oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPhotosModule'); $this->sWorkingFile = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oModule->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'albums/my/add_objects'; $this->sMultiUploaderParams['accept_format'] = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getAvailableFlashExts(); $this->sMultiUploaderParams['accept_file'] = $this->sWorkingFile; $this->sMultiUploaderParams['form_caption'] = _t('_bx_photos_add_objects'); /*$this->sMultiUploaderParams['post_params'] = '{action: "accept_multi_files", oid: "'.$this->_iOwnerId.'", "extra_param_album": "__extra_param_album__"}';*/ } /* * Service - generate photo upload main form * * params * $sPredefCategory - TODO remove * $aExtras - TODO predefined album and category should appear here with names: predef_album and predef_category */ function serviceGenPhotoUploadForm($aExtras = array()) { return $this->GenMainAddPhotosForm($aExtras); } function GenMainAddPhotosForm($aExtras = array()) { $aUploaders = array_keys($this->oModule->_oConfig->getUploaderList()); return $this->_GenMainAddCommonForm($aExtras, $aUploaders); } function getEmbedFormFile() { $sKey = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('flickr_photo_api'); return ($sKey != '') ? $this->_getEmbedFormFile() : MsgBox(_t('_bx_photos_flickr_key_not_exist')); } function getRecordFormFile() { $sCustomRecorderObject = getApplicationContent('photo', 'shooter', array('id' => $this->_getAuthorId(), 'password' => $this->_getAuthorPassword(), 'extra' => ''), true); return $this->_getRecordFormFile($sCustomRecorderObject); } function getUploadFormFile() { return $this->_getUploadFormFile(); } function GenSendFileInfoForm($iFileID, $aDefaultValues = array()) { $sPhotoUrl = ""; if(isset($aDefaultValues['image'])) $sPhotoUrl = $aDefaultValues['image']; else if(!empty($iFileID)) { $aPhotoInfo = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_photo_array', array($iFileID), 'Search'); $sPhotoUrl = $aPhotoInfo['file']; } $sProtoEl = ''; $aPossibleImage = array(); $aPossibleImage['preview_image'] = array( 'type' => 'custom', 'content' => $sProtoEl, 'caption' => _t('_bx_photos_preview'), ); return $this->_GenSendFileInfoForm($iFileID, $aDefaultValues, $aPossibleImage, array()); } function serviceCancelFileInfo() { $iFileID = (int)$_GET['file_id']; if ($iFileID) { if ($this->oModule->serviceRemoveObject($iFileID)) { //deletePhoto($iFileID); return 1; } } return 0; } function serviceAcceptFile() { $sResult = ''; if ($_FILES) { for ($i=0; $igetPhotoAddError(_t('_bx_photos_size_error', _t_format_size($this->iMaxFilesize))); continue; } $sResult .= $this->_sharePhoto($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i], true, $_FILES['file']['name'][$i]); } } else $sResult = $this->getPhotoAddError(_t('_bx_photos_size_error', _t_format_size($this->iMaxFilesize))); return $sResult != '' ? $this->GenJquieryInjection() . $sResult : ''; } function serviceAcceptRecordFile() { $sResult = $this->_recordPhoto(); return ($sResult!='') ? $this->GenJquieryInjection() . $sResult : ''; } function serviceAcceptEmbedFile() { $sErrorReturn = ''; $sPhotoId = substr(trim($_POST['embed']), -11, 10); if(empty($sPhotoId)) return $sErrorReturn; $sApiKey = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam('flickr_photo_api'); $sPhotoUrl = str_replace("#api_key#", $sApiKey, FLICKR_PHOTO_RSS); $sPhotoUrl = str_replace("#photo#", $sPhotoId, $sPhotoUrl); $sPhotoDataOriginal = $this->embedReadUrl($sPhotoUrl); $aResult = $this->embedGetTagAttributes($sPhotoDataOriginal, "rsp"); if($aResult["stat"] == "fail") { $aResult = $this->embedGetTagAttributes($sPhotoDataOriginal, "err"); $sNewError = $aResult["msg"]; $sErrorReturn = ''; return $sErrorReturn; } $sPhotoData = $this->embedGetTagContents($sPhotoDataOriginal, "photo"); if(empty($sPhotoData)) return $sErrorReturn; $sTitle = $this->embedGetTagContents($sPhotoData, "title"); $sDesc = $this->embedGetTagContents($sPhotoData, "description"); $sTags = strip_tags($this->embedGetTagContents($sPhotoData, "tags")); $sTags = trim(str_replace("\n", " ", $sTags)); $sTags = trim(str_replace("\t", "", $sTags)); $aPhoto = $this->embedGetTagAttributes($sPhotoDataOriginal, "photo"); $sImage = str_replace("#id#", $sPhotoId, FLICKR_PHOTO_URL); $sImage = str_replace("#farm#", $aPhoto['farm'], $sImage); $sImage = str_replace("#server#", $aPhoto['server'], $sImage); $sExt = "jpg"; $sMode = ""; if(isset($aPhoto['originalsecret'])) { $aPhoto['secret'] = $aPhoto['originalsecret']; $sExt = $aPhoto['originalformat']; $sMode = "_o"; } $sImage = str_replace("#secret#", $aPhoto['secret'], $sImage); $sImage = str_replace("#mode#", $sMode, $sImage); $sImage = str_replace("#ext#", $sExt, $sImage); if(empty($sTitle)) return $sErrorReturn; $sResult = $this->_embedPhoto($sPhotoId, $sTitle, $sDesc, $sTags, $sImage); return ($sResult!='') ? $this->GenJquieryInjection() . $sResult : ''; } function serviceAcceptFileInfo() { $iAuthorId = $this->_getAuthorId(); $sJSPhotoId = (int)$_POST['file_id']; switch($_POST['type']) { case 'embed': case 'record': global $sFilesPath; $iPhotoID = (int)$this->performPhotoUpload($sFilesPath . $iAuthorId . IMAGE_EXTENSION, array(), false, false); removeFiles($iAuthorId); break; case 'upload': default: $iPhotoID = $sJSPhotoId; break; } if ($iPhotoID && $iAuthorId) { $sTitle = $_POST['title']; $sTags = $_POST['tags']; $sDescription = $_POST['description']; $aCategories = array(); foreach ($_POST['Categories'] as $sKey => $sVal) { if ($sVal != '') { $aCategories[] = $sVal; } } $sCategories = implode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aCategories); if ($this->initPhotoFile($iPhotoID, $sTitle, $sCategories, $sTags, $sDescription)) { $aExtra = $this->_getExtraParams($_POST); $aExtra = $this->_updateExtraParams($aExtra, $iPhotoID, $iAuthorId); //--- BxPhoto -> Upload unit for Alerts Engine ---// require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_photos', 'add', $iPhotoID, $iAuthorId, $aExtra); $oZ->alert(); //--- BxPhoto -> Upload unit for Alerts Engine ---// return ''; } } return ''; } function _embedPhoto($sPhotoId, $sTitle, $sDesc, $sTags, $sImage) { $sAuthorCheck = $this->checkAuthorBeforeAdd(); if(empty($sAuthorCheck)) { $sEmbedThumbUrl = photo_getEmbedThumbnail($this->_getAuthorId(), $sImage); if($sEmbedThumbUrl) { $aDefault = array('photo' => $sPhotoId, 'title' => $sTitle, 'description' => $sDesc, 'tags' => $sTags, 'image' => $sEmbedThumbUrl, 'type' => "embed"); return $this->GenSendFileInfoForm(1, $aDefault); } else return $this->getPhotoAddError(); } else return $sAuthorCheck; } // function checkAuthorBeforeAdd() { // return $this->_getAuthorId() ? "" : ''; // } function servicePerformMultiPhotoUpload () { $this->_iOwnerId = (int)$_POST['oid']; if ($_FILES) { if ($_FILES['Filedata']['error'] || $_FILES['Filedata']['size'] > $this->iMaxFilesize) return; $sResult .= $this->_sharePhoto($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], true, $_FILES['Filedata']['name']); return ($sResult!='') ? $this->GenJquieryInjection() . $sResult : ''; } } function servicePerformPhotoUpload ($sTmpFilename, $aFileInfo, $isUpdateThumb, $iAuthorId = 0) { if (!$iAuthorId) $iAuthorId = $this->_iOwnerId; return $this->performPhotoUpload($sTmpFilename, $aFileInfo, $isUpdateThumb, false, 0, $iAuthorId); } function servicePerformPhotoReplace($sTmpFilename, $aFileInfo, $isUpdateThumb, $iPhotoID) { return $this->performPhotoUpload($sTmpFilename, $aFileInfo, $isUpdateThumb, false, $iPhotoID); } function _sharePhoto($sFilePath, $isMoveUploadedFile = true, $sRealFilename = '') { $sAuthorCheck = $this->checkAuthorBeforeAdd(); if(empty($sAuthorCheck)) { $iPointPos = strrpos($sRealFilename, '.'); $sExt = substr($sRealFilename, $iPointPos + 1); if (!$this->oModule->_oConfig->checkAllowedExts(strtolower($sExt))) return $this->getPhotoAddError(); $this->sTempFilename = substr($sRealFilename, 0, $iPointPos); $iMID = $this->performPhotoUpload($sFilePath, array(), false, $isMoveUploadedFile); if ($iMID>0) { //upload success $aDefault = array('title' => $this->sTempFilename); return $this->GenSendFileInfoForm($iMID, $aDefault); } else return $this->getPhotoAddError(); } else return $sAuthorCheck; } function _recordPhoto() { $sAuthorCheck = $this->checkAuthorBeforeAdd(); if(empty($sAuthorCheck)) { global $sFilesPath; $sRecordThumbUrl = photo_getRecordThumbnail($this->_getAuthorId()); if($sRecordThumbUrl) { $aDefault = array('image' => $sRecordThumbUrl, 'type' => "record"); return $this->GenSendFileInfoForm(1, $aDefault); } else return $this->getPhotoAddError(); } else return $sAuthorCheck; } function getPhotoAddError($sMessage = '') { if(!empty($sMessage)) return ''; return ''; } function initPhotoFile($iPhotoID, $sTitle, $sCategories, $sTags, $sDesc) { $sStatus = getParam('bx_photos_activation') == 'on' ? 'approved' : 'pending'; $sUri = uriGenerate($sTitle, $this->oModule->_oDb->sFileTable, $this->oModule->_oDb->aFileFields['medUri']); $bRes = $this->oModule->_oDb->updateData($iPhotoID, array('Categories'=>$sCategories, 'medTitle'=>$sTitle, 'medUri'=>$sUri, 'medTags'=>$sTags, 'medDesc'=>$sDesc, 'Approved'=>$sStatus)); if ($bRes) { $oTag = new BxDolTags(); $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_photos', $iPhotoID); $oCateg = new BxDolCategories(); $oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_photos', $iPhotoID); } return $bRes; } // simple upload function performPhotoUpload($sTmpFile, $aFileInfo, $bAutoAssign2Profile = false, $isMoveUploadedFile = true, $iChangingPhotoID = 0, $iAuthorId = 0) { global $dir; $iLastID = -1; if (!$iAuthorId) $iAuthorId = $this->_iOwnerId; $this->oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPhotosModule'); // checker for flash uploader if (!$this->oModule->_iProfileId) $this->oModule->_iProfileId = $this->_iOwnerId; if (!$iAuthorId || file_exists($sTmpFile) == false || !$this->oModule->isAllowedAdd(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) return false; $sMediaDir = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getFilesPath(); if (!$sMediaDir) { @unlink($sTmpFile); return false; } $sTempFileName = $sMediaDir . $iAuthorId . '_temp'; @unlink($sTempFileName); if (($isMoveUploadedFile && is_uploaded_file($sTmpFile)) || !$isMoveUploadedFile) { if ($isMoveUploadedFile) { move_uploaded_file($sTmpFile, $sTempFileName); @unlink($sTmpFile); } else { $sTempFileName = $sTmpFile; } @chmod($sTempFileName, 0644); if(file_exists($sTempFileName) && filesize($sTempFileName)>0) { $aSize = getimagesize($sTempFileName); if (!$aSize) { @unlink($sTempFileName); return false; } switch($aSize[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $sExtension = '.jpg'; break; case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $sExtension = '.gif'; break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $sExtension = '.png'; break; default: @unlink($sTempFileName); return false; } $sStatus = 'processing'; $iImgWidth = (int)$aSize[0]; $iImgHeight = (int)$aSize[1]; $sDimension = $iImgWidth.'x'.$iImgHeight; $sFileSize = sprintf("%u", filesize($sTempFileName) / 1024); if ($iChangingPhotoID==0) { if (is_array($aFileInfo) && count($aFileInfo)>0) { $aFileInfo['dimension'] = $sDimension; $iLastID = $this->insertSharedMediaToDb($sExtension, $aFileInfo, $iAuthorId); } else { $sExtDb = trim($sExtension, '.'); $sMedUri = $sCurTime = time(); $sTitleDescTemp = ($this->sTempFilename != '') ? $this->sTempFilename : $iAuthorId . '_temp'; if (getParam('bx_photos_activation') == 'on') { $bAutoActivate = true; $sStatus = 'approved'; } else { $bAutoActivate = false; $sStatus = 'pending'; } $sAlbum = $_POST['extra_param_album']; $aAlbumParams = isset($_POST['extra_param_albumPrivacy']) ? array('privacy' => (int)$_POST['extra_param_albumPrivacy']) : array(); $iLastID = $this->oModule->_oDb->insertData(array('medProfId'=>$iAuthorId, 'medExt'=>$sExtDb, 'medTitle'=>$sTitleDescTemp, 'medUri'=>$sMedUri, 'medDesc'=>$sTitleDescTemp, 'medTags'=>'', 'Categories'=>PROFILE_PHOTO_CATEGORY, 'medSize'=>$sDimension, 'Approved'=>$sStatus, 'medDate'=>$sCurTime)); $this->addObjectToAlbum($this->oModule->oAlbums, $sAlbum, $iLastID, $bAutoActivate, $iAuthorId, $aAlbumParams); $this->oModule->isAllowedAdd(true, true); } } else { $iLastID = $iChangingPhotoID; $this->updateMediaShared($iLastID, $aFileInfo); } $sFunc = ($isMoveUploadedFile) ? 'rename' : 'copy'; if (! $sFunc($sTempFileName, $sMediaDir . $iLastID . $sExtension)) { @unlink($sTempFileName); return false; } $this->sSendFileInfoFormCaption = $iLastID . $sExtension . " ({$sDimension}) ({$sFileSize}kb)"; $sFile = $sMediaDir . $iLastID . $sExtension; // watermark postprocessing if (getParam('enable_watermark') == 'on') { $iTransparent = getParam('transparent1'); $sWaterMark = $dir['profileImage'] . getParam('Water_Mark'); if (strlen(getParam('Water_Mark')) && file_exists($sWaterMark)) applyWatermark($sFile, $sFile, $sWaterMark, $iTransparent); } $aFileTypes = array( 'icon' => array('postfix' => 'ri', 'size_def' => 32), 'thumb' => array('postfix' => 'rt', 'size_def' => 64), 'browse'=> array('postfix' => 't', 'size_def' => 140), 'file' => array('postfix' => 'm', 'size_def' => 600) ); // force into JPG $sExtension = '.jpg'; // generate present pics foreach ($aFileTypes as $sKey => $aValue) { $iWidth = (int)$this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam($sKey . '_width'); $iHeight = (int)$this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam($sKey . '_height'); if ($iWidth == 0) $iWidth = $aValue['size_def']; if ($iHeight == 0) $iHeight = $aValue['size_def']; $sNewFilePath = $sMediaDir . $iLastID . '_' . $aValue['postfix'] . $sExtension; $iRes = imageResize($sFile, $sNewFilePath, $iWidth, $iHeight, true); if ($iRes != 0) return false; //resizing was failed @chmod($sNewFilePath, 0644); } $aOwnerInfo = getProfileInfo($iAuthorId); $bAutoAssign2Profile = ($aOwnerInfo['Avatar']==0) ? true : $bAutoAssign2Profile; if ($bAutoAssign2Profile && $iLastID > 0) { $this->setPrimarySharedPhoto($iLastID, $iAuthorId); createUserDataFile($iAuthorId); } if (is_array($aFileInfo) && count($aFileInfo)>0) { $aExtra = $this->_getExtraParams($_POST); $aExtra = $this->_updateExtraParams($aExtra, $iLastID, $iAuthorId); if(!isset($aExtra['privacy_view']) || (int)$aExtra['privacy_view'] != (int)BX_DOL_PG_HIDDEN) { //--- BxPhoto -> Upload unit for Alerts Engine ---// require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('bx_photos', 'add', $iLastID, $iAuthorId, $aExtra); $oZ->alert(); //--- BxPhoto -> Upload unit for Alerts Engine ---// } } } } return $iLastID; } function insertSharedMediaToDb($sExt, $aFileInfo, $iAuthorId = 0) { if (!$iAuthorId) $iAuthorId = $this->_iOwnerId; if (getParam('bx_photos_activation') == 'on') { $bAutoActivate = true; $sStatus = 'approved'; } else { $bAutoActivate = false; $sStatus = 'pending'; } $sFileTitle= $aFileInfo['medTitle']; $sFileDesc = $aFileInfo['medDesc']; $sFileTags = $aFileInfo['medTags']; $sCategory = implode(CATEGORIES_DIVIDER, $aFileInfo['Categories']); $sDimension = $aFileInfo['dimension']; $sAlbum = mb_strlen($_POST['extra_param_album']) > 0 ? $_POST['extra_param_album'] : getParam('sys_album_default_name'); $sAlbum = isset($aFileInfo['album']) ? $aFileInfo['album'] : $sAlbum; $sMedUri = uriGenerate($sFileTitle, $this->oModule->_oDb->sFileTable, $this->oModule->_oDb->aFileFields['medUri']); $sExtDb = trim($sExt, '.'); $sCurTime = time(); $iInsertedID = $this->oModule->_oDb->insertData(array('medProfId'=>$iAuthorId, 'medExt'=>$sExtDb, 'medTitle'=>$sFileTitle, 'medUri'=>$sMedUri, 'medDesc'=>$sFileDesc, 'medTags'=>$sFileTags, 'Categories'=>$sCategory, 'medSize'=>$sDimension, 'Approved'=>$sStatus, 'medDate'=>$sCurTime)); if (0 < $iInsertedID) { $oTag = new BxDolTags(); $oTag->reparseObjTags('bx_photos', $iInsertedID); $oCateg = new BxDolCategories(); $oCateg->reparseObjTags('bx_photos', $iInsertedID); $aAlbumParams = isset($aFileInfo['albumPrivacy']) ? array('privacy' => $aFileInfo['albumPrivacy']) : array(); $this->addObjectToAlbum($this->oModule->oAlbums, $sAlbum, $iInsertedID, $bAutoActivate, $iAuthorId, $aAlbumParams); return $iInsertedID; } else { return 0; } } function setPrimarySharedPhoto($iPhotoID, $iAuthorId = 0) { //Possible TODO /*$sUpdateSQL = " UPDATE `Profiles` SET `PrimPhoto` = '{$iPhotoID}', `Picture` = '1' WHERE `ID` = '{$this->_iOwnerId}' LIMIT 1 "; db_res($sUpdateSQL);*/ } function updateMediaShared($iMediaID, $aFileInfo) { $sFileTitle = addslashes($aFileInfo['medTitle']); $sFileDesc = addslashes($aFileInfo['medDesc']); $sMedUri = uriGenerate($sFileTitle, $this->oModule->_oDb->sFileTable, $this->oModule->_oDb->aFileFields['medUri']); $sCurTime = time(); return $this->oModule->_oDb->updateData($iMediaID, array('medTitle'=>$sFileTitle, 'medUri'=>$sMedUri, 'medDesc'=>$sFileDesc, 'medDate'=>$sCurTime)); } function serviceGenAddPhotoPage($aExtras = array()) { $sAddPhotoC = _t('_bx_photos_add'); $sRecPhotoC = _t('_bx_photos_record'); $sEmbPhotoC = _t('_bx_photos_embed'); $sFlashPhotoC = _t('_adm_admtools_Flash'); $sPhotoUploadForm = $this->GenMainAddPhotosForm($aExtras); $sUploadActStyle = $sRecordActStyle = $sEmbedActStyle = $sFlashActStyle = 'notActive'; switch ($_GET['mode']) { case 'record': $sRecordActStyle = 'active'; break; case 'embed': $sEmbedActStyle = 'active'; break; case 'single': $sUploadActStyle = 'active'; break; default: $sFlashActStyle = 'active'; break; } $sActions = << EOF; return DesignBoxContent(_t('_bx_photos_my'), '
', 1, $sActions); } function serviceGetUploaderForm($aExtras) { return $this->GenMainAddPhotosForm($aExtras); } }