function BxDolPageBuilder( options ) { this.options = options; this.loadAreas(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.resetPage = function() { if( !confirm( _t('_adm_pbuilder_Reset_page_warning') ) ) return false; $.post( this.options.parser, { action: 'resetPage', Page: }, function() { location.reload(); } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.loadAreas = function() { var _builder = this; this.activeArea = $( '#activeBlocksArea' ).get(0); this.inactiveArea = $( '#inactiveBlocksArea' ).get(0); this.samplesArea = $( '#samplesBlocksArea' ).get(0); this.eAllAreas = $(this.activeArea).add(this.inactiveArea).add(this.samplesArea).parent().parent().get(0); $.getJSON( this.options.parser, {action:'load', Page:}, function( oJSON ){_builder.loadJSON( oJSON )} ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.loadJSON = function( oJSON ) { var _builder = this; if( window.console) console.log( oJSON ); if( ! ||!oJSON.widths || !oJSON.inactive || !oJSON.samples || !oJSON.min_widths ) return false; $(this.activeArea ).html( '' ); $(this.inactiveArea).html( '' ); $(this.samplesArea ).html( '' ); this.minWidths = oJSON.min_widths; var iColumns = 0; //active blocks for( var iColumn in oJSON.widths ) { var iWidth = oJSON.widths[iColumn]; var aBlocks =[iColumn]; var aBlocksOrder = oJSON.active_order[iColumn]; this.drawColumn( iColumn, iWidth, aBlocks, aBlocksOrder ); iColumns ++; } this.checkAddColumn(); //inactive blocks for( var iBlockID in oJSON.inactive ) { var sBlockCaption = oJSON.inactive[iBlockID]; this.drawBlock( iBlockID, sBlockCaption, this.inactiveArea ); } //inactive blocks for( var iBlockID in oJSON.samples ) { var sBlockCaption = oJSON.samples[iBlockID]; this.drawBlock( iBlockID, sBlockCaption, this.samplesArea ); } $(this.inactiveArea ).append( '
' ); $(this.samplesArea ).append( '
' ); this.initPageWidthSlider(); this.initOtherPagesWidthSlider(); this.initColsSlider(); this.checkBlocksMaxWidths(); this.activateSortables(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.initPageWidthSlider = function() { var _builder = this; var $slider = $( '#pageWidthSlider' ); if( !$slider.length ) return false; $slider.slider({ min: this.options.pageWidthMin, max: this.options.pageWidthMax + 1, value: this.width2slider( this.options.pageWidth ), change: function(e,ui) {_builder.onWidthSliderStop(ui.value)}, slide: function(e,ui) {_builder.onWidthSliderMove(ui.value)} }); $('#pageWidthValue').html(this.options.pageWidth); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.initOtherPagesWidthSlider = function() { var _builder = this; var $slider = $( '#pageWidthSlider1' ); if( !$slider.length ) return false; $slider.slider({ min: this.options.pageWidthMin, max: this.options.pageWidthMax + 1, value: this.width2slider( this.options.otherPagesWidth ), change: function(e,ui) {_builder.onOtherWidthSliderStop(ui.value)}, slide: function(e,ui) {_builder.onOtherWidthSliderMove(ui.value)} }); $('#pageWidthValue1').html(this.options.otherPagesWidth); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.width2slider = function( sCurWidth ) { if( sCurWidth == '100%' ) return this.options.pageWidthMax + 1; return parseInt( sCurWidth ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.slider2width = function( iSliderVal ) { if(iSliderVal > this.options.pageWidthMax) return '100%'; return iSliderVal + 'px'; } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.onWidthSliderStop = function(value) { var _builder = this; //set current page width this.options.pageWidth = this.slider2width(value); //submit page width $.post( this.options.parser, { action: 'savePageWidth', Page:, width: this.options.pageWidth }, function( sResponse ) { if( sResponse != 'OK' ) alert( sResponse ); } ); //update columns headers $( '.buildColumn', this.activeArea ).each( function(iInd){ _builder.setColumnHeader( this, (iInd + 1) ); } ); this.checkBlocksMaxWidths(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.onWidthSliderMove = function(value) { var sCurPageWidth = this.slider2width(value); $( '#pageWidthValue' ).html( sCurPageWidth ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.onOtherWidthSliderStop = function(value) { var _builder = this; //set current page width this.options.otherPagesWidth = this.slider2width( value ); //submit page width $.post( this.options.parser, { action: 'saveOtherPagesWidth', Page:, width: this.options.otherPagesWidth }, function( sResponse ) { if( sResponse != 'OK' ) alert( sResponse ); } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.onOtherWidthSliderMove = function(value) { var sCurPageWidth = this.slider2width( value ); $( '#pageWidthValue1' ).html( sCurPageWidth ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.checkBlocksMaxWidths = function() { //remove alerts $( '.blockAlert' ).remove(); if( this.options.pageWidth == '100%' ) return ; //do not check for( var iBlockID in this.minWidths ) { var iBlockMinWidth = this.minWidths[iBlockID]; var $block = $( '#buildBlock_' + iBlockID ); var iColumnWidth = Math.round( parseInt( this.options.pageWidth ) * parseInt( $block.parent().parent().css( 'width' ) ) / 100 ); if( iColumnWidth < iBlockMinWidth ) { $( '' ) .appendTo( $block ) .hover( function(){showFloatDesc( _t('_adm_pbuilder_Column_non_enough_width_warn', iBlockMinWidth));}, function(){hideFloatDesc();} ) .mousemove( function(e){moveFloatDesc( e )} ); } } } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.checkAddColumn = function() { var iColumns = $('.buildColumn', this.activeArea).length; $('#addColumnButton').attr('disabled', iColumns >= this.options.maxCols ? 'disabled' : ''); $('#addFullColumnButton').attr('disabled', iColumns >= this.options.maxCols ? 'disabled' : ''); $('#resetPage').attr('disabled', == undefined || == '' ? 'disabled' : ''); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.addColumn = function() { this.drawColumn($('.buildColumn',this.activeArea).length, 0, {}, {}); this.checkAddColumn(); this.refreshSortables(); this.reArrangeColumns(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.addFullColumn = function() { this.drawFullColumn($('.buildColumn',this.activeArea).length, 0, {}, {}); this.checkAddColumn(); this.refreshSortables(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.drawFullColumn = function( iColumnNum, iWidth, aBlocks, aBlocksOrder ) { $('div.clear_both',this.activeArea).remove(); var $newColumn = $( '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' ).prependTo(this.activeArea); this.setColumnHeader( $newColumn, iColumnNum, true ); var eColumnCont = $( '.buildColumnCont', $newColumn ).get(0); for( var i in aBlocksOrder ) { var iBlockID = aBlocksOrder[i]; var sBlockCaption = aBlocks[iBlockID]; this.drawBlock( iBlockID, sBlockCaption, eColumnCont ); } $(this.activeArea).append( '
' ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.initColsSlider = function() { var iSliderValue = 0; var aSliderValues = []; var _builder = this; var $Columns = $( '.buildColumn', this.activeArea ); var iColumns = $Columns.length; if( iColumns < 2 ) return; //dont insert for( var iSliderNum = 0; iSliderNum < (iColumns - 1); iSliderNum ++ ) { var iColWidth = parseFloat( $Columns.eq(iSliderNum).css( 'width' ) ); iSliderValue += iColWidth; aSliderValues[iSliderNum] = iSliderValue*10; } //init slider $( '#columnsSlider' ) .slider('destroy') .slider( { change: function(e,ui) {_builder.onColsSliderStop(ui)}, slide: function(e,ui) {_builder.onColsSliderMove(ui)}, max: 1000, values: aSliderValues } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.onColsSliderStop = function() { this.checkBlocksMaxWidths(); this.submitWidths(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.onColsSliderMove = function(slider) { var _builder = this; var aValues = new Array(); if( typeof slider.values == 'object' ) { var iCounter = 0; for( var iInd in slider.values ) aValues[iCounter++] = slider.values[iInd] / 10; } else if( typeof slider.values == 'number' ) { aValues[0] = slider.values / 10; } aValues[aValues.length] = 100; //console.log( aValues ); var iMinusWidth = 0; $('.buildColumn', this.activeArea).each( function(iInd){ var iNewWidth = aValues[iInd] - iMinusWidth; $(this).css( 'width', iNewWidth + '%' ); _builder.setColumnHeader( this, (iInd+1) ); iMinusWidth += iNewWidth; } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.submit = function() { var _builder = this; var aColumns = new Array(); //get columns $( '.buildColumn', this.activeArea ).each( function(){ var iColumn = aColumns.length; aColumns[iColumn] = new Array(); //get blocks $( '.buildBlock', this ).each( function(){ var iItemID = parseInt( 'buildBlock_'.length ) ); aColumns[iColumn].push(iItemID); } ); aColumns[iColumn] = aColumns[iColumn].join(','); iColumn ++; } ); $.post( this.options.parser, { action: 'saveBlocks', Page:, 'columns[]': aColumns, _t: new Date() }, function(sResponse){ if( sResponse != 'OK' ) alert(sResponse); _builder.submitWidths(); } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.submitWidths = function() { var aWidths = new Array(); $( '.buildColumn', this.activeArea ).each( function(){ aWidths[aWidths.length] = parseFloat( $(this).css('width') ); } ); $.post( this.options.parser, { action:'saveColsWidths', Page:, 'widths[]': aWidths }, function(sResponse){ if( sResponse != 'OK' ) alert(sResponse); } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.setColumnHeader = function( parent, iNum, bIgnoreColsNum ) { var bIgnoreColsNum = bIgnoreColsNum || false; var _builder = this; var iPerWidth = parseFloat( $(parent).css('width') ); var sPixAdd = ''; if( this.options.pageWidth.substr(-2) == 'px' ) { var iPixWidth = Math.round( ( parseInt( this.options.pageWidth ) * iPerWidth ) / 100 ); sPixAdd = '/' + iPixWidth + 'px'; } var $header = $('.buildColumnHeader', parent).html( _t('_adm_btn_Column') + ' ' + iNum + ' (' + iPerWidth + '%' + sPixAdd + ')' ); if( bIgnoreColsNum || $('.buildColumn', this.activeArea).length > this.options.minCols ) { $header.append( 'Delete' ).children('a').click( function(){ if( confirm( _t('_adm_pbuilder_Column_delete_confirmation') ) ) { _builder.deleteColumn( parent ); } return false; }); } } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.deleteColumn = function( column ) { $('.buildBlock', column).prependTo( this.inactiveArea ); $(column).remove(); this.checkAddColumn(); this.reArrangeColumns(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.reArrangeColumns = function() { var _builder = this; var $columns = $('.buildColumn', this.activeArea); var iNewWidth = Math.floor( 100 / $columns.length ); $columns.css( 'width', iNewWidth + '%' ).each( function( iInd ) { _builder.setColumnHeader( this, (iInd+1) ); } ); this.initColsSlider(); this.submit(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.destroySortables = function() { if( this.oSIColumns ) this.oSIColumns.destroy(); if( this.oSIBlocks ) this.oSIBlocks.destroy(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.activateSortables = function() { var _builder = this; $(this.activeArea).sortable('destroy').sortable({ items: '.buildColumn', hoverClass: 'buildHover', forceHelperSize: true, //appendTo: 'body', cancel: '.buildBlock', placeholder: 'buildColumn ui-sortable-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, stop: function() {_builder.columnsStopSort();} }); var $bl = $('.buildColumnCont', this.eAllAreas).add(this.inactiveArea).add(this.samplesArea); $bl.sortable('destroy').sortable({ items: '.buildBlock,.buildBlockFake', connectWith: $bl, placeholder: 'buildBlock ui-sortable-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, stop: function(e, ui) {_builder.blocksStopSort(ui.item[0]);} }); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.refreshSortables = function() { this.activateSortables(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.columnsStopSort = function( cycled ) { var _builder = this; if( cycled == undefined ) { setTimeout(function(){_builder.columnsStopSort(true)}, 600); return ; } var iCounter = 0; var iSliderValue = 0; $('.buildColumn', this.activeArea).each( function(){ var iWidth = parseFloat( $(this).css('width') ); iSliderValue += iWidth; //update slider $('#columnsSlider').slider('values', iCounter, iSliderValue*10); //update column header _builder.setColumnHeader( this, (iCounter + 1) ); iCounter ++; } ); this.submit(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.blocksStopSort = function(eDragged, cycled) { var _builder = this; if( cycled == undefined ) { setTimeout(function(){_builder.blocksStopSort(eDragged, true)}, 600); return ; } //check if the dragged element is sample if( $( '#' +, this.activeArea ).length ) { // if it is dragged to the active area var iBlockID = parseInt( 'buildBlock_'.length ) ); $.post( this.options.parser, { action: 'checkNewBlock', Page:, id: iBlockID }, function( sResponse ) { if( sResponse == '' ) { _builder.submit(); } else { var iNewBlockID = parseInt( sResponse ); if( iNewBlockID ) _builder.addBlock(iNewBlockID,eDragged); _builder.submit(); } } ); } else this.submit(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.addBlock = function( iNewID, eBefore ) { this.drawBlock( iNewID, $(eBefore).text(), this.samplesArea ); $( '#buildBlock_' + iNewID, this.samplesArea ).insertBefore( eBefore ); $( eBefore ).prependTo( this.samplesArea ); this.refreshSortables(); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.drawColumn = function( iColumnNum, iWidth, aBlocks, aBlocksOrder ) { $('div.clear_both',this.activeArea).remove(); var $newColumn = $( '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' ).appendTo(this.activeArea); this.setColumnHeader( $newColumn, iColumnNum, true ); var eColumnCont = $( '.buildColumnCont', $newColumn ).get(0); for( var i in aBlocksOrder ) { var iBlockID = aBlocksOrder[i]; var sBlockCaption = aBlocks[iBlockID]; this.drawBlock( iBlockID, sBlockCaption, eColumnCont ); } $(this.activeArea).append( '
' ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.drawBlock = function( iBlockID, sBlockCaption, eColumnCont ) { var _builder = this; if (sBlockCaption.length == 0) sBlockCaption = _t('_Empty'); $( '
' + '' + sBlockCaption + '' + '
' ) .appendTo(eColumnCont) .children('a') .click( function() { _builder.openProperties( iBlockID ); return false; } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.openProperties = function( iBlockID ) { var _builder = this; if (!$('#editFormCont').length) { $('').prependTo('body'); } $('#editFormCont') .load( this.options.parser, { action:'loadEditForm', Page:, id: iBlockID }, function() { var $form = $('form', this); $(this).dolPopup({ closeOnOuterClick: false, fog: { color: '#fff', opacity: .7 } }); $('#form_input_html' + iBlockID, $form).each( function(){ tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, 'form_input_html' + iBlockID); } ); $('#editFormCont .dbTopMenu .adm-db-close a').click( function(){ $('#form_input_html' + iBlockID, $form).each( function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'form_input_html' + iBlockID); } ); $( '#editFormCont' ).dolPopupHide({}); return false; } ); $(':reset[name=Cancel]', $form).click( function(){ $('#form_input_html' + iBlockID, $form).each( function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'form_input_html' + iBlockID); } ); $( '#editFormCont' ).dolPopupHide({}); return false; } ); $(':reset[name=Delete]',$form).click( function(){ if( confirm( _t('_adm_pbuilder_Want_to_delete') ) ) { _builder.deleteBlock( iBlockID ); $( '#editFormCont' ).dolPopupHide({}); } }); $form.ajaxForm( { beforeSubmit: function(){ $('#form_input_html' + iBlockID, $form).each( function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'form_input_html' + iBlockID); }); return true; }, success: function(sResponse){ _builder.updateBlock( iBlockID, sResponse ); $( '#editFormCont' ).dolPopupHide({}); } } ); } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.deleteCustomPage = function( sPageName ) { var _this = this; if( confirm( _t('_Are you sure?') ) ) { $.post( this.options.parser,{ action: 'deleteCustomPage', Page: }, function(sErrorMessage){ if(!sErrorMessage) { //make redirect to builder home page window.location = _this.options.parser } else { //generate error message alert(sErrorMessage); } }); } } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.deleteBlock = function( iBlockID ) { $( '#buildBlock_' + iBlockID ).remove(); $.post( this.options.parser,{ action: 'deleteBlock', Page:, id: iBlockID } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.updateBlock = function( iBlockID, sCaption ) { var _builder = this; $( '#buildBlock_' + iBlockID ).html( '' + sCaption + '' ) .children('a').click( function() { _builder.openProperties( iBlockID ); return false; } ); } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.getHorizScroll = function() { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") return document.documentElement.scrollLeft; else return window.pageXOffset; } BxDolPageBuilder.prototype.getVertScroll = function() { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") return document.documentElement.scrollTop; else return window.pageYOffset; } function showNewPageDialog(sParserUrl) { if (!$('#editFormCont').length) { $('').prependTo('body'); } $('#editFormCont') .load( sParserUrl, { action_sys:'loadNewPageForm' }, function() { var $form = $('form', this); $(this).dolPopup({ fog: { color: '#fff', opacity: .7 } }); $(':reset[name=Cancel]',$form).click( function(){ $( '#editFormCont' ).dolPopupHide({}); return false; } ); $form.ajaxForm( { success: function(sResponse){ if (sResponse == 'OK') { window.location = sParserUrl + '?Page=' + encodeURIComponent($('input[name=uri]', $form).val()); } else { alert('Cannot create page. ' + sResponse); } } } ); } ); }