addJsTranslation(array( '_adm_pbuilder_Reset_page_warning', '_adm_pbuilder_Column_non_enough_width_warn', '_adm_pbuilder_Column_delete_confirmation', '_adm_pbuilder_Add_column', '_adm_pbuilder_Want_to_delete' )); $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addJsImage(array( 'pb_delete_column' => 'pb_cross.gif' )); $this -> sDBTable = $sDBTable; $this -> sCacheFile = $sCacheFile; // special actions (without creating page) if (isset($_REQUEST['action_sys'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['action_sys']) { case 'loadNewPageForm': echo $this -> getCssCode(); echo $this -> showNewPageForm(); break; case 'createNewPage': echo $this->createUserPage(); break; } exit; } $sPage = process_pass_data( isset( $_REQUEST['Page'] ) ? trim( urldecode ($_REQUEST['Page']) ) : '' ); $this -> getPages(); if (strlen($sPage) && in_array($sPage, $this->aPages)) { $this->oPage = new BxDolPVAPage( $sPage, $this ); } $this -> checkAjaxMode(); if( !empty($_REQUEST['action']) and $this -> oPage ) { $this -> sPage_db = addslashes( $this -> oPage -> sName ); switch( $_REQUEST['action'] ) { case 'load': header( 'Content-type:text/javascript' ); send_headers_page_changed(); echo $this -> oPage -> getJSON(); break; case 'saveColsWidths': if( is_array( $_POST['widths'] ) ) { $this -> saveColsWidths( $_POST['widths'] ); $this -> createCache(); } break; case 'saveBlocks': if( is_array( $_POST['columns'] ) ) { $this -> saveBlocks( $_POST['columns'] ); $this -> createCache(); } break; case 'loadEditForm': if( $iBlockID = (int)$_POST['id'] ) { header( 'Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8' ); echo $this -> getCssCode(); echo $this -> showPropForm( $iBlockID ); } break; case 'saveItem': if( (int)$_POST['id'] ) { $this -> saveItem( $_POST ); $this -> createCache((int)$_POST['id']); } break; case 'deleteCustomPage' : header( 'Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8' ); $sPage = isset($_POST['Page']) ? $_POST['Page'] : ''; if(!$sPage) { echo _t('_Error Occured'); } else { //remove page from page builder $this -> deleteCustomPage($sPage); } break; case 'deleteBlock': if( $iBlockID = (int)$_REQUEST['id'] ) { $this -> deleteBlock( $iBlockID ); $this -> createCache(); } break; case 'checkNewBlock': if( $iBlockID = (int)$_REQUEST['id'] ) $this -> checkNewBlock( $iBlockID ); break; case 'savePageWidth': if( $sPageWidth = process_pass_data( $_POST['width'] ) ) { $this -> savePageWidth( $sPageWidth ); $this -> createCache(); if( $this -> oPage -> sName == 'index' ) { if( $sPageWidth == '100%' ) setParam( 'promoWidth', '998' ); else setParam( 'promoWidth', (int)$sPageWidth ); ResizeAllPromos(); } } break; case 'saveOtherPagesWidth': if( $sWidth = $_REQUEST['width'] ) { setParam( 'main_div_width', $sWidth ); echo 'OK'; } break; case 'resetPage': $this -> resetPage(); $this -> createCache(); break; } } if($this -> bAjaxMode) exit; $sMainPageContent = $this -> showBuildZone(); global $_page, $_page_cont; $iNameIndex = 0; $_page = array( 'name_index' => $iNameIndex, 'css_name' => array('pageBuilder.css', 'forms_adv.css'), 'js_name' => array('ui.core.js', 'ui.sortable.js', 'ui.slider.js', 'BxDolPageBuilder.js'), 'header' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_title'), 'header_text' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_box_title'), ); $_page_cont[$iNameIndex]['page_main_code'] = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addJs(array('tiny_mce_gzip.js', 'page_builder_tiny.js'), 1) . $sMainPageContent; PageCodeAdmin(); } function createUserPage() { $sUri = process_db_input($_REQUEST['uri']); if (db_value("select `Name` from `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` where `Name` = '$sUri'")) return 'Uri is not unique.'; $sTitle = process_db_input($_REQUEST['title']); $bIsSystem = 0; $sQuery = " INSERT INTO `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` (`Name`, `Title`, `Order`, `System`) SELECT '{$sUri}', '$sTitle', MAX(`Order`) + 1, '$bIsSystem' FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` LIMIT 1 "; db_res($sQuery); if (!db_affected_rows()) return 'Failed database insert'; return 'OK'; } function savePageWidth( $sPageWidth ) { $sPageWidth = process_db_input( $sPageWidth, BX_TAGS_STRIP ); $sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `PageWidth` = '{$sPageWidth}' WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'"; db_res( $sQuery ); echo 'OK'; } function createCache($iBlockId = 0) { $oCacher = new BxDolPageViewCacher( $this -> sDBTable, $this -> sCacheFile ); $oCacher -> createCache(); if ($iBlockId > 0) { $oCacheBlocks = $oCacher->getBlocksCacheObject (); $a = array ( $iBlockId.true.'tab'.false, $iBlockId.false.'tab'.false, $iBlockId.true.'popup'.false, $iBlockId.false.'popup'.false, $iBlockId.true.'tab'.true, $iBlockId.false.'tab'.true, $iBlockId.true.'popup'.true, $iBlockId.false.'popup'.true ); foreach ($a as $sKey) $oCacheBlocks->delData($oCacher->genBlocksCacheKey ($sKey)); } } function checkNewBlock( $iBlockID ) { $iBlockID = (int) $iBlockID; $sQuery = "SELECT `Desc`, `Caption`, `Func`, `Content`, `Visible` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `ID` = '{$iBlockID}'"; $aBlock = db_assoc_arr( $sQuery ); if( $aBlock['Func'] == 'Sample' ) { $sQuery = " INSERT INTO `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `Desc` = '" . addslashes( $aBlock['Desc'] ) . "', `Caption` = '" . addslashes( $aBlock['Caption'] ) . "', `Func` = '{$aBlock['Content']}', `Visible` = '{$aBlock['Visible']}', `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}' "; db_res( $sQuery ); echo db_last_id(); $this -> createCache(); } } function deleteCustomPage($sPageName) { $sPageName = process_db_input($sPageName, BX_TAGS_STRIP, BX_SLASHES_AUTO); $sQuery = "DELETE `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages`, `{$this -> sDBTable}` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` LEFT JOIN `{$this -> sDBTable}` ON `{$this -> sDBTable}`.`Page` = `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages`.`Name` WHERE `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages`.`Name` = '{$sPageName}'"; db_res($sQuery); } function deleteBlock( $iBlockID ) { $iBlockID = (int) $iBlockID; $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}' AND `ID` = '{$iBlockID}'"; db_res( $sQuery ); } function resetPage() { if( $this -> oPage -> bResetable ) { $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'"; db_res($sQuery); execSqlFile( $this -> oPage -> sDefaultSqlFile ); if( $this -> oPage -> sName == 'index' ) { setParam( 'promoWidth', '960' ); ResizeAllPromos(); } } echo (int)$this -> oPage -> bResetable; } function saveItem( $aData ) { $iID = (int)$aData['id']; $sQuery = "SELECT `Func` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `ID` = $iID"; $sFunc = db_value( $sQuery ); if( !$sFunc ) return; $sCaption = process_db_input($aData['Caption'], BX_TAGS_STRIP); $sVisible = is_array( $aData['Visible'] ) ? implode( ',', $aData['Visible'] ) : ''; $iCache = (int)$aData['Cache'] > 0 ? (int)$aData['Cache'] : 0; if( $sFunc == 'RSS' ) $sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Url'], BX_TAGS_STRIP) . '#' . (int)$aData['Num'] . "',"; elseif( $sFunc == 'Echo' ) $sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . process_db_input($aData['Content'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION) . "',"; elseif( $sFunc == 'XML' ) { $iApplicationID = (int)$aData['application_id']; $sContentUpd = "`Content` = '" . $iApplicationID . "',"; } else $sContentUpd = ''; $sQuery = " UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `Caption` = '{$sCaption}', {$sContentUpd} `Visible` = '{$sVisible}', `Cache` = '{$iCache}' WHERE `ID` = '{$iID}' "; db_res( $sQuery ); echo _t( process_pass_data($aData['Caption']) ); } function saveColsWidths( $aWidths ) { $iCounter = 0; foreach( $aWidths as $iWidth ) { $iCounter ++; $iWidth = (float)$iWidth; $sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `ColWidth` = $iWidth WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}' AND `Column` = $iCounter"; db_res( $sQuery ); } echo 'OK'; } function saveBlocks( $aColumns ) { //reset blocks on this page $sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `Column` = 0, `Order` = 0 WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'"; db_res( $sQuery ); $iColCounter = 0; foreach( $aColumns as $sBlocks ) { $iColCounter ++; $aBlocks = explode( ',', $sBlocks ); foreach( $aBlocks as $iOrder => $iBlockID ) { $iBlockID = (int)$iBlockID; $sQuery = "UPDATE `{$this -> sDBTable}` SET `Column` = $iColCounter, `Order` = $iOrder WHERE `ID` = $iBlockID AND `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}'"; db_res( $sQuery ); } } echo 'OK'; } function getCssCode() { return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addCss(array('general.css', 'forms_adv.css'), true); } function showBuildZone() { return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('pbuilder_content.html', array( 'selector' => $this->getPageSelector(), 'bx_if:page' => array( 'condition' => (bool)$this -> oPage, 'content' => array( 'bx_if:delete_link' => array( 'condition' => !$this->oPage->isSystem, 'content' => array( ) ), 'bx_if:view_link' => array( 'condition' => !$this->oPage->isSystem, 'content' => array( 'site_url' => $GLOBALS['site']['url'], 'page_name' => htmlspecialchars($this->oPage->sName) ) ), 'parser_url' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'page_name' => addslashes($this->oPage->sName), 'page_width_min' => getParam('sys_template_page_width_min'), 'page_width_max' => getParam('sys_template_page_width_max'), 'page_width' => $this->oPage->iPageWidth, 'main_width' => getParam('main_div_width') ) ), )); } function getPageSelector() { $aPages = array( array( 'value' => 'none', 'title' => _t('_adm_txt_pb_select_page'), 'selected' => empty($this->oPage->sName) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) ); foreach($this->aPages as $iKey => $sPage) $aPages[] = array( 'value' => htmlspecialchars_adv( urlencode($sPage)), 'title' => htmlspecialchars( isset($this -> aTitles[$sPage]) ? $this -> aTitles[$sPage] : $sPage ), 'selected' => $this->oPage->sName == $sPage ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ); return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('pbuilder_cpanel.html', array( 'bx_repeat:pages' => $aPages, 'url' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) )); } function getPages() { $sPagesQuery = "SELECT `Name`, `Title` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` ORDER BY `Order`"; $rPages = db_res( $sPagesQuery ); while( $aPage = mysql_fetch_assoc($rPages) ) { $this -> aPages[] = $aPage['Name']; $this -> aTitles[$aPage['Name']] = $aPage['Title']; } } function checkAjaxMode() { if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ) $this -> bAjaxMode = true; } function showPropForm($iBlockID) { $sNoPropertiesC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_This_block_has_no_properties'); $sProfileFieldsC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Profile_Fields'); $sHtmlBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_HTML_Block'); $sXmlBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_XML_Block'); $sRssBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_RSS_Feed'); $sSpecialBlockC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Special_Block'); $sHtmlContentC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_HTML_content'); $sXmlPathC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_XML_path'); $sUrlRssFeedC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Url_of_RSS_feed'); $sNumbRssItemsC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Number_RSS_items'); $sTypeC = _t('_Type'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sCaptionLangKeyC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Caption_Lang_Key'); $sVisibleForC = _t('_adm_mbuilder_Visible_for'); $sGuestC = _t('_Guest'); $sMemberC = _t('_Member'); $sCaptionCacheC = _t('_adm_pbuilder_Caption_Cache'); $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sPage_db}' AND `ID` = $iBlockID"; $aItem = db_assoc_arr($sQuery); if(!$aItem) return MsgBox($sNoPropertiesC); $sPageName = htmlspecialchars($this->oPage->sName); $sBlockType = ''; switch( $aItem['Func'] ) { case 'PFBlock': $sBlockType = $sProfileFieldsC; break; case 'Echo': $sBlockType =$sHtmlBlockC; break; case 'XML': $sBlockType =$sXmlBlockC; break; case 'RSS': $sBlockType =$sRssBlockC; break; default: $sBlockType =$sSpecialBlockC; break; } $aVisibleValues = array(); if(strpos($aItem['Visible'], 'non') !== false) $aVisibleValues[] = 'non'; if(strpos( $aItem['Visible'], 'memb' ) !== false) $aVisibleValues[] = 'memb'; $sDeleteButton = ($aItem['Func'] == 'RSS' or $aItem['Func'] == 'Echo' or $aItem['Func'] == 'XML') ? '' : ''; $aForm = array( 'form_attrs' => array( 'name' => 'formItemEdit', 'action' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'method' => 'post', ), 'inputs' => array( 'Page' => array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'Page', 'value' => $sPageName, ), 'id' => array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id', 'value' => $iBlockID, ), 'action' => array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'action', 'value' => 'saveItem', ), 'header1' => array( 'type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => $sTypeC . ': ' . $sBlockType, ), 'header2' => array( 'type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => $sDescriptionC . ': ' . $aItem['Desc'], ), 'Caption' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Caption', 'caption' => $sCaptionLangKeyC, 'value' => $aItem['Caption'], 'required' => true, ), 'Visible' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox_set', 'caption' => $sVisibleForC, 'name' => 'Visible', 'value' => $aVisibleValues, 'values' => array( 'non' => $sGuestC, 'memb' => $sMemberC ) ), 'Cache' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Cache', 'caption' => $sCaptionCacheC, 'value' => (int)$aItem['Cache'], 'required' => false, ), ), ); $sBlockContent = $aItem['Content']; //$sBlockContent = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aItem['Content'] ); if( $aItem['Func'] == 'Echo' ) { $aForm['inputs']['Content'] = array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'html' => false, 'attrs' => array ('id' => 'form_input_html'.$iBlockID), 'name' => 'Content', 'value' => $sBlockContent, 'caption' => $sHtmlContentC, 'required' => true, 'colspan' => true, ); } elseif( $aItem['Func'] == 'XML' ) { $aExistedApplications = BxDolService::call('open_social', 'get_admin_applications', array()); $aForm['inputs']['Applications'] = array( 'type' => 'select', 'name' => 'application_id', 'caption' => _t('_osi_Existed_applications'), 'values' => $aExistedApplications ); } elseif( $aItem['Func'] == 'RSS' ) { list( $sUrl, $iNum ) = explode( '#', $aItem['Content'] ); $iNum = (int)$iNum; $aForm['inputs']['Url'] = array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Url', 'caption' => $sUrlRssFeedC, 'value' => $sUrl, 'required' => true, ); $aForm['inputs']['Num'] = array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'Num', 'caption' => $sNumbRssItemsC, 'value' => $iNum, 'required' => true, ); } $aForm['inputs']['Save'] = array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'Save', 'caption' => _t('_Save'), 'value' => _t('_Save'), ); if ($aItem['Func'] == 'RSS' or $aItem['Func'] == 'Echo' or $aItem['Func'] == 'XML') { $aForm['inputs']['Delete'] = array( 'type' => 'reset', 'name' => 'Delete', 'caption' => 'Delete', 'value' => 'Delete', ); } $sResult = ''; $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm); $aVariables = array ( 'caption' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_Block'), 'main_content' => $oForm->getCode(), 'loading' => LoadingBox('adm-pbuilder-loading') ); return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('popup_form_wrapper.html', $aVariables); } function showNewPageForm() { $oForm = new BxTemplFormView(array( 'form_attrs' => array( 'name' => 'formItemEdit', 'action' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'method' => 'post', ), 'inputs' => array( array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'action_sys', 'value' => 'createNewPage', ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'uri', 'value' => 'newpage', 'caption' => _t('_Page URI'), 'info' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_uri_info', BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'page/newpage'), ), array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title', 'caption' => _t('_Page title'), 'value' => 'New Page', 'info' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_title_info'), ), array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'do_submit', 'value' => _t('_adm_btn_Create_page'), ), ), )); $aVariables = array( 'caption' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_Create_new_page'), 'main_content' => $oForm->getCode(), 'loading' => LoadingBox('adm-pbuilder-loading') ); return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('popup_form_wrapper.html', $aVariables); } } class BxDolPVAPage { var $sName; var $sName_db; var $oParent; var $aColsWidths = array(); var $aBlocks = array(); var $aBlocksOrder = array(); var $aBlocksInactive = array(); var $aBlocksSamples = array(); var $aMinWidths = array(); var $iPageWidth; var $bResetable; //defines if the page can be reset var $sDefaultSqlFile; //file containing default setting for reset var $isSystem; // defines if the page is system or created by admin function BxDolPVAPage( $sPage, &$oParent ) { global $admin_dir; $this -> sName = $sPage; $this -> sName_db = addslashes( $this -> sName ); /* @var $this->oParent BxDolPageViewAdmin */ $this -> oParent = &$oParent; $this -> sDefaultSqlFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "{$admin_dir}/default_builders/{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}_{$this -> sName}.sql"; $this -> bResetable = file_exists( $this -> sDefaultSqlFile ); $this -> loadContent(); } function loadContent() { $sQuery = "select `System` from `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}_pages` where `Name` = '{$this -> sName_db}'"; $this->isSystem = (bool)(int)db_value($sQuery); //get page width $sQuery = "SELECT `PageWidth` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' LIMIT 1"; $this -> iPageWidth = db_value( $sQuery ); if (!$this -> iPageWidth) $this -> iPageWidth = '960px'; //get columns widths $sQuery = " SELECT `Column`, `ColWidth` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' AND `Column` != 0 GROUP BY `Column` ORDER BY `Column` "; $rColumns = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aColumn = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rColumns ) ) { $iColumn = (int)$aColumn['Column']; $this -> aColsWidths[$iColumn] = (float)$aColumn['ColWidth']; $this -> aBlocks[$iColumn] = array(); $this -> aBlocksOrder[$iColumn]= array(); //get active blocks $sQueryActive = " SELECT `ID`, `Caption` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' AND `Column` = $iColumn ORDER BY `Order` "; $rBlocks = db_res( $sQueryActive ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) ) { $this -> aBlocks[$iColumn][ $aBlock['ID'] ] = _t( $aBlock['Caption'] ); $this -> aBlocksOrder[$iColumn][] = $aBlock['ID']; } } // load minimal widths $sQuery = "SELECT `ID`, `MinWidth` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `MinWidth` > 0 AND `Page`= '{$this -> sName_db}'"; $rBlocks = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) ) $this -> aMinWidths[ (int)$aBlock['ID'] ] = (int)$aBlock['MinWidth']; $this -> loadInactiveBlocks(); } function loadInactiveBlocks() { //get inactive blocks and samples $sQueryInactive = " SELECT `ID`, `Caption` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this -> sName_db}' AND `Column` = 0 "; $sQuerySamples = " SELECT `ID`, `Caption` FROM `{$this -> oParent -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Func` = 'Sample' "; $rInactive = db_res( $sQueryInactive ); $rSamples = db_res( $sQuerySamples ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rInactive ) ) $this -> aBlocksInactive[ (int)$aBlock['ID'] ] = _t( $aBlock['Caption'] ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rSamples ) ) $this -> aBlocksSamples[ (int)$aBlock['ID'] ] = _t( $aBlock['Caption'] ); } function getJSON() { $oPVAPageJSON = new BxDolPVAPageJSON( $this ); $oJson = new Services_JSON(); return $oJson -> encode($oPVAPageJSON); } } /* temporary JSON object */ class BxDolPVAPageJSON { var $active; var $active_order; var $inactive; var $samples; var $widths; var $min_widths; function BxDolPVAPageJSON( $oParent ) { $this -> widths = $oParent -> aColsWidths; $this -> min_widths = $oParent -> aMinWidths; $this -> active = $oParent -> aBlocks; $this -> active_order = $oParent -> aBlocksOrder; $this -> inactive = $oParent -> aBlocksInactive; $this -> samples = $oParent -> aBlocksSamples; } } class BxDolPageViewCacher { var $sCacheFile; var $oBlocksCacheObject; function BxDolPageViewCacher( $sDBTable, $sCacheFile ) { $this -> sDBTable = $sDBTable; $this -> sCacheFile = $sCacheFile; } function createCache() { $oCacheBlocks = $this->getBlocksCacheObject (); $oCacheBlocks->removeAllByPrefix ('pb_'); $sCacheString = "// cache of Page View composer\n\nreturn array(\n //pages\n"; //get pages $sQuery = "SELECT `Page` AS `Name` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` != '' GROUP BY `Page`"; $rPages = db_res( $sQuery ); while ($aPageN = mysql_fetch_assoc($rPages)) { $sPageName = addslashes($aPageN['Name']); $aPageN['Title'] = db_value("SELECT `Title` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}_pages` WHERE `Name` = '$sPageName'"); $sPageTitle = addslashes($aPageN['Title']); $sPageWidth = db_value("SELECT `PageWidth` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '$sPageName' LIMIT 1"); $sPageWidth = empty($sPageWidth) ? '998px' : $sPageWidth; $sCacheString .= " '$sPageName' => array(\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Title' => '$sPageTitle',\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Width' => '$sPageWidth',\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Columns' => array(\n"; //get columns $sQuery = " SELECT `Column`, `ColWidth` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '$sPageName' AND `Column` > 0 GROUP BY `Column` ORDER BY `Column` "; $rColumns = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aColumn = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rColumns ) ) { $iColumn = $aColumn['Column']; $iColWidth = $aColumn['ColWidth']; $sCacheString .= " $iColumn => array(\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Width' => $iColWidth,\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Blocks' => array(\n"; //get blocks of column $sQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Caption`, `Func`, `Content`, `DesignBox`, `Visible`, `Cache` FROM `{$this -> sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '$sPageName' AND `Column` = $iColumn ORDER BY `Order` ASC "; $rBlocks = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) ) { $sCacheString .= " {$aBlock['ID']} => array(\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Func' => '{$aBlock['Func']}',\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Content' => '" . $this -> addSlashes( $aBlock['Content'] ) . "',\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Caption' => '" . $this -> addSlashes( $aBlock['Caption'] ) . "',\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Visible' => '{$aBlock['Visible']}',\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'DesignBox' => {$aBlock['DesignBox']},\n"; $sCacheString .= " 'Cache' => {$aBlock['Cache']}\n"; $sCacheString .= " ),\n"; //close block } $sCacheString .= " )\n"; //close blocks $sCacheString .= " ),\n"; //close column } $sCacheString .= " )\n"; //close columns $sCacheString .= " ),\n"; //close page } $sCacheString .= ");\n"; //close main array $aResult = eval($sCacheString); $oCache = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getDbCacheObject(); $oCache->setData ($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey($this -> sCacheFile), $aResult); return true; } function addSlashes( $sText ) { $sText = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $sText ); $sText = str_replace( '\'', '\\\'', $sText ); return $sText; } function getBlocksCacheObject () { if ($this->oBlocksCacheObject != null) { return $this->oBlocksCacheObject; } else { $sEngine = getParam('sys_pb_cache_engine'); $this->oBlocksCacheObject = bx_instance ('BxDolCache'.$sEngine); if (!$this->oBlocksCacheObject->isAvailable()) $this->oBlocksCacheObject = bx_instance ('BxDolCacheFile'); return $this->oBlocksCacheObject; } } function genBlocksCacheKey ($sId) { global $site; return 'pb_' . $sId . '_' . md5($site['ver'] . $site['build'] . $site['url'] . getCurrentLangName(false) . $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->getCode()) . '.php'; } } ?>