Any template supplied by Boonex is a train wreck. Thus I'm looking forward to seeing what Deano has done with his own template.
Why the templates have to be so complex is beyond me. Most pages are made up from blocks and these have a:
Header Background
Text or image
Text or Image background
Form Border
Form Background
Form Text
Then there are the page elements, each of which contain their own border, fill etc:Header
Middle section that contains the blocks
In the real world, it should be a simple matter of identifying these dozen or so elements in a single CSS file for the blocks and another for the page, but not so. For some odd reason they appear in several CSS files which often override each other.
When you sit down and identify the kind of person who wants to use Cheetah/Dolphin, you will probably find that a large percentage aren't computer savvy. They find these obstacles daunting and move on.
Designing a page and block designer using a simple interactive graphic interface should be a walk in the park. I could probably design one myself using simple code and an older version of PHP, but it wouldn't work today. Nor would it incorporate Page Builder, but I believe it should. If I get a few moments I'll design a mockup for discussion purposes and maybe one day Deano could consider doing something in a future release, or someone may care to create a module.
The thing to keep in mind is simplicity. Complicated programs turn people away and people are customers.