Actually, the exact location it's going to is called Null Island.
LOL. Yea i know, it's useless information. The map loads there by default because when a member has not set a location, the latitude and longitude coordinates are both 0, hence the reason the map goes to that location.
Anyhow, the module does not provide a way to set the default location. So you can make a edit to the code to do it. This code edit is for cheetah.
Edit modules\cheetah\world_map\classes\ChWmapModule.php
At about line 565 look for this code.
$aVars = array(
'msg_incorrect_google_key' => trim(_t('_ch_wmap_msg_incorrect_google_key')),
'loading' => _t('_loading ...'),
'map_control' => getParam("ch_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_control_type"),
'map_is_type_control' => getParam("ch_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_is_type_control") == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
'map_is_scale_control' => getParam("ch_wmap_edit_{$sPart}_is_scale_control") == 'on' ? 1 : 0,
Add the following code just above that $aVars section...
if($fLat == 0 && $fLng == 0) {
$fLat = '42.6710';
$fLng = '-72.5483';
$iZoom = 6;
Note: Replace the values in $fLat and $fLng with the latitude and longitude values of the actual location you want as the start location.
Some sites that you may look up locations on may actually use the terms North(N), South(S), East(E) and West(W). You need to use positive and negitive numbers in the code. So keep this is mind if you have to convert the numbers.
Positive latitude is above the equator (N), and negative latitude is below the equator (S). Positive longitude is east of the prime meridian, while negative longitude is west of the prime meridian.