bx_file_get_contents($sUrl, array(
'q' => $sAddress,
'output' => 'xml',
'key' => getParam('bx_wmap_key')
if (preg_match ('/(\d+)<\/code>/', $s, $m)) {
$iRet = $m[1];
if (200 != $iRet) return false;
if (preg_match_all ('/([A-Za-z]+)<\/CountryNameCode>/', $s, $mCountry) &&
preg_match_all ('/([0-9,\.-]+)<\/coordinates>/', $s, $mCoord))
if (isset($mCountry[1]) && is_array($mCountry[1]))
$mCountry = $mCountry[1];
foreach ($mCountry AS $k => $v) {
if (!$sCountryCode || ($sCountryCode && 0 == strcasecmp($sCountryCode, $v))) {
// Parse coordinate string
list ($fLongitude, $fLatitude, $fAltitude) = explode(",", $mCoord[1][$k]);
if (!$fLongitude && !$fLatitude)
return false;
return array ($fLatitude, $fLongitude, $v);
return false;
function _updateLocation($iDelay, &$r)
$iDelay = (int)$iDelay;
$iId = (int)$r['id'];
$a = false;
$sState = '';
if (isset($r['state']) && trim($r['state']))
$sState = ' ' . $r['state'];
if (isset($r['address']) && trim($r['address'])) {
if ($iDelay) sleep ($iDelay);
$a = $this->_geocode ($r['address'] . ' ' . $r['city'] . ' ' . $r['state'] . $r['country'], $r['country']);
if (!$a && isset($r['zip']) && trim($r['zip'])) {
if ($iDelay) sleep ($iDelay);
$a = $this->_geocode ($r['zip'] . ' ' . $r['country'], $r['country']);
if (!$a) {
if ($iDelay) sleep ($iDelay);
$a = $this->_geocode ($r['city'] . ' ' . $r['state'] . $r['country'], $r['country']);
$sTitle = process_db_input($r['title'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION);
$mixedPrivacy = !empty($r['privacy']) ? $r['privacy'] : BX_WMAP_PRIVACY_DEFAULT;
if ($a) {
$this->_oDb->insertLocation ($iId, $r['part'], $sTitle, $r['uri'], $a[0], $a[1], -1, '', process_db_input($r['city'] . ', ' . $r['country'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION), process_db_input($r['city'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION), process_db_input($r['country'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION), $mixedPrivacy, 0);
$bRet = true;
} else {
$this->_oDb->insertLocation ($iId, $r['part'], $sTitle, $r['uri'], 0, 0, -1, '', '', '', '', $mixedPrivacy, 1);
$bRet = false;
$this->onEventGeolocateProfile ($iId, array ('lat' => (isset($a[0]) ? $a[0] : false), 'lng' => (isset($a[1]) ? $a[1] : false), 'country' => $sCountryCode));
return $bRet;
function _saveLocationByPrefix ($sPrefix, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng)
if (!$this->isAdmin()) {
echo 'Access denied';
if ($iZoom = (int)$iZoom)
setParam($sPrefix . '_zoom', $iZoom);
switch ($sMapType) {
case 'normal':
case 'satellite':
case 'hybrid':
setParam($sPrefix . '_map_type', $sMapType);
if ($fLat = (float)$fLat)
setParam($sPrefix . '_lat', $fLat);
if ($fLng = (float)$fLng)
setParam($sPrefix . '_lng', $fLng);
echo 'ok';
function _saveLocationForm ($sSuffix, $sMap)
if (is_array($sMap))
$sMap = $sMap[0];
if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $sSuffix))
return '';
$aCustomForm = array(
'form_attrs' => array(
'name' => "bx_wmap_save_location_{$sSuffix}",
'onsubmit' => "return glBxWmap{$sSuffix}.saveLocation();",
'method' => 'post',
'inputs' => array(
'Map' => array (
'type' => 'custom',
'content' => "$sMap
'name' => 'Map',
'caption' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_map'),
'Submit' => array (
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'submit_form',
'value' => _t('_bx_wmap_admin_save_location'),
$f = new BxTemplFormView ($aCustomForm);
return $f->getCode();
* @return 404 - not found, 403 - access denied, false - error occured, 1 - succesfully saved
function _saveData ($iEntryId, $sPart, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng, $sMapClassInstanceName = '', $sAddress = 'null', $sCountry = 'null')
if (!isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
return 404;
$iEntryId = (int)$iEntryId;
$aLocation = $this->_iProfileId ? $this->_oDb->getDirectLocation($iEntryId, $this->_aParts[$sPart]) : false;
if (!$aLocation || !$this->isAllowedEditOwnLocation($aLocation)) {
return 403;
if (!$aLocation && ('null' == $fLat || 'null' == $fLng))
return false;
$fLat = 'null' != $fLat ? (float)$fLat : $aLocation['lat'];
$fLng = 'null' != $fLng ? (float)$fLng : $aLocation['lng'];
$iZoom = 'null' != $iZoom ? (int)$iZoom : ($aLocation ? $aLocation['zoom'] : -1);
$sMapType = 'null' != $sMapType ? $sMapType : ($aLocation ? $aLocation['type'] : '');
$sAddress = 'null' != $sAddress ? process_db_input($sAddress, BX_TAGS_STRIP) : ($aLocation['address'] ? $aLocation['address'] : '');
$sCountry = 'null' != $sCountry ? process_db_input($sCountry, BX_TAGS_STRIP) : ($aLocation['country'] ? $aLocation['country'] : '');
switch ($sMapType) {
case 'normal':
case 'satellite':
case 'hybrid':
$sMapType = 'normal';
$aLocation['city'] = process_db_input($aLocation['city'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION);
$aLocation['title'] = process_db_input($aLocation['title'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION);
$mixedPrivacy = !empty($aLocation['privacy']) ? $aLocation['privacy'] : BX_WMAP_PRIVACY_DEFAULT;
if (!$this->_oDb->insertLocation ($iEntryId, $sPart, $aLocation['title'], $aLocation['uri'], $fLat, $fLng, $iZoom, $sMapType, $sAddress, $aLocation['city'], $sCountry, $mixedPrivacy))
return false;
$this->onEventLocationManuallyUpdated ($sPart, $iEntryId, array ('lat' => $fLat, 'lng' => $fLng, 'zoom' => $iZoom, 'map_type' => $sMapType, 'address' => $sAddress, 'country' => $sCountry));
return true;
function _validateParts ($sParts)
$aPartsRet = array();
$aPartsTmp = explode (',', $sParts);
foreach ($aPartsTmp as $sPart) {
if (isset($this->_aParts[$sPart]))
$aPartsRet[$sPart] = $sPart;
if (!$aPartsRet) {
foreach ($this->_aParts as $sPart => $r) {
$aPartsRet[$sPart] = $sPart;
return $aPartsRet;
function _getIconArray ($sBaseFilename = '', $isCountryFlag = false)
if ($isCountryFlag) {
$this->aIconsSizes['country_flag']['url'] = $sBaseFilename;
return $this->aIconsSizes['country_flag'];
if (!$sBaseFilename)
return $this->aIconsSizes['default'];
if (empty($this->aIconsSizes[$sBaseFilename]))
$this->aIconsSizes[$sBaseFilename] = $this->aIconsSizes['default'];
if (empty($this->aIconsSizes[$sBaseFilename]['url']))
$this->aIconsSizes[$sBaseFilename]['url'] = $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl ($sBaseFilename);
return $this->aIconsSizes[$sBaseFilename];