short_date_format_php * 2 - time format. @see sys_options -> time_format_php * 3(5) - long date format. @see sys_options -> date_format_php * 6 - RFC 2822 date format. */ function getLocaleDate($sTimestamp = '', $iCode = BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT) { $sFormat = (int)$iCode == 6 ? 'r' : getLocaleFormat($iCode); return date($sFormat, $sTimestamp); } /** * Get data format in accordance with requested format code and format type. * * @param integer $iCode - format code * 1(4) - short date format. @see sys_options -> short_date_format_php * 2 - time format. @see sys_options -> time_format_php * 3(5) - long date format. @see sys_options -> date_format_php * 6 - RFC 2822 date format. * @param integer $iType - format type * 1 - for PHP code. * 2 - for database. */ function getLocaleFormat($iCode = BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT, $iType = BX_DOL_LOCALE_PHP) { $sPostfix = (int)$iType == BX_DOL_LOCALE_PHP ? '_php' : ''; $sResult = ''; switch ($iCode) { case 2: $sResult = getParam('time_format' . $sPostfix); break; case 1: case 4: $sResult = getParam('short_date_format' . $sPostfix); break; case 3: case 5: $sResult = getParam('date_format' . $sPostfix); break; } return $sResult; } /** * Function will check on blocked status; * * @param : $iFirstProfile (integer) - first profile's id; * @param : $iSecondProfile (integer) - second profile's id; * @return : (boolean) - true if pair will blocked; */ function isBlocked($iFirstProfile, $iSecondProfile) { $iFirstProfile = (int)$iFirstProfile; $iSecondProfile = (int)$iSecondProfile; $sQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sys_block_list` WHERE `ID` = {$iFirstProfile} AND `Profile` = {$iSecondProfile}"; return db_value( $sQuery) ? true : false; } /* * function for work with profile */ function is_friends($id1, $id2) { $id1 = (int)$id1; $id2 = (int)$id2; if ($id1 == 0 || $id2 == 0) return; $cnt = db_arr("SELECT SUM(`Check`) AS 'cnt' FROM `sys_friend_list` WHERE `ID`='{$id1}' AND `Profile`='{$id2}' OR `ID`='{$id2}' AND `Profile`='{$id1}'"); return ($cnt['cnt'] > 0 ? true : false); } /* * functions for limiting maximal word length (returned from ash). */ function WordWrapStr($sString, $iWidth = 25, $sWrapCharacter = '') { if(empty($sString) || mb_strlen($sString, 'UTF-8') <= $iWidth) return $sString; $aSpecialSymbols = array("\r", "\n"); $aSpecialSymbolsWithSpace = array(" _SLASHR_", " _SLASHN_"); if ($iWidth > 9) $sString = str_replace($aSpecialSymbols, $aSpecialSymbolsWithSpace, $sString); // preserve new line characters $aWords = mb_split("\s", $sString); $sResult = ' '; foreach($aWords as $sWord) { if(($iWord = mb_strlen($sWord, 'UTF-8')) <= $iWidth) { if($iWord > 0) $sResult .= $sWord . ' '; continue; } $iPosition = 0; while($iPosition < $iWord) { $sResult .= mb_substr($sWord, $iPosition, $iWidth, 'UTF-8') . $sWrapCharacter; $iPosition += $iWidth; } $sResult .= ' '; } if ($iWidth > 9) $sResult = str_replace($aSpecialSymbolsWithSpace, $aSpecialSymbols, $sResult); return trim($sResult); } /* * functions for limiting maximal word length */ function strmaxwordlen($input, $len = 100) { return $input; } /* * functions for limiting maximal text length */ function strmaxtextlen($sInput, $iMaxLen = 60) { $sTail = ''; $s = trim(strip_tags($sInput)); if (mb_strlen($s) > $iMaxLen) { $s = mb_substr($s, 0, $iMaxLen); $sTail = '…'; } return htmlspecialchars_adv($s) . $sTail; } function html2txt($content, $tags = "") { while($content != strip_tags($content, $tags)) { $content = strip_tags($content, $tags); } return $content; } function html_encode($text) { $searcharray = array( "'([-_\w\d.]+@[-_\w\d.]+)'", "'((?:(?!://).{3}|^.{0,2}))(www\.[-\d\w\.\/]+)'", "'(http[s]?:\/\/[-_~\w\d\.\/]+)'"); $replacearray = array( "\\1", "\\1http://\\2", "\\1"); return preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, stripslashes($text)); } /* * functions for input data into database * @param $text string to pass to database * @param $strip_tags tags parameter: * BX_TAGS_STRIP - strip tags * BX_TAGS_SPECIAL_CHARS - translate to special html chars (not good to use this, it is better to do such thing during output to browser) * BX_TAGS_VALIDATE - validate HTML * BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION - do not perform any action with tags * @param $addslashes slashes parameter: * BX_SLASHES_AUTO - automatically detect magic_quotes_gpc setting * BX_SLASHES_STRIP - strip slashes * BX_SLASHES_ADD - add slashes * BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION - do not perform any action with slashes */ function process_db_input( $text, $strip_tags = 0, $addslashes = 0 ) { if (is_array($text)) { foreach ($text as $k => $v) $text[$k] = process_db_input($v, $strip_tags, $addslashes); return $text; } if ((get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $addslashes == BX_SLASHES_AUTO) || $addslashes == BX_SLASHES_STRIP) $text = stripslashes($text); elseif ($addslashes == BX_SLASHES_ADD) $text = addslashes($text); switch ($strip_tags) { case BX_TAGS_STRIP_AND_NL2BR: return mysql_real_escape_string(nl2br(strip_tags($text))); case BX_TAGS_STRIP: return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($text)); case BX_TAGS_SPECIAL_CHARS: return mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); case BX_TAGS_VALIDATE: return mysql_real_escape_string(clear_xss($text)); case BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION: default: return mysql_real_escape_string($text); } } /* * function for processing pass data * * This function cleans the GET/POST/COOKIE data if magic_quotes_gpc() is on * for data which should be outputed immediately after submit */ function process_pass_data( $text, $strip_tags = 0 ) { if ( $strip_tags ) $text = strip_tags($text); if ( !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) return $text; else return stripslashes($text); } /* * function for output data from database into html */ function htmlspecialchars_adv( $string ) { return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false); /* $patterns = array( "/(?!\d{2,};)&/m", "/>/m", "/ tags with names and values, specified in $Values array. */ function ConstructHiddenValues($Values) { /** * Recursive function, processes multidimensional arrays * * @param string $Name Full name of array, including all subarrays' names * * @param array $Value Array of values, can be multidimensional * * @return string Properly consctructed tags */ function ConstructHiddenSubValues($Name, $Value) { if (is_array($Value)) { $Result = ""; foreach ($Value as $KeyName => $SubValue) { $Result .= ConstructHiddenSubValues("{$Name}[{$KeyName}]", $SubValue); } } else // Exit recurse $Result = "\n"; return $Result; } /* End of ConstructHiddenSubValues function */ $Result = ''; if (is_array($Values)) { foreach ($Values as $KeyName => $Value) { $Result .= ConstructHiddenSubValues($KeyName, $Value); } } return $Result; } /** * Returns HTML/javascript code, which redirects to another URL with passing specified data (through specified method) * * @param string $ActionURL destination URL * * @param array $Params Parameters to be passed (through GET or POST) * * @param string $Method Submit mode. Only two values are valid: 'get' and 'post' * * @return mixed Correspondent HTML/javascript code or false, if input data is wrong */ function RedirectCode($ActionURL, $Params = NULL, $Method = "get", $Title = 'Redirect') { if ((strcasecmp(trim($Method), "get") && strcasecmp(trim($Method), "post")) || (trim($ActionURL) == "")) return false; ob_start(); ?>
"; print_r( $what ); echo "\n"; } function echoDbgLog($mWhat, $sDesc = '', $sFileName = 'debug.log') { global $dir; $sCont = '--- ' . date('r') . ' (' . BX_DOL_START_TIME . ") ---\n" . $sDesc . "\n" . print_r($mWhat, true) . "\n\n\n"; $rFile = fopen($dir['tmp'] . $sFileName, 'a'); fwrite($rFile, $sCont); fclose($rFile); } function clear_xss($val) { // HTML Purifier plugin global $oHtmlPurifier; if (!isset($oHtmlPurifier) && !$GLOBALS['logged']['admin']) { require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS . 'htmlpurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php' ); HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::registerAutoload(); $oConfig = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $oConfig->set('Cache.SerializerPath', rtrim(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CACHE, '/')); $oConfig->set('Cache.SerializerPermissions', 0777); $oConfig->set('HTML.SafeObject', 'true'); $oConfig->set('Output.FlashCompat', 'true'); $oConfig->set('HTML.FlashAllowFullScreen', 'true'); if (getParam('sys_antispam_add_nofollow')) { $sHost = parse_url(BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, PHP_URL_HOST); $oConfig->set('URI.Host', $sHost); $oConfig->set('HTML.Nofollow', 'true'); } if ($sSafeIframeRegexp = getParam('sys_safe_iframe_regexp')) { $oConfig->set('HTML.SafeIframe', 'true'); $oConfig->set('URI.SafeIframeRegexp', $sSafeIframeRegexp); } $oConfig->set('Filter.Custom', array (new HTMLPurifier_Filter_LocalMovie(), new HTMLPurifier_Filter_YouTube(), new HTMLPurifier_Filter_YoutubeIframe(), new HTMLPurifier_Filter_AddBxLinksClass())); $oDef = $oConfig->getHTMLDefinition(true); $oDef->addAttribute('a', 'target', 'Enum#_blank,_self,_target,_top'); $oHtmlPurifier = new HTMLPurifier($oConfig); } if (!$GLOBALS['logged']['admin']) $val = $oHtmlPurifier->purify($val); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('system', 'clear_xss', 0, 0, array('oHtmlPurifier' => $oHtmlPurifier, 'return_data' => &$val)); $oZ->alert(); return $val; } function _format_when ($iSec, $bShort = false) { $s = ''; $sSuffix = $bShort ? '_short' : ''; if ($iSec >= 0) { if ($iSec < 3600) { $i = round($iSec/60); $s .= (0 == $i || 1 == $i) ? _t('_just_now') : _t('_x_minutes_ago'.$sSuffix, $i); } else if ($iSec < 86400) { $i = round($iSec/60/60); $s .= ((0 == $i || 1 == $i) && !$bShort) ? _t('_x_hour_ago') : _t('_x_hours_ago'.$sSuffix, $i); } else { $i = round($iSec/60/60/24); $s .= (0 == $i || 1 == $i) ? _t('_yesterday') : _t('_x_days_ago'.$sSuffix, $i); } } else { if ($iSec > -3600) { $i = round($iSec/60); $s .= (0 == $i || 1 == $i) ? _t('_just_now') : _t('_in_x_minutes'.$sSuffix, -$i); } else if ($iSec > -86400) { $i = round($iSec/60/60); $s .= ((0 == $i || 1 == $i) && !$bShort) ? _t('_in_x_hour') : _t('_in_x_hours'.$sSuffix, -$i); } elseif ($iSec < -86400) { $i = round($iSec/60/60/24); $s .= (0 == $i || 1 == $i) ? _t('_tomorrow') : _t('_in_x_days'.$sSuffix, -$i); } } return $s; } function _format_time($iSec, $aParams = array()) { $sDivider = isset($aParams['divider']) ? $aParams['divider'] : ':'; $iSec = (int)$iSec; $sFormat = $iSec > 3600 ? 'H' . $sDivider . 'i' . $sDivider . 's' : 'i' . $sDivider . 's'; return gmdate($sFormat, $iSec); } /** * Convert timestamp to "ago" date format * @param $iTime date/time stamp in seconds * @param $bAutoDateConvert automatically convert dates to full date format instead of "ago" format for old dates (older than 14 days) * @param $bShort use short format for relative time * @return formatted date string */ function defineTimeInterval($iTime, $bAutoDateConvert = true, $bShort = false) { $iTimeDiff = time() - (int)$iTime; if ($bAutoDateConvert && $iTimeDiff > 14*24*60*60) // don't show "ago" dates for more than 14 days return getLocaleDate((int)$iTime); return _format_when($iTimeDiff, $bShort); } function execSqlFile($sFileName) { if (! $f = fopen($sFileName, "r")) return false; db_res( "SET NAMES 'utf8'" ); $s_sql = ""; while ( $s = fgets ( $f, 10240) ) { $s = trim( $s ); //Utf with BOM only if( !strlen( $s ) ) continue; if ( mb_substr( $s, 0, 1 ) == '#' ) continue; //pass comments if ( mb_substr( $s, 0, 2 ) == '--' ) continue; $s_sql .= $s; if ( mb_substr( $s, -1 ) != ';' ) continue; db_res( $s_sql ); $s_sql = ""; } fclose($f); return true; } function replace_full_uris( $text ) { $text = preg_replace_callback( '/([\s\n\r]src\=")([^"]+)(")/', 'replace_full_uri', $text ); return $text; } function replace_full_uri( $matches ) { if( substr( $matches[2], 0, 7 ) != 'http://' and substr( $matches[2], 0, 8 ) != 'https://' and substr( $matches[2], 0, 6 ) != 'ftp://' ) $matches[2] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $matches[2]; return $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3]; } //--------------------------------------- friendly permalinks --------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------- main functions ---------------------------------------// function uriGenerate ($s, $sTable, $sField, $iMaxLen = 255) { $s = uriFilter($s); if (uriCheckUniq($s, $sTable, $sField)) return $s; // try to add date if (get_mb_len($s) > 240) $s = get_mb_substr ($s, 0, 240); $s .= '-' . date('Y-m-d'); if (uriCheckUniq($s, $sTable, $sField)) return $s; // try to add number for ($i = 0 ; $i < 999 ; ++$i) { if (uriCheckUniq($s . '-' . $i, $sTable, $sField)) { return ($s . '-' . $i); } } return rand(0, 999999999); } function uriFilter ($s) { if ($GLOBALS['oTemplConfig']->bAllowUnicodeInPreg) $s = get_mb_replace ('/[^\pL^\pN]+/u', '-', $s); // unicode characters else $s = get_mb_replace ('/([^\d^\w]+)/u', '-', $s); // latin characters only $s = get_mb_replace ('/([-^]+)/', '-', $s); $s = get_mb_replace ('/([-]+)$/', '', $s); // remove trailing dash if (!$s) $s = '-'; return $s; } function uriCheckUniq ($s, $sTable, $sField) { return !db_arr("SELECT 1 FROM $sTable WHERE $sField = '$s' LIMIT 1"); } function get_mb_replace ($sPattern, $sReplace, $s) { return preg_replace ($sPattern, $sReplace, $s); } function get_mb_len ($s) { return (function_exists('mb_strlen')) ? mb_strlen($s) : strlen($s); } function get_mb_substr ($s, $iStart, $iLen) { return (function_exists('mb_substr')) ? mb_substr ($s, $iStart, $iLen) : substr ($s, $iStart, $iLen); } /** * Block user IP * * @param $sIP mixed * @param $iExpirationInSec integer * @param $sComment string * @return void */ function bx_block_ip($mixedIP, $iExpirationInSec = 86400, $sComment = '') { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $mixedIP)) $iIP = $mixedIP; else $iIP = sprintf("%u", ip2long($sIP)); $iExpirationInSec = time() + (int)$iExpirationInSec; $sComment = process_db_input($sComment, BX_TAGS_STRIP); if (!db_value("SELECT ID FROM `sys_ip_list` WHERE `From` = {$iIP} AND `To` = {$iIP} LIMIT 1")) return db_res("INSERT INTO `sys_ip_list` SET `From` = {$iIP}, `To` = {$iIP}, `Type` = 'deny', `LastDT` = {$iExpirationInSec}, `Desc` = '{$sComment}'"); return false; } function bx_is_ip_dns_blacklisted($sCurIP = '', $sType = '') { if (defined('BX_DOL_CRON_EXECUTE')) return false; if (!$sCurIP) $sCurIP = getVisitorIP(false); if (bx_is_ip_whitelisted()) return false; $o = bx_instance('BxDolDNSBlacklists'); if (BX_DOL_DNSBL_POSITIVE == $o->dnsbl_lookup_ip(BX_DOL_DNSBL_CHAIN_SPAMMERS, $sCurIP) && BX_DOL_DNSBL_POSITIVE != $o->dnsbl_lookup_ip(BX_DOL_DNSBL_CHAIN_WHITELIST, $sCurIP)) { $o->onPositiveDetection ($sCurIP, $sType); return true; } return false; } function bx_is_ip_whitelisted($sCurIP = '') { if (defined('BX_DOL_CRON_EXECUTE')) return true; $iIPGlobalType = (int)getParam('ipListGlobalType'); if ($iIPGlobalType != 1 && $iIPGlobalType != 2) // 0 - disabled return false; if (!$sCurIP) $sCurIP = getVisitorIP(); $iCurIP = sprintf("%u", ip2long($sCurIP)); $iCurrTume = time(); return db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_ip_list` WHERE `Type` = 'allow' AND `LastDT` > $iCurrTume AND `From` <= '$iCurIP' AND `To` >= '$iCurIP' LIMIT 1") ? true : false; } function bx_is_ip_blocked($sCurIP = '') { if (defined('BX_DOL_CRON_EXECUTE')) return false; $iIPGlobalType = (int)getParam('ipListGlobalType'); if ($iIPGlobalType != 1 && $iIPGlobalType != 2) // 0 - disabled return false; if (!$sCurIP) $sCurIP = getVisitorIP(); $iCurIP = sprintf("%u", ip2long($sCurIP)); $iCurrTume = time(); if (bx_is_ip_whitelisted($sCurIP)) return false; $isBlocked = db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_ip_list` WHERE `Type` = 'deny' AND `LastDT` > $iCurrTume AND `From` <= '$iCurIP' AND `To` >= '$iCurIP' LIMIT 1"); if ($isBlocked) return true; // 1 - all allowed except listed // 2 - all blocked except listed return $iIPGlobalType == 2 ? true : false; } /** * spam checking function * @param $s content to check for spam * @param $isStripSlashes slashes parameter: * BX_SLASHES_AUTO - automatically detect magic_quotes_gpc setting * BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION - do not perform any action with slashes * @return true if spam detected */ function bx_is_spam ($val, $isStripSlashes = BX_SLASHES_AUTO) { if (defined('BX_DOL_CRON_EXECUTE')) return false; if (isAdmin()) return false; if (bx_is_ip_whitelisted()) return false; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $isStripSlashes == BX_SLASHES_AUTO) $val = stripslashes($val); $bRet = false; if ('on' == getParam('sys_uridnsbl_enable')) { $oBxDolDNSURIBlacklists = bx_instance('BxDolDNSURIBlacklists'); if ($oBxDolDNSURIBlacklists->isSpam($val)) { $oBxDolDNSURIBlacklists->onPositiveDetection($val); $bRet = true; } } if ('on' == getParam('sys_akismet_enable')) { $oBxDolAkismet = bx_instance('BxDolAkismet'); if ($oBxDolAkismet->isSpam($val)) { $oBxDolAkismet->onPositiveDetection($val); $bRet = true; } } if ($bRet && 'on' == getParam('sys_antispam_report')) { bx_import('BxDolEmailTemplates'); $oEmailTemplates = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplates->getTemplate('t_SpamReportAuto', 0); $iProfileId = getLoggedId(); $aPlus = array( 'SpammerUrl' => getProfileLink($iProfileId), 'SpammerNickName' => getNickName($iProfileId), 'Page' => htmlspecialchars_adv($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'Get' => print_r($_GET, true), 'SpamContent' => htmlspecialchars_adv($val), ); sendMail($GLOBALS['site']['email'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], '', $aPlus); } if ($bRet && 'on' == getParam('sys_antispam_block')) return true; return false; } function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } /** ** @description : function will create cache file with all SQL queries ; ** @return : */ function genSiteStatCache() { $sqlQuery = "SELECT `Name` as `name`, `Title` as `capt`, `UserQuery` as `query`, `UserLink` as `link`, `IconName` as `icon`, `AdminQuery` as `adm_query`, `AdminLink` as `adm_link` FROM `sys_stat_site` ORDER BY `StatOrder` ASC, `ID` ASC"; $rData = db_res($sqlQuery); $sLine = "return array( \n"; while ($aVal = mysql_fetch_assoc($rData)) { $sLine .= genSiteStatFile($aVal); } $sLine = rtrim($sLine, ",\n")."\n);"; $aResult = eval($sLine); $oCache = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getDbCacheObject(); return $oCache->setData ($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey('sys_stat_site'), $aResult); } function genSiteStatFile($aVal) { $oMenu = new BxDolMenu(); $sLink = $oMenu -> getCurrLink($aVal['link']); $sAdmLink = $oMenu -> getCurrLink($aVal['adm_link']); $sLine = "'{$aVal['name']}'=>array('capt'=>'{$aVal['capt']}', 'query'=>'".addslashes($aVal['query'])."', 'link'=>'$sLink', 'icon'=>'{$aVal['icon']}', 'adm_query'=>'".addslashes($aVal['adm_query'])."', 'adm_link'=>'$sAdmLink', ),\n"; return $sLine; } function getSiteStatArray() { $oCache = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getDbCacheObject(); $aStats = $oCache->getData($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey('sys_stat_site')); if($aStats === null) { genSiteStatCache(); $aStats = $oCache->getData($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey('sys_stat_site')); } if(!$aStats) $aStats = array(); return $aStats; } /** * Function will cute the parameter from received string; * remove received parameter from 'GET' query ; * * @param : $aExceptNames (string) - name of unnecessary parameter; * @return : cleared string; */ function getClearedParam( $sExceptParam, $sString ) { return preg_replace( "/(&|&){$sExceptParam}=([a-z0-9\_\-]{1,})/i",'', $sString); } /** * import class file, it detect class path by its prefix or module array * * @param $sClassName - full class name or class postfix in a case of module class * @param $aModule - module array or true to get module array from global variable */ function bx_import($sClassName, $aModule = array()) { if (class_exists($sClassName)) return; if ($aModule) { $a = (true === $aModule) ? $GLOBALS['aModule'] : $aModule; if (class_exists($a['class_prefix'] . $sClassName)) return; require_once (BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $a['path'] . 'classes/' . $a['class_prefix'] . $sClassName . '.php'); } if (0 == strncmp($sClassName, 'BxDol', 5)) { require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . $sClassName . '.php'); return; } if (0 == strncmp($sClassName, 'BxBase', 6)) { require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_BASE . 'scripts/' . $sClassName . '.php'); return; } if (0 == strncmp($sClassName, 'BxTempl', 7) && !class_exists($sClassName)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['iAdminPage']) && (int)$GLOBALS['iAdminPage'] == 1) { if (!defined('BX_DOL_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_CODE')) require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolTemplate.php'); require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_" . BX_DOL_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_CODE . "/scripts/" . $sClassName . '.php'); } else { require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$GLOBALS['tmpl']}/scripts/" . $sClassName . '.php'); } return; } } /** * Gets an instance of class pathing necessary parameters if it's necessary. * * @param string $sClassName class name. * @param array $aParams an array of parameters to be pathed to the constructor of the class. * @param array $aModule an array with module description. Is used when the requested class is located in some module. * @return unknown */ function bx_instance($sClassName, $aParams = array(), $aModule = array()) { if(isset($GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName])) return $GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName]; else { bx_import((empty($aModule) ? $sClassName : str_replace($aModule['class_prefix'], '', $sClassName)), $aModule); if(empty($aParams)) $GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName] = new $sClassName(); else { $sParams = ""; foreach($aParams as $mixedKey => $mixedValue) $sParams .= "\$aParams[" . $mixedKey . "], "; $sParams = substr($sParams, 0, -2); $GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName] = eval("return new " . $sClassName . "(" . $sParams . ");"); } return $GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName]; } } /** * Escapes string/array ready to pass to js script with filtered symbols like ', " etc * * @param $mixedInput - string/array which should be filtered * @param $iQuoteType - string escaping method: BX_ESCAPE_STR_AUTO(default), BX_ESCAPE_STR_APOS or BX_ESCAPE_STR_QUOTE * @return converted string / array */ function bx_js_string ($mixedInput, $iQuoteType = BX_ESCAPE_STR_AUTO) { $aUnits = array( "\n" => "\\n", "\r" => "", ); if (BX_ESCAPE_STR_APOS == $iQuoteType) { $aUnits["'"] = "\\'"; $aUnits[''] = ''; } else { $aUnits['"'] = '"e;'; $aUnits["'"] = '''; $aUnits["<"] = '<'; $aUnits[">"] = '>'; } return str_replace(array_keys($aUnits), array_values($aUnits), $mixedInput); } /** * Return input string/array ready to pass to html attribute with filtered symbols like ', " etc * * @param mixed $mixedInput - string/array which should be filtered * @return converted string / array */ function bx_html_attribute ($mixedInput) { $aUnits = array( "\"" => """, "'" => "'", ); return str_replace(array_keys($aUnits), array_values($aUnits), $mixedInput); } /** * Escapes string/array ready to pass to php script with filtered symbols like ', " etc * * @param mixed $mixedInput - string/array which should be filtered * @return converted string / array */ function bx_php_string_apos ($mixedInput) { return str_replace("'", "\\'", $mixedInput); } function bx_php_string_quot ($mixedInput) { return str_replace('"', '\\"', $mixedInput); } /** * Gets file contents by URL. * * @param string $sFileUrl - file URL to be read. * @param array $aParams - an array of parameters to be pathed with URL. * @return string the file's contents. */ function bx_file_get_contents($sFileUrl, $aParams = array(), $sMethod = 'get', $aHeaders = array(), &$sHttpCode = null) { if ('post' != $sMethod) $sFileUrl = bx_append_url_params($sFileUrl, $aParams); $sResult = ''; if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $rConnect = curl_init(); curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_URL, $sFileUrl); curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_HEADER, NULL === $sHttpCode ? false : true); curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if (!ini_get('open_basedir')) curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); if ($aHeaders) curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $aHeaders); if ('post' == $sMethod) { curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $aParams); } $sAllCookies = ''; foreach($_COOKIE as $sKey=>$sValue){ $sAllCookies .= $sKey . '=' . $sValue . ';'; } curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $sAllCookies); $sResult = curl_exec($rConnect); if (curl_errno($rConnect) == 60) { // CURLE_SSL_CACERT curl_setopt($rConnect, CURLOPT_CAINFO, BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS . 'curl/cacert.pem'); $sResult = curl_exec($rConnect); } if (NULL !== $sHttpCode) $sHttpCode = curl_getinfo($rConnect, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($rConnect); } else { $sResult = @file_get_contents($sFileUrl); } return $sResult; } /** * perform write log into 'tmp/log.txt' (for any debug development) * * @param $sNewLineText - New line debug text */ function writeLog($sNewLineText = 'test') { $sFileName = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'tmp/log.txt'; if (is_writable($sFileName)) { if (! $vHandle = fopen($sFileName, 'a')) { echo "Unable to open ({$sFileName})"; } if (fwrite($vHandle, $sNewLineText . "\r\n") === FALSE) { echo "Unable write to ({$sFileName})"; } fclose($vHandle); } else { echo "{$sFileName} is not writeable"; } } function getLink($sString, $sUrl) { return '' . $sString . ' '; } function getLinkSet($sLinkString, $sUrlPrefix, $sDivider = ';,', $bUriConvert = false) { $aSet = preg_split( '/['.$sDivider.']/', $sLinkString, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $sFinalSet = ''; foreach ($aSet as $sKey) { $sLink = $sUrlPrefix . urlencode($bUriConvert ? title2uri($sKey) : $sKey); $sFinalSet .= '' . $sKey . ' '; } return trim($sFinalSet, ' '); } function getRelatedWords (&$aInfo) { $sString = implode(' ', $aInfo); $aRes = array_unique(explode(' ', $sString)); $sString = implode(' ', $aRes); return addslashes($sString); } function getSiteInfo($sSourceUrl, $aProcessAdditionalTags = array()) { $aResult = array(); $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sSourceUrl); if ($sContent) { $sCharset = ''; preg_match("/