aSpecialKeys = array('rate' => '', 'rate_cnt' => ''); } function getProfileMatch( $memberID, $profileID ) { $match_n = getProfilesMatch($memberID, $profileID); // impl return DesignProgressPos ( _t("_XX match", $match_n), $GLOBALS['oTemplConfig']->iProfileViewProgressBar, 100, $match_n );; } function getProfileZodiac( $profileDate ) { return ShowZodiacSign( $profileDate ); } function TemplPageAddComponent($sKey) { switch( $sKey ) { case 'something': return false; // return here additional components default: return false; // if you have not such component, return false! } } /** * Function will generate object's action link ; * * @param : $aObjectParamaters (array) contain special markers ; * @param : $aRow (array) links's info ; * @param : $sCssClass (string) additional css style ; * @return : Html presentation data ; */ function genActionLink( &$aObjectParamaters, $aRow, $sCssClass = null, $sTemplateIndexActionLink = 'action') { // ** init some needed variables ; $sOutputHtml = null; $aUsedTemplate = array ( 'action' => 'action_link.html', 'action_submenu' => 'action_link_submenu.html', ); // find and replace all special markers ; foreach( $aRow AS $sKeyName => $sKeyValue ) { if ( $sKeyName == 'Caption' ) { $aRow[$sKeyName] = $this -> markerReplace($aObjectParamaters, $sKeyValue, $aRow['Eval'], true); } else { $aRow[$sKeyName] = $this -> markerReplace($aObjectParamaters, $sKeyValue, $aRow['Eval']); } } $sKeyValue = trim($sKeyValue, '{}'); if ( array_key_exists($sKeyValue, $this -> aSpecialKeys) ) { return $aRow['Eval']; } else { $sSiteUrl = (preg_match("/^(http|https|ftp|mailto)/", $aRow['Url'])) ? '' : BX_DOL_URL_ROOT; // build the link components ; //$sLinkSrc = (!$aRow['Script']) ? $aRow['Url'] : 'javascript:void(0)'; $sScriptAction = ( $aRow['Script'] ) ? ' onclick="' . $aRow['Script'] . '"' : ''; $sScriptAction = ($sScriptAction=='' && $aRow['Url']!='') ? " onclick=\" ('{$sSiteUrl}{$aRow['Url']}','_self');\" " : $sScriptAction; $sIcon = getTemplateIcon($aRow['Icon']); if ( $aRow['Caption'] and ($aRow['Url'] or $aRow['Script'] ) ) { $sCssClass = ( $sCssClass ) ? 'class="' . $sCssClass . '"' : null; $aTemplateKeys = array ( 'action_img_alt' => $aRow['Caption'], 'action_img_src' => $sIcon, 'action_caption' => $aRow['Caption'], 'extended_css' => $sCssClass, 'extended_action' => $sScriptAction, ); $sOutputHtml .= $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate'] -> parseHtmlByName( $aUsedTemplate[$sTemplateIndexActionLink], $aTemplateKeys ); } } return $sOutputHtml; } /** * Function will parse and replace all special markers ; * * @param $aMemberSettings (array) : all available member's information * @param $sTransformText (text) : string that will to parse * @param $bTranslate (boolean) : if isset this param - script will try to translate it used dolphin language file * @return (string) : parsed string */ function markerReplace( &$aMemberSettings, $sTransformText, $sExecuteCode = null, $bTranslate = false ) { $aMatches = array(); preg_match_all( "/([a-z0-9\-\_ ]{1,})|({([^\}]+)\})/i", $sTransformText, $aMatches ); if ( is_array($aMatches) and !empty($aMatches) ) { // replace all founded markers ; foreach( $aMatches[3] as $iMarker => $sMarkerValue ) { if ( is_array($aMemberSettings) and array_key_exists($sMarkerValue, $aMemberSettings) and !array_key_exists($sMarkerValue, $this -> aSpecialKeys) ){ $sTransformText = str_replace( '{' . $sMarkerValue . '}', $aMemberSettings[$sMarkerValue], $sTransformText); } else if ( $sMarkerValue == 'evalResult' and $sExecuteCode ) { //find all special markers into Execute code ; $sExecuteCode = $this -> markerReplace( $aMemberSettings, $sExecuteCode ); $sTransformText = str_replace( '{' . $sMarkerValue . '}', eval( $sExecuteCode ), $sTransformText); } else { // if isset into special keys ; if ( array_key_exists($sMarkerValue, $this -> aSpecialKeys) ) { return $aMemberSettings[$sMarkerValue]; } else { // undefined keys switch ($sMarkerValue) { } } } } // try to translate item ; if ( $bTranslate ) { foreach( $aMatches[1] as $iMarker => $sMarkerValue ) if ( $sMarkerValue ) $sTransformText = str_replace( $sMarkerValue , _t( trim($sMarkerValue) ), $sTransformText); } } return $sTransformText; } function msgBox($sText, $iTimer = 0, $sOnClose = "") { $iId = mktime() . mt_rand(1, 1000); return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('messageBox.html', array( 'id' => $iId, 'msgText' => $sText, 'bx_if:timer' => array( 'condition' => $iTimer > 0, 'content' => array( 'id' => $iId, 'time' => 1000 * $iTimer, 'on_close' => $sOnClose, ) ) )); } function loadingBox($sName) { return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('loading.html', array( 'name' => $sName, )); } /** * Get standard popup box. * * @param string $sTitle - translated title * @param string $sContent - content of the box * @param array $aActions - an array of actions. See an example below. * @return string HTML of Standard Popup Box * * @see Example of actions * $aActions = array( * 'a1' => array('href' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'onclick' => 'javascript: changeType(this)', 'class' => 'wall-ptype-ctl', 'icon' => 'post_text.png', 'title' => _t('_title_a1'), 'active' => 1), * 'a2' => array('href' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'onclick' => 'javascript: changeType(this)', 'class' => 'wall-ptype-ctl', 'icon' => 'post_text.png', 'title' => _t('_title_a2')) * ); */ function popupBox($sName, $sTitle, $sContent, $aActions = array()) { $iId = !empty($sName) ? $sName : mktime(); $aButtons = array(); foreach($aActions as $sId => $aAction) $aButtons[] = array( 'id' => $sId, 'title' => htmlspecialchars_adv(_t($aAction['title'])), 'class' => isset($aAction['class']) ? ' class="' . $aAction['class'] . '"' : '', 'icon' => isset($aAction['icon']) ? '' : '', 'href' => isset($aAction['href']) ? ' href="' . htmlspecialchars_adv($aAction['href']) . '"' : '', 'target' => isset($aAction['target']) ? ' target="' . $aAction['target'] . '"' : '', 'on_click' => isset($aAction['onclick']) ? ' onclick="' . $aAction['onclick'] . '"' : '', 'bx_if:hide_active' => array( 'condition' => !isset($aAction['active']) || $aAction['active'] != 1, 'content' => array() ), 'bx_if:hide_inactive' => array( 'condition' => isset($aAction['active']) && $aAction['active'] == 1, 'content' => array() ) ); return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('popup_box.html', array( 'id' => $iId, 'title' => $sTitle, 'bx_repeat:actions' => $aButtons, 'content' => $sContent )); } function transBox($content, $isPlaceInCenter = false) { return ($isPlaceInCenter ? '
' : '') . $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('transBox.html', array('content' => $content)) . ($isPlaceInCenter ? '
' : ''); } /** * @description : function will generate the sex icon ; * @param : $sSex (string) - sex name ; * @return : (text) - path to image ; */ function genSexIcon($sSex) { switch( $sSex ) { case 'male' : return getTemplateIcon( 'male.png' ); case 'female' : return getTemplateIcon( 'female.png' ); case 'men' : return getTemplateIcon( 'male.png' ); default : return getTemplateIcon( 'tux.png' ); } } function getSexPic($sSex, $sType = 'medium') { $aGenders = array ( 'female' => 'woman_', 'Female' => 'woman_', 'male' => 'man_', 'Male' => 'man_', ); return getTemplateIcon(isset($aGenders[$sSex]) ? $aGenders[$sSex] . $sType . '.gif' : 'visitor_' . $sType . '.gif'); } function getMemberAvatar($iId, $sType = 'medium') { $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iId); if (!$aProfile || !@include_once (BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . 'boonex/avatar/include.php')) return false; return $aProfile['Avatar'] ? BX_AVA_URL_USER_AVATARS . $aProfile['Avatar'] . ($sType == 'small' ? 'i' : '') . BX_AVA_EXT : $this->getSexPic($aProfile['Sex'], $sType); } function getMemberThumbnail($iId, $sFloat = 'none', $bGenProfLink = false, $sForceSex = 'visitor', $isAutoCouple = true, $sType = 'medium', $aOnline = array()) { $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iId); if (!$aProfile) return ''; $bCouple = ((int)$aProfile['Couple'] > 0) && $isAutoCouple ? true : false; $bOnline = 0; if (!@include_once (BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . 'boonex/avatar/include.php')) return ''; $sLink = ''; $sUserTitle = ''; $sUserInfo = ''; $oUserStatusView = bx_instance('BxDolUserStatusView'); $sStatusIcon = $oUserStatusView->getStatusIcon($iId, 'icon8'); if ($iId > 0) { $sLink = getProfileLink($iId); $sUserTitle = $this->getUserTitle($iId); $sUserInfo = $this->getUserInfo($iId); if (empty($aOnline) || 0 != (int)$aOnline['is_online']) $bOnline = 1; } if (!$bGenProfLink) { if ($sForceSex != 'visitor') { $sUserTitle = _t('_Vacant'); $sLink = 'javascript:void(0)'; } } $aVariables = array( 'iProfId' => $iId, 'sys_thb_float' => $sFloat, 'classes_add' => ($bGenProfLink ? ' thumbnail_block_with_info' : '') . ($sType != 'medium' ? ' thumbnail_block_icon' : ''), 'sys_status_url' => getTemplateIcon($sStatusIcon), 'sys_status_title' => $oUserStatusView->getStatus($iId), 'usr_profile_url' => $sLink, 'usr_thumb_url0' => $aProfile['Avatar'] ? BX_AVA_URL_USER_AVATARS . $aProfile['Avatar'] . ($sType == 'small' ? 'i' : '') . BX_AVA_EXT : $this->getSexPic($aProfile['Sex'], $sType), 'usr_thumb_title0' => $sUserTitle, 'bx_if:profileLink' => array( 'condition' => $bGenProfLink, 'content' => array( 'user_title' => $sUserTitle, 'user_info' => $sUserInfo, 'usr_profile_url' => $sLink, ) ), ); if ($bCouple) { $aProfileCouple = getProfileInfo($aProfile['Couple']); $aVariables['usr_thumb_url1'] = $aProfileCouple['Avatar'] ? BX_AVA_URL_USER_AVATARS . $aProfileCouple['Avatar'] . ($sType == 'small' ? 'i' : '') . BX_AVA_EXT : $this->getSexPic($aProfileCouple['Sex'], $sType); } return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName($bCouple ? "thumbnail_couple.html" : "thumbnail_single.html", $aVariables); } function getMemberIcon($iId, $sFloat = 'none', $bGenProfLink = false) { return $this->getMemberThumbnail($iId, $sFloat, $bGenProfLink, 'visitor', false, 'small'); } /** * Get image of the specified type by image id * @param $aImageInfo image info array with the following info * $aImageInfo['Avatar'] - photo id, NOTE: it not relatyed to profiles avataras module at all * @param $sImgType image type */ function _getImageShared($aImageInfo, $sType = 'thumb') { return BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($aImageInfo, $sType), 'Search'); } function getTemplateIcon($sName) { $sUrl = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->getIconUrl($sName); return !empty($sUrl) ? $sUrl : $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->getIconUrl('spacer.gif'); } function getTemplateImage($sName) { $sUrl = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->getImageUrl($sName); return !empty($sUrl) ? $sUrl : $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->getImageUrl('spacer.gif'); } /** * @description : function will generate object's action lists; * @param : $aKeys (array) - array with all nedded keys; * @param : $sActionsType (string) - type of actions; * @param : $iDivider (integer) - number of column; * @return: HTML presentation data; */ function genObjectsActions( &$aKeys, $sActionsType, $bSubMenuMode = false, $sTemplateIndex = 'actions', $sTemplateIndexActionLink = 'action' ) { // ** init some needed variables ; $sActionsList = null; $sResponceBlock = null; $aUsedTemplate = array ( 'actions_submenu' => 'member_actions_list_submenu.html', 'actions' => 'member_actions_list.html', 'ajaxy_popup' => 'ajaxy_popup_result.html', ); // read data from cache file ; $oCache = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getDbCacheObject(); $aActions = $oCache->getData($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey('sys_objects_actions')); // if cache file empty - will read from db ; if (null === $aActions || empty($aActions[$sActionsType]) ) { $sQuery = " SELECT `Caption`, `Icon`, `Url`, `Script`, `Eval`, `bDisplayInSubMenuHeader` FROM `sys_objects_actions` WHERE `Type` = '{$sActionsType}' ORDER BY `Order` "; $rResult = db_res($sQuery); while ( $aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult) ) { $aActions[$sActionsType][] = $aRow; } // write data into cache file ; if ( is_array($aActions[$sActionsType]) and !empty($aActions[$sActionsType]) ) { $oCache->setData ($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey('sys_objects_actions'), $aActions); } } // ** generate actions block ; // contain all systems actions that will procces by self function ; $aCustomActions = array(); if ( is_array($aActions[$sActionsType]) and !empty($aActions[$sActionsType]) ) { // need for table's divider ; $iDivider = $iIndex = 0; foreach( $aActions[$sActionsType] as $aRow ) { if ($bSubMenuMode && $aRow['bDisplayInSubMenuHeader']==0) continue; $sOpenTag = $sCloseTag = null; // generate action's link ; $sActionLink = $this -> genActionLink( $aKeys, $aRow, 'menuLink', $sTemplateIndexActionLink ); if ( $sActionLink ) { $iDivider = $iIndex % 2; if ( !$iDivider ) { $sOpenTag = ''; } if ( $iDivider ) { $sCloseTag = ''; } $aActionsItem[] = array ( 'open_tag' => $sOpenTag, 'action_link' => $sActionLink, 'close_tag' => $sCloseTag, ); $iIndex++; } // it's system action ; if ( !$aRow['Url'] && !$aRow['Script'] ) { $aCustomActions[] = array ( 'caption' => $aRow['Caption'], 'code' => $aRow['Eval'], ); } } } if ($iIndex % 2 == 1) { //fix for ODD menu elements count $aActionsItem[] = array ( 'open_tag' => '', 'action_link' => '', 'close_tag' => '' ); } if ( !empty($aActionsItem) ) { // check what response window use ; // is there any value to having this template even if the ID is empty? if (!empty($aKeys['ID'])) { $sResponceBlock = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate'] -> parseHtmlByName( $aUsedTemplate['ajaxy_popup'], array('object_id' => $aKeys['ID']) ); } $aTemplateKeys = array ( 'bx_repeat:actions' => $aActionsItem, 'responce_block' => $sResponceBlock, ); $sActionsList = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate'] -> parseHtmlByName( $aUsedTemplate[$sTemplateIndex], $aTemplateKeys ); } //procces all the custom actions ; if ($aCustomActions) { foreach($aCustomActions as $iIndex => $sValue ) { $sActionsList .= eval( $this -> markerReplace($aKeys, $aCustomActions[$iIndex]['code']) ); } } return $sActionsList; } /** * alternative to GenFormWrap * easy to use but javascript based * $s - content to be centered * $sBlockStyle - block's style, jquery selector * * see also bx_center_content javascript function, if you need to call this function from javascript */ function centerContent ($s, $sBlockStyle, $isClearBoth = true) { $sId = 'id' . time() . rand(); return '
' . $s . ($isClearBoth ? '
' : '') . '
'; } /** * Generates site's main logo. * * @return: HTML presentation data; */ function genSiteLogo() { global $dir, $site; $sFileName = getParam('sys_main_logo'); if(!file_exists($dir['mediaImages'] . $sFileName)) return ''; return ''; } /** * Generates site's splash. * * @return: HTML presentation data; */ function genSiteSplash() { $sVisibility = getParam('splash_visibility'); $bLogged = getParam('splash_logged') == 'on'; if($sVisibility == BX_DOL_SPLASH_VIS_DISABLE || ($sVisibility == BX_DOL_SPLASH_VIS_INDEX && !defined('BX_INDEX_PAGE')) || ($bLogged && isLogged())) return ''; return DesignBoxContent('', getParam('splash_code'), 3); } /** * Function will generate site's search; * * @return : Html presentation data; */ function genSiteSearch() { $sSearchC = process_line_output(_t('_Search')); ob_start(); ?>
' . $oMenu->getCode() . ''; } /** * Function will generate site's bottom menu; * * @return : Html presentation data; */ function genSiteBottomMenu() { bx_import('BxTemplMenuBottom'); $oMenu = new BxTemplMenuBottom(); return $oMenu->getCode(); } function genNotifyMessage($sMessage, $sDirection = 'left', $isButton = false, $sScript = '') { $sDirStyle = ($sDirection == 'left') ? '' : 'notify_message_none'; switch ($sDirection) { case 'none': break; case 'left': break; } $sPossibleID = ($isButton) ? ' id="isButton" ' : ''; $sOnClick = $sScript ? ' onclick="' . $sScript . '"' : ''; return <<
EOF; } function genGalleryImages($aImages, $oTemplate = false) { if (!$aImages) return ''; $aVars = array ( 'prefix' => $sPrefix ? $sPrefix : 'id'.time().'_'.rand(1, 999999), 'bx_repeat:images_icons' => array (), ); $iId = 0; foreach ($aImages as $aImage) { $aVars['bx_repeat:images'][] = array ( 'id' => ++$iId, 'icon_url' => $aImage['icon_url'], 'image_url' => $aImage['image_url'], 'title' => $aImage['title'], ); } if (!$oTemplate) $oTemplate = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']; $oTemplate->addJs('jquery.dolGalleryImages.js'); $oTemplate->addCss('gallery_images.css'); return $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('gallery_images.html', $aVars); } function sysIcon ($sIcon, $sName, $sUrl = '', $iWidth = 0) { return '
' . ($sUrl ? '' : '') . ''.$sName.'' . ($sUrl ? '' : '') . '
'; } function getUserTitle ($iId) { $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iId); if (!$aProfile) return false; return $aProfile['NickName']; } function getUserInfo ($iId) { $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iId); if (!$aProfile) return false; return $aProfile['Headline']; } } ?>