aConstants['linksTempl'] = array( 'home' => 'home', 'file' => 'view/{uri}', 'category' => 'browse/category/{uri}', 'browseAll' => 'browse/', 'browseUserAll' => 'albums/browse/owner/{uri}', 'browseAllTop' => 'browse/top', 'tag' => 'browse/tag/{uri}', 'album' => 'browse/album/{uri}', 'add' => 'browse/my/add' ); $aMain = array( 'name' => 'bx_photos', 'title' => '_bx_photos', 'table' => 'bx_photos_main' ); $this->aCurrent = array_merge($aMain, $this->aCurrent); $this->aCurrent['ownFields'] = array('ID', 'Title', 'Uri', 'Date', 'Size', 'Views', 'Rate', 'RateCount', 'Hash'); $this->aCurrent['searchFields'] = array('Title', 'Tags', 'Desc', 'Categories'); $this->aCurrent['rss']['title'] = _t('_bx_photos'); // redeclaration some unique fav fields $this->aAddPartsConfig['favorite']['table'] = 'bx_photos_favorites'; $this->aAddPartsConfig['favorite']['mainField'] = 'ID'; $this->oTemplate = &$this->oModule->_oTemplate; $this->aConstants['filesUrl'] = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getFilesUrl(); $this->aConstants['filesDir'] = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getFilesPath(); $this->aConstants['filesInAlbumCover'] = 17; $this->aConstants['picPostfix'] = $this->oModule->_oConfig->aFilePostfix; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['albumType']['value'] = $this->aCurrent['name']; switch ($sParamName) { case 'calendar': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-min'] = array('value' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$sParamValue}-{$sParamValue1}-{$sParamValue2} 00:00:00')", 'field' => 'Date', 'operator' => '>=', 'no_quote_value' => true); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-max'] = array('value' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$sParamValue}-{$sParamValue1}-{$sParamValue2} 23:59:59')", 'field' => 'Date', 'operator' => '<=', 'no_quote_value' => true); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_photos_caption_browse_by_day') . sprintf("%04u-%02u-%02u", $sParamValue, $sParamValue1, $sParamValue2); break; case 'top': $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'top'; break; case 'popular': $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'popular'; break; case 'featured': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['featured'] = array( 'value'=>'1', 'field'=>'Featured', 'operator'=>'=', 'paramName'=>'bx_photos_mode' ); break; case 'favorited': if (isset($this->aAddPartsConfig['favorite']) && !empty($this->aAddPartsConfig['favorite']) && getLoggedId() != 0) { $this->aCurrent['join']['favorite'] = $this->aAddPartsConfig['favorite']; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['fav'] = array( 'value' => getLoggedId(), 'field' => $this->aAddPartsConfig['favorite']['userField'], 'operator' => '=', 'table' => $this->aAddPartsConfig['favorite']['table'] ); } break; case 'album': $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'album_order'; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['album'] = array( 'value'=>'', 'field'=>'Uri', 'operator'=>'=', 'paramName'=>'albumUri', 'table'=>'sys_albums' ); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['albumType'] = array( 'value'=>$this->aCurrent['name'], 'field'=>'Type', 'operator'=>'=', 'paramName'=>'albumType', 'table'=>'sys_albums' ); if ($sParamValue1 == 'owner' && strlen($sParamValue2) > 0) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner'] = array( 'value'=>$sParamValue2, 'field'=>'NickName', 'operator'=>'=', 'paramName'=>'ownerName', 'table' => 'Profiles' ); } break; } } function addCustomParts () { if (!$this->bCustomParts) { $this->bCustomParts = true; $this->oModule->_oTemplate->addCss(array('search.css')); return ''; } } function getAlbumCovers ($iAlbumId, $aParams = array()) { $iAlbumId = (int)$iAlbumId; $iLimit = isset($aParams['filesInAlbumCover']) ? (int)$aParams['filesInAlbumCover'] : null; $aPics = $this->oModule->oAlbums->getAlbumCoverFiles($iAlbumId, array('table'=>$this->aCurrent['table'], 'field'=>'ID', 'fields_list'=>array('Hash')), array(array('field'=>'Status', 'value'=>'approved')), $iLimit); return $aPics; } function getAlbumCoverUrl (&$aIdent) { return $this->getImgUrl($aIdent['Hash'], 'thumb'); } function getImgUrl ($sHash, $sImgType = 'browse') { return BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oModule->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'get_image/' . $sImgType .'/' . $sHash . '.jpg'; } function getLength ($sSize) { return $sSize; } function getLatestFile () { $aParams['DisplayPagination'] = 0; $aParams['DisplayWhenAgo'] = 1; $aParams['DisplayViews'] = 0; $aParams['DisplayLink'] = 1; $aParams['DisplayProfile'] = 1; if (isset($this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value']) && (int)$this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] != 0) $aParams['PID'] = $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value']; if (isset($this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value']) && strlen($this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value']) > 0) $aParams['Category'] = $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value']; if (isset($this->aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value']) && strlen($this->aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value']) > 0) $aParams['Tag'] = $this->aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value']; return '
'; } /** * Get image of the specified type by image id * @param $aImageInfo image info array with the following info * $aImageInfo['Avatar'] - photo id, NOTE: it not relatyed to profiles avataras module at all * @param $sImgType image type */ function serviceGetImage ($aImageInfo, $sImgType = 'thumb') { $iPicID = (int)$aImageInfo['Avatar']; $aImg = $this->_getImageFullInfo($iPicID, $sImgType); if (strlen($aImg['file']) > 0) { $sFileName = $aImg['file']; $isNoImage = false; } return array('file' => $sFileName, 'title' => $aImg['title'], 'width' => $aImg['width'], 'height' => $aImg['height'], 'no_image'=>$isNoImage); } function serviceGetEntry($iId, $sType = 'thumb') { $aImageInfo = $this->_getImageFullInfo($iId, $sType); return empty($aImageInfo['file']) ? array() : $aImageInfo; } function serviceGetItemArray($iId, $sType = 'browse') { return $this->serviceGetEntry($iId, $sType); } function serviceGetPhotoArray($iId, $sType = 'thumb') { return $this->serviceGetEntry($iId, $sType); } function _getImageFullInfo($iId, $sType = 'thumb') { // predefined sizes $aType2Image = array( 'thumb' => 64, 'icon' => 32, 'file' => 600, 'browse' => 140, 'original' => 0 ); $aImageInfo = $this->_getImageDbInfo($iId); $iWidth = (int)$this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam($sType . '_width'); $iHeight = (int)$this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam($sType . '_height'); $iWidth = $iWidth == 0 ? $aType2Image[$sType] : $iWidth; $iHeight = $iHeight == 0 ? $aType2Image[$sType] : $iHeight; $sImagePath = $sImageUrl = $sBrowseUrl = ''; if(is_array($aImageInfo) && !empty($aImageInfo)) { $sImageUrl = $this->_getImageFullUrl($aImageInfo, $sType); $sImagePath = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getFilesPath() . $aImageInfo['id'] . $this->aConstants['picPostfix'][$sType]; $sBrowseUrl = !empty($aImageInfo['uri']) ? $this->getCurrentUrl('file', $iId, $aImageInfo['uri']) : ''; } return array( 'id' => $iId, 'file' => $sImageUrl, 'file_path' => $sImagePath, 'path' => $sImagePath, 'title' => $aImageInfo['title'], 'owner' => $aImageInfo['owner'], 'description' => $aImageInfo['description'], 'width' => $iWidth + 2 * 2, 'height' => $iHeight + 2 * 2, 'url' => $sBrowseUrl, 'date' => $aImageInfo['date'], 'rate' => $aImageInfo['rate'], 'rate_count' => $aImageInfo['rate_count'], 'comments_count' => $aImageInfo['comments_count'], 'views_count' => $aImageInfo['views_count'], 'status' => $aImageInfo['status'], 'album_id' => $aImageInfo['album_id'] ); } function _getImageDbInfo ($iId) { $iId = (int)$iId; $sqlQuery = "SELECT a.`ID` as `id`, a.`Ext` as `ext`, a.`Title` as `title`, a.`Desc` as `description`, a.`Uri` as `uri`, a.`Owner` as `owner`, a.`Date` as `date`, a.`Rate` as `rate`, a.`RateCount` as `rate_count`, a.`CommentsCount` as `comments_count`, a.`Views` as `views_count`, a.`Hash`, a.`Status` AS `status`, b.`id_album` as `album_id` FROM `bx_photos_main` as a LEFT JOIN `sys_albums_objects` as b ON b.`id_object` = a.`ID` LEFT JOIN `sys_albums` as c ON c.`ID`=b.`id_album` WHERE a.`ID`='" . $iId . "' AND c.`Type`='bx_photos'"; $aImageInfo = ($iId) ? db_arr($sqlQuery) : null; return $aImageInfo; } // get image source url function _getImageFullUrl ($aImageInfo, $sType = 'thumb') { $sName = $aImageInfo['id'] . $this->aConstants['picPostfix'][$sType]; $sName = str_replace('{ext}', $aImageInfo['ext'], $sName); $sImageUrl = !empty($aImageInfo['id']) && extFileExists($this->oModule->_oConfig->getFilesPath() . $sName) ? $this->getImgUrl($aImageInfo['Hash'], $sType) : ''; return $sImageUrl; } function _getPseud () { return array( 'id' => 'ID', 'title' => 'Title', 'date' => 'Date', 'size' => 'Size', 'uri' => 'Uri', 'view' => 'Views', 'ownerId' => 'Owner', 'ownerName' => 'NickName', 'voteTime' => 'gal_date' ); } function serviceGetProfileAlbumBlock($iProfileId, $sSpecUrl = '') { $sCaption = str_replace('{nickname}', getUsername($iProfileId), $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('profile_album_name')); $sUri = uriFilter($sCaption); $oAlbum = new BxDolAlbums('bx_photos'); $aAlbum = $oAlbum->getAlbumInfo(array('fileUri' => $sUri, 'owner' => $iProfileId)); if((int)$aAlbum['ObjCount'] <= 0) return ''; return array($this->displayAlbumUnit($aAlbum), array(), array(), false); } function servicePhotoBlock ($aParams) { return $this->getPhotoBlock($aParams); } function serviceProfilePhotoBlock ($aParams) { if(!isset($aParams['PID']) || empty($aParams['PID'])) return ''; $sOwner = getUsername($aParams['PID']); $sCaption = str_replace('{nickname}', $sOwner, $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('profile_album_name')); $sLink = $this->getCurrentUrl('album', 0, uriFilter($sCaption)) . '/owner/' . $sOwner; $aParams['LinkUnitTo'] = $sLink; $aParams['DisplayRate'] = 0; $aParams['DisplayPagination'] = 0; $aParams['DisplayLink'] = 0; $aParams['Limit'] = 1; return $this->getProfilePhotoBlock($aParams); } function serviceProfilePhoto ($iProfileId, $sType = 'icon') { $sCaption = str_replace('{nickname}', getUsername($iProfileId), $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('profile_album_name')); $sUri = uriFilter($sCaption); $oAlbum = new BxDolAlbums('bx_photos'); $aAlbumInfo = $oAlbum->getAlbumInfo(array('fileUri' => $sUri, 'owner' => $iProfileId), array('ID')); if (!$this->oModule->oAlbumPrivacy->check('album_view', $aAlbumInfo['ID'], getLoggedId())) return ''; $sKeyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) ? $_GET['keyword'] : null; unset($_GET['keyword']); unset($_POST['keyword']); unset($_GET['page']); unset($_GET['per_page']); $this->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = 1; $this->aCurrent['paginate']['page'] = 1; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $iProfileId; $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'album_order'; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['album'] = array( 'value' => $sUri, 'field' => 'Uri', 'operator' => '=', 'paramName' => 'albumUri', 'table' => 'sys_albums' ); $aFilesList = $this->getSearchData(); if (!is_null($sKeyword)) $_GET['keyword'] = $sKeyword; if (!$this->aCurrent['paginate']['totalNum']) return ''; $aFile = array_pop($aFilesList); return $this->getImgUrl($aFile['Hash'], $sType); } function serviceProfilePhotoSwitcherBlock ($aParams) { if(!isset($aParams['PID']) || empty($aParams['PID'])) return ''; $aParams['DisplayScroller'] = 1; $aParams['DisplayPagination'] = 1; $aParams['DisplayLink'] = 1; return $this->getProfilePhotoBlock($aParams); } function serviceGetFilesInCat ($iId, $sCategory = '') { $aFiles = $this->getFilesInCatArray($iId, $sCategory); foreach ($aFiles as $k => $aRow) { $aFiles[$k]['icon'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'icon'); $aFiles[$k]['thumb'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'thumb'); $aFiles[$k]['file'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'file'); } return $aFiles; } function serviceGetFilesInAlbum ($iAlbumId, $isCheckPrivacy = false, $iViewer = 0, $aLimits = array()) { if (!$iViewer) $iViewer = $this->oModule->_iProfileId; if ($isCheckPrivacy && !$this->oModule->oAlbumPrivacy->check('album_view', (int)$iAlbumId, $iViewer)) return array(); $aFiles = $this->getFilesInAlbumArray($iAlbumId, $aLimits); foreach ($aFiles as $k => $aRow) { $aFiles[$k]['icon'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'icon'); $aFiles[$k]['thumb'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'thumb'); $aFiles[$k]['file'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'file'); } return $aFiles; } function serviceGetAllProfilePhotos ($iProfId, $aLimits = array()) { $aFiles = $this->getProfileFiles($iProfId, $aLimits); foreach ($aFiles as $k => $aRow) { $aFiles[$k]['icon'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'icon'); $aFiles[$k]['thumb'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'thumb'); $aFiles[$k]['browse'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'browse'); $aFiles[$k]['file'] = $this->getImgUrl($aRow['Hash'], 'file'); } return $aFiles; } function serviceGetWallPost($aEvent) { return $this->oModule->getWallPost($aEvent, 'picture'); } function serviceGetWallPostOutline($aEvent) { return $this->oModule->getWallPostOutline($aEvent, 'picture'); } function getProfilePhotoBlock($aParams) { $sCaption = str_replace('{nickname}', getUsername($aParams['PID']), $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('profile_album_name')); $sUri = uriFilter($sCaption); $oAlbum = new BxDolAlbums('bx_photos'); $aAlbumInfo = $oAlbum->getAlbumInfo(array('fileUri' => $sUri, 'owner' => $aParams['PID']), array('ID')); if(empty($aAlbumInfo) && $this->oModule->_iProfileId == (int)$aParams['PID']) { $aData = array( 'caption' => $sCaption, 'location' => _t('_' . $this->oModule->_oConfig->getMainPrefix() . '_undefined'), 'owner' => $this->oModule->_iProfileId, 'AllowAlbumView' => BX_DOL_PG_ALL, ); $aAlbumInfo['ID'] = $oAlbum->addAlbum($aData, false); } if(!$this->oModule->oAlbumPrivacy->check('album_view', $aAlbumInfo['ID'], $this->oModule->_iProfileId)) return ''; $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'album_order'; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['album'] = array( 'value' => $sUri, 'field' => 'Uri', 'operator' => '=', 'paramName' => 'albumUri', 'table' => 'sys_albums' ); return $this->getPhotoBlock($aParams); } function getPhotoBlock ($aParams = array()) { $this->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = 20; $aShowParams = array('showScroller' => 0, 'showRate' => 1, 'showPaginate' => 0, 'showViews' => 0, 'showDate' => 0, 'showLink' => 0, 'showFrom' => 0); if(count($aParams) > 0) { foreach( $aParams as $sKeyName => $sKeyValue ) { switch ($sKeyName) { case 'PID': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = (int)$sKeyValue; break; case 'Category': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value'] = strip_tags($sKeyValue); break; case 'Tag': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value'] = strip_tags($sKeyValue); break; case 'Limit': $this->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = (int)$sKeyValue; break; case 'DisplayScroller': $aShowParams['showScroller'] = $sKeyValue == 1 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'DisplayRate': $aShowParams['showRate'] = $sKeyValue == 1 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'DisplayPagination': $aShowParams['showPaginate'] = $sKeyValue == 1 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'DisplayViews': $aShowParams['showViews'] = $sKeyValue == 1 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'DisplayWhenAgo': $aShowParams['showDate'] = $sKeyValue == 1 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'DisplayLink': $aShowParams['showLink'] = $sKeyValue == 1 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'DisplayProfile': $aShowParams['showFrom'] = $sKeyValue == 1 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'LinkUnitTo': $aShowParams['linkUnitTo'] = $sKeyValue; break; } } } $aFilesList = $this->getSearchData(); $iCnt = $this->aCurrent['paginate']['totalNum']; if($iCnt) { $aUnit = array(); $aUnits = array(); if (defined('BX_PROFILE_PAGE') || defined('BX_MEMBER_PAGE')) { $iPhotoWidth = 259; $sImgWidth = 'style="width:' . $iPhotoWidth . 'px;"'; } else { $iPhotoWidth = (int)$this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('file_width'); $iPhotoWidth = ($iPhotoWidth > 1) ? $iPhotoWidth : 600; $sImgWidth = ''; } foreach ($aFilesList as $iKey => $aData) { $sPicUrl = $this->getImgUrl($aData['Hash'], 'icon'); $aUnits[] = array( 'imageId' => $iKey + 1, 'picUrl' => $sPicUrl ); $sPicLinkElements .= 'aPicLink['.($iKey + 1).'] = '.$aData['id'].';'; if ($iKey == 0) { $aAdd = array('switchWidth' => ($iPhotoWidth + 2), 'imgWidth' => $sImgWidth); $aUnit['switcherUnit'] = $this->getSwitcherUnit($aData, $aShowParams, $aAdd); } } $aUnit['moduleUrl'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oModule->_oConfig->getBaseUri(); $aUnit['count'] = $iCnt; $aUnit['picWidth'] = $iPhotoWidth; $aUnit['picBoxWidth'] = $aUnit['switchWidth'] = $iPhotoWidth + 2; $aUnit['switchWidthOut'] = $aUnit['switchWidth'] + 2; $aUnit['bx_if:show_scroller'] = array( 'condition' => false, 'content' => array() ); if((int)$aShowParams['showScroller'] == 1) { $bScroller = false; $iContainerWidth = $iContentWidth = $iCnt * 40; if($iContentWidth > $aUnit['picWidth']) { $bScroller = true; $iContainerWidth = $aUnit['picBoxWidth'] - 72; } $aUnit['bx_if:show_scroller'] = array( 'condition' => true, 'content' => array( 'switchWidthOut' => $aUnit['switchWidthOut'], 'containerWidth' => $iContainerWidth, 'contWidth' => $iContentWidth, 'bx_if:scrollerBack' => array( 'condition' => $bScroller, 'content' => array(1) ), 'bx_repeat:iconBlock' => $aUnits, 'bx_if:scrollerNext' => array( 'condition' => $bScroller, 'content' => array(1), ) ) ); } $aUnit['picLinkElements'] = $sPicLinkElements; if ($aShowParams['showPaginate'] == 1) { $aLinkAddon = $this->getLinkAddByPrams(); $oPaginate = new BxDolPaginate(array( 'page_url' => $aUnit['changeUrl'], 'count' => $iCnt, 'info' => false, 'per_page' => 1, 'page' => $this->aCurrent['paginate']['page'], 'per_page_changer' => false, 'page_reloader' => false, 'on_change_page' => 'getCurrentImage({page})', )); $aUnit['paginate'] = $oPaginate->getPaginate(); } else $aUnit['paginate'] = ''; $this->oTemplate->addCss('search.css'); return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('photo_switcher.html', $aUnit); } elseif ($this->oModule->_iProfileId != 0 && $this->oModule->_iProfileId == (int)$this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value']) { ob_start(); ?>
oModule->_iProfileId); $sCaption = uriFilter(str_replace('{nickname}', $sNickName, $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('profile_album_name'))); $aUnit = array( 'lnk_url' => $this->oModule->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'albums/my/add_objects/' . $sCaption . '/owner/' . $sNickName, 'lnk_title' => $sLinkTitle, 'lnk_content' => $sLinkTitle ); return MsgBox(_t('_Empty')) . $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByContent($sCode, $aUnit); } return MsgBox(_t('_Empty')); } function getSwitcherUnit (&$aData, $aShowParams = array(), $aAddElems = array()) { if (!is_array($aData)) return; $iPhotoWidth = (int)$this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('file_width') ? (int)$this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('file_width') : 602; $iWidth = (int)$aAddElems['switchWidth'] > 0 ? (int)$aAddElems['switchWidth'] : $iPhotoWidth; $sImgUrl = $this->getCurrentUrl('file', $aData['id'], $aData['uri']); $aUnit = array( 'switchWidth' => $iWidth, 'imgWidth' => !empty($aAddElems['imgWidth']) ? $aAddElems['imgWidth']: '', 'picUrl' => $this->getImgUrl($aData['Hash'], 'file'), 'href' => isset($aShowParams['linkUnitTo']) && !empty($aShowParams['linkUnitTo']) ? $aShowParams['linkUnitTo'] : $sImgUrl, 'bx_if:href' => array( 'condition' => (int)$aShowParams['showLink'] != 0, 'content' => array( 'href' => $sImgUrl, 'title' => $aData['title'] ) ), 'bx_if:rate' => array( 'condition' => (int)$aShowParams['showRate'] != 0, 'content' => array( 'rate' => $this->oRate && $this->oRate->isEnabled() ? $this->oRate->getJustVotingElement(1, $aData['id'], $aData['Rate']) : $this->oRate->getJustVotingElement(0, 0, $aData['Rate']) ) ), 'bx_if:date' => array( 'condition' => (int)$aShowParams['showDate'] != 0, 'content' => array( 'date' => defineTimeInterval($aData['date']) ) ), 'bx_if:from' => array( 'condition' => (int)$aShowParams['showFrom'] != 0, 'content' => array( 'profileUrl' => getProfileLink($aData['ownerId']), 'nick' => getNickName($aData['ownerId']) ) ) ); return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('switcher_unit.html', $aUnit); } function getModuleFolder () { return 'boonex/photos'; } }