register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)'; $aErrors[] = (ini_get('safe_mode') == 0) ? '' : 'safe_mode is On, disable it'; //$aErrors[] = (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 0) ? 'Off (warning, better keep this parameter in On to able register Dolphin' : ''; $aErrors[] = (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<')) ? 'PHP version too old, please update to PHP 5.2.0 at least' : ''; $aErrors[] = (! extension_loaded( 'mbstring')) ? 'mbstring extension not installed. Warning! Dolphin cannot work without mbstring extension.' : ''; if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2", ">") == 1) { $aErrors[] = (ini_get('allow_url_include') == 0) ? '' : 'allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)'; }; $aErrors = array_diff($aErrors, array('')); //delete empty if (count($aErrors)) { $sErrors = implode("
", $aErrors); echo << Please go to the
Dolphin Troubleshooter
and solve the problem. EOF; exit; } } //check correct hostname $aUrl = parse_url( $site['url'] ); if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) and 0 != strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $aUrl['host']) and 0 != strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $aUrl['host'] . ':80') ) { header( "Location:http://{$aUrl['host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" ); exit; } // check if install folder exists if ( !defined ('BX_SKIP_INSTALL_CHECK') && file_exists( $dir['root'] . 'install' ) ) { $ret = << Dolphin Smart Community Builder Installed
Dolphin Installed
Please, remove INSTALL directory from your server and reload this page to activate your community site.
NOTE: Once you remove this page you can safely install modules via Admin Panel.
EOJ; echo $ret; exit(); } // set error reporting level if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.0", ">=") == 1) error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED); else error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 0); // set default encoding for multibyte functions mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ""); require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "flash/modules/global/inc/"); require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "flash/modules/global/inc/"); require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . "BxDolService.php"); require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('system', 'begin', 0); $oZ->alert(); ?>