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Member's Location in Photos Author Block

It currently reads City, Country, but I need it to read City, State.

I found it. It's not the Status message, it's the "Member Brief Info" on the Profile page of Advanced Settings:

Now I need to work out where the info appears in the code.

As I was writing my reply I remembered how I changed it, but dammed if I can find my way back.

Somewhere in the Admin section, possibly Settings, there's a question: Change Status Message to Location?

I'll keep looking.

It's not a feature of cheetah.

That block is generated by the function getFileAuthor in inc\classes\ChWsbFilesTemplate.php It passes info to the template file media_info.html

Unfortunately this is one of those functions and block templates that is shared by every module that has a author block. So changing it will most likely change the blocks appearance on all modules that have a author block.

I'm not sure if this is a mod I did myself some time ago, or it's a feature of Cheetah.

My Photos Author Block contains the Author's location:

However it doesn't appear on my test site which is a clean install, or on this site.

I need to extend this to read State, City, Suburb instead of City, which is what you see in the image above.

I've spent hours trying to find the place to change it and if I did it myself, it's not in my notes.

Any ideas?