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Recent server downtime.first: admin 02.01.2024last: admin 02.01.2024This morning the server for this website crashed. Some kind of OS issue that neither i or the hosting company could fix. | 1 |
paypalfirst: Pavloss 07.10.2023last: Pavloss 07.11.2023I wanted to pay for the year license. I use paypal elsewhere without a problem, but this is what Paypal says:
Unfortu... | 15 |
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Forum Posting Bugfirst: Geek_Girl 03.17.2022last: Geek_Girl 03.19.2022When leaving a reply, I hit submit and the text disappears but the submit button and other UI items stay. If I refresh or go... | 5 |
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Forum Load Issuefirst: Geek_Girl 03.01.2021last: Geek_Girl 03.01.2021I haven't tried with other browsers but for some reason today I am getting an error when going to the forum; clicking on a to... | 4 |
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Answers Modulefirst: Johnk 11.30.2020last: modzzz 01.01.2021I've detected a problem in the Answers module. When a person replies:
1. The text is very small
2. Paragraph sp... | 6 |