* Dolphin Smart Community Builder
* -------------------
* begin : Mon Mar 23 2006
* copyright : (C) 2007 BoonEx Group
* website : http://www.boonex.com
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com
$sLangCategory = 'BooneEx Games';
$aLangContent = array(
'_sbs_txt_title_bx_games' => 'Games',
'_bx_games' => 'Games',
'_bx_games_admin' => 'Admin',
'_bx_games_add' => 'add',
'_bx_games_wall_added_new' => 'added new',
'_bx_games_wall_object' => 'game',
'_bx_games_for_group' => 'for %s',
'_bx_games_buy' => 'Buy',
'_bx_games_download' => 'Download',
'_bx_games_products_single' => 'game',
'_bx_games_products_plural' => 'games',
'_bx_games_product_file_hidden' => 'Hidden',
'_bx_games_product_file_visible' => 'Visible',
'_bx_games_free_product' => 'Free',
'_bx_games_loading' => 'Loading...',
'_bx_games_spy_post' => '{profile_nick} added a new game {entry_title}',
'_bx_games_spy_post_change' => '{profile_nick} changed a game {entry_title}',
'_bx_games_spy_rate' => '{profile_nick} rated a game {entry_title}',
'_bx_games_spy_comment' => '{profile_nick} commented on a game {entry_title}',
'_bx_games_sbs_change' => 'information was updated',
'_bx_games_sbs_comment' => 'new comment arrived',
'_bx_games_sbs_rate' => 'rating was updated',
'_bx_games_tab_featured' => 'Featured',
'_bx_games_tab_recent' => 'Recent',
'_bx_games_tab_top' => 'Top',
'_bx_games_tab_popular' => 'Popular',
'_bx_games_tab_free' => 'Free',
'_bx_games_block_submenu_main' => 'Main',
'_bx_games_block_submenu_add_product' => 'Add',
'_bx_games_block_submenu_manage_products' => 'Manage',
'_bx_games_block_submenu_pending_products' => 'Pending Approval',
'_bx_games_block_actions' => 'Actions',
'_bx_games_block_rate' => 'Rate',
'_bx_games_block_items' => 'Items',
'_bx_games_block_info' => 'Info',
'_bx_games_block_desc' => 'Description',
'_bx_games_block_photo' => 'Screenshots',
'_bx_games_block_video' => 'Screencasts',
'_bx_games_block_comments' => 'Reviews',
'_bx_games_block_latest_featured_product' => 'Latest Featured Game',
'_bx_games_block_recent' => 'Recent Public Games',
'_bx_games_block_administration_owner' => 'Administration',
'_bx_games_block_users_products' => 'User\'s Games',
'_bx_games_block_my_products' => 'My Games',
'_bx_games_block_homepage' => 'Public Games',
'_bx_games_caption_add' => 'Add Game',
'_bx_games_cpation_share_product' => 'Share Game',
'_bx_games_caption_admin_actions' => 'Links',
'_bx_games_caption_pending_approval' => 'Games Pending Approval',
'_bx_games_menu_root' => 'Games',
'_bx_games_menu_main' => 'Games Home',
'_bx_games_menu_recent' => 'Recent',
'_bx_games_menu_top_rated' => 'Top Rated',
'_bx_games_menu_popular' => 'Popular',
'_bx_games_menu_featured' => 'Featured',
'_bx_games_menu_free_products' => 'Free',
'_bx_games_menu_tags' => 'Tags',
'_bx_games_menu_categories' => 'Categories',
'_bx_games_menu_calendar' => 'Calendar',
'_bx_games_menu_search' => 'Search',
'_bx_games_menu_my_products_profile' => 'Games',
'_bx_games_menu_view_product' => 'Main',
'_bx_games_menu_view_forum' => 'Forum',
'_bx_games_menu_view_comments' => 'Reviews',
'_bx_games_menu_view_photos' => 'Screenshots',
'_bx_games_menu_view_videos' => 'Screencasts',
'_bx_games_menu_admin_pending_approval' => 'Pending Approval',
'_bx_games_menu_admin_entries' => 'Admin Games',
'_bx_games_menu_admin_add_entry' => 'Add Game',
'_bx_games_menu_admin_settings' => 'Settings',
'_bx_games_page_title_home' => 'Games Home',
'_bx_games_page_title_calendar' => 'Games Calendar ',
'_bx_games_page_title_comments' => 'Reviews',
'_bx_games_page_title_photos' => 'Screenshots',
'_bx_games_page_title_videos' => 'Screencasts',
'_bx_games_page_title_my_games' => 'My Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_search' => 'Games Search',
'_bx_games_page_title_add' => 'Add Game',
'_bx_games_page_title_edit' => 'Edit Game',
'_bx_games_page_title_administration' => 'Games Administration',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse' => 'Browse Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_pending_approval' => 'Games Pending Approval',
'_bx_games_page_title_search_results' => 'Games Search Results',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_by_author' => '\'s Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_admin_products' => 'Admin Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_by_category' => 'Browse Games By Category: ',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_by_tag' => 'Browse Games By Tag: ',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_recent' => 'Recent Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_top_rated' => 'Top Rated Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_popular' => 'Popular Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_featured' => 'Featured Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_free_products' => 'Free Games',
'_bx_games_page_title_browse_by_day' => 'Browse Games By Day: ',
'_bx_games_page_title_tags' => 'Games Tags',
'_bx_games_page_title_categories' => 'Games Categories',
'_bx_games_page_title_broadcast' => 'Broadcast message to all customers of this game',
'_bx_games_msg_pending_approval' => 'this game is pending approval, please wait until it has been activated',
'_bx_games_msg_product_was_deleted' => 'Game was deleted',
'_bx_games_msg_removed_from_featured' => 'Game was removed from featured',
'_bx_games_msg_added_to_featured' => 'Game was added to featured',
'_bx_games_msg_photo_is_pending_approval' => 'Photo is pending approval',
'_bx_games_msg_you_have_pending_approval_products' => 'You have %d games pending approval',
'_bx_games_msg_you_have_no_products' => 'You do not have any games. Click here to add one.',
'_bx_games_msg_you_have_some_products' => 'You have %d game(s). Click here to add more.',
'_bx_games_msg_broadcast_message_sent' => 'Broadcast messages have been sent',
'_bx_games_msg_broadcast_no_recipients' => 'There are no customers for this game yet',
'_bx_games_admin_delete' => 'Delete',
'_bx_games_admin_activate' => 'Activate',
'_bx_games_admin_add_new_product' => 'Add New Game',
'_bx_games_admin_products' => 'Admin Games',
'_bx_games_admin_settings' => 'Admin Settings',
'_bx_games_form_header_info' => 'Game\'s Info',
'_bx_games_form_header_images' => 'Game\'s Screenshots',
'_bx_games_form_header_videos' => 'Game\'s Screencasts',
'_bx_games_form_header_files' => 'Game\'s Files',
'_bx_games_form_header_privacy' => 'Privacy Settings',
'_bx_games_form_caption_title' => 'Title',
'_bx_games_form_err_title' => 'Please specify title from 3 to 100 characters',
'_bx_games_form_caption_desc' => 'Description',
'_bx_games_form_err_desc' => 'Please enter at least 20 characters',
'_bx_games_form_err_tags' => 'Please enter at least one word which describes this product',
'_bx_games_form_caption_author_id' => 'Author',
'_bx_games_form_info_author' => 'Author profile ID number',
'_bx_games_form_caption_keyword' => 'Keyword',
'_bx_games_form_err_keyword' => 'Please enter from 3 to 100 characters',
'_bx_games_form_caption_category' => 'Category',
'_bx_games_form_err_category' => 'Category is invalid',
'_bx_games_form_caption_images_choice' => 'Choose',
'_bx_games_form_info_images_choice' => 'Unchecked images will be deleted',
'_bx_games_form_caption_images_upload' => 'Upload',
'_bx_games_form_info_images_upload' => 'Image will be placed in the "Games" category automatically',
'_bx_games_form_caption_videos_choice' => 'Choose',
'_bx_games_form_info_videos_choice' => 'Unchecked videos will be deleted',
'_bx_games_form_caption_videos_upload' => 'Upload',
'_bx_games_form_info_videos_upload' => 'Video will be placed in the "Games" category automatically',
'_bx_games_form_caption_files_choice' => 'Choose',
'_bx_games_form_info_files_choice' => 'Files can not be deleted, but you can hide them',
'_bx_games_form_caption_files_upload' => 'Upload',
'_bx_games_form_info_files_upload' => 'File will be placed in the "Games" category and set as private automatically',
'_bx_games_form_caption_file_title' => 'Title:',
'_bx_games_form_caption_file_price' => 'Price:',
'_bx_games_form_caption_file_allow_purcase_to' => 'Allow purchase to:',
'_bx_games_form_caption_thumb_choice' => 'Choose thumbnail',
'_bx_games_form_info_thumb_choice' => 'You can choose any uploaded image as the product thumbnail',
'_bx_games_form_caption_broadcast_title' => 'Broadcast message title',
'_bx_games_form_err_broadcast_title' => 'Please enter from 3 to 100 characters',
'_bx_games_form_caption_broadcast_message' => 'Broadcast message',
'_bx_games_form_err_broadcast_message' => 'Please enter at least 10 characters',
'_bx_games_action_games_home' => 'Games Home',
'_bx_games_action_title_edit' => 'Edit',
'_bx_games_action_title_delete' => 'Delete',
'_bx_games_action_title_share' => 'Share',
'_bx_games_action_title_broadcast' => 'Broadcast',
'_bx_games_action_add_to_featured' => 'Add To Featured',
'_bx_games_action_remove_from_featured' => 'Remove From Featured',
'_bx_games_action_add_product' => 'Add Game',
'_bx_games_action_my_products' => 'My Games',
'_bx_games_privacy_view_product' => 'View Game',
'_bx_games_privacy_edit_product' => 'Edit Game',
'_bx_games_privacy_post_in_forum_product' => 'Post In Forum',
'_bx_games_privacy_purchase_file' => 'Purchase Game',
'_bx_games_privacy_customers_only' => 'Customers Only',
'_mma_games_view_product' => 'games view product',
'_mma_games_browse' => 'games browse',
'_mma_games_search' => 'games search',
'_mma_games_add_product' => 'games add product',
'_mma_games_product_comments_delete_and_edit' => 'games product comments delete and edit',
'_mma_games_edit_any_product' => 'games edit any product',
'_mma_games_delete_any_product' => 'games delete any product',
'_mma_games_mark_as_featured' => 'games mark as featured',
'_mma_games_approve_product' => 'games approve product',
'_mma_games_broadcast_message' => 'games broadcast message',