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Template Install

A splash page is basically used to hide the front page from non members.  What John described is how I set up the home page to work as a splash page; the checks are built into Cheetah.  You can even use the splash box; and you can change the size, to display what your site has to offer.  Cheetah has design boxes; a few are presented in the admin.  The splash box on the home page also has a design box associated with it but it is hard coded in the script; easy to change it to a design box of your choice.  The splash box can take javascript code and that is what makes it a powerful block for the home page; you can put a slider there to rotate out images etc.  With the Page Access control module, you can hide all pages from guest viewing. 

If you want me to develop a splash page for a template, then I can do the work.  I won't post my fees out in the open though; send me a PM.  I am busy but I might could get this done in the time frame you need.

Does the new version work with Dolphin 7.4.2? I wasn't aware that we'd established that yet.

I'm not trying to take work away from anyone and it's also lovely to see people offering to pay for services rendered.

However, it's very simple to convert the Cheetah Home Page into a basic splash page for guests. By basic, I mean it will look like your Cheetah template. If you've been reading my posts about the search box on the home page, that raised its ugly head because I wanted to create splash page based on the home page.

This isn't a tutorial, but here's something for you to try:

Set up your home page as you would want your members to see it. You'll notice that the Member's home page doesn't have a join or login form, but when you log out, the form appears. This is because your home page can be designed to suit "both" members and guests.

Now look at all the home page blocks in Page Builder. You will see that these blocks can be visible to Members, Guests, or both. This is the key.

Create a new HTML or Text block and add something silly like: "This block can only be seen by guests".  Click the Guests box and unclick Members.

Now look at your home page. You should not be able to see the new block.

Log out and now look. The new block should be visible.

So that's all you do. Create blocks for members and other blocks for guests. In five minutes you can create a basic but perfectly operational splash page.


So it sounds like it would probably be easier to just simply go with the newer one and pay someone to just create a splash page, lol? I believe realistically both versions are the same he just created a second without the Splash.

So if I do the newer Template and have someone install and create a splash..., someone PM me and let me know the fair cost for work? It will need to be installed and fitted for the site. And if it helps I would simply need it to look as the Splash does on old version, other then site names and dedicated info for site.


What you want could be buried in the HTML or even a PHP file

Yes, a clear understanding of the template system is needed and it does take some time.  The html template files are not purely html files but are sent through the template parser to see if any keys need to be processed.  If a particular template file is not included in the template, then it is pulled from the base template.  If you need to override a template file from the base, you just add it to your template.

I decided to use the Microsoft Inspector and I found a couple of things I've been struggling with instantly. I'm not saying it's better, but each browser seems to cough up different results.


Turn off CSS caching and then you can use the browser inspector to see what class or id is controlling what you want to change.

I've always worked with CSS cache off, but that doesn't always help when information is gathered from somewhere else (inherit). Also, with Chrome's inspector, clicking on the same element three times can give three different results. I found the CSS for one element after ten minutes of trying, forgot to record the file name and line number, then it took ten minutes to locate the thing again.

It's not always CSS you're looking for either. What you want could be buried in the HTML or even a PHP file. Considering this is the 21st Century, I consider CSS a load of garbage and can't understand why people still use it. I'm reminded of my CP/M computer running BASIC way back in 1982 (Forty years ago).  

Firefox once came with a 3D inspector which showed the layers created by the CSS. It was tricky but sometimes very useful. It was removed some time ago , possibly because of its limited use, but it did allow me to see what was going on.


but it sometimes takes me ten minutes (or never) to find some stuff

Turn off CSS caching and then you can use the browser inspector to see what class or id is controlling what you want to change.

The template system is very powerful but yes, it is aimed at developers more than the end user.  It is why the Site Customiser was added although I don't like it and don't use it.


Only exception is the older one I am speaking of comes with a splash page

If that is your main reason for the template, installing a splash page is very easy.  You could probably just pull the splash page out to use with another template.  The main way that splash pages work is that they check to see if the person is logged in; if the person is not logged in, then it loads the splash page and presents either a login form or a link to login.  Once the person logs in, then it sees they are logged in and loads the home page.  However, you can easily turn the home page into a splash page by hiding all blocks to guest and hiding the navigation menu to guest.  You can use the splash block on the home page to have messages and images presented to the guest; you can even change the designblock of the splash block so that it fills the entire page.

Sadly there isn't any easy way to change the style of templates. I harped about this on the Dolphin Forum, but it seems that the Dolphin programmers liked a good challenge. There are two groups of files and CSS that control the look and feel of the template: Base and YourTemplate. They contain almost 100 files and thousands of lines of code. It's really painful and it would be very costly to get someone to make the changes.

I've been changing the look of Evolution Light and it's taken me days. (See Photo)  It may not be so long if I wrote everything down and did it again, but it sometimes takes me ten minutes (or never) to find some stuff. If you're like me and you're not clever with CSS it could take you forever.

I'd love to find a script where you can design a simple HTML page for (say) the Home Page and simply place markers on it for the script to fill in:

Name: <Name data goes here>
Address: <Address data goes here>

I can't see why it can't be done, but maybe it's just too easy and nobody has considered it. Having said that, I also use a program called WYSIWYG Web Builder and you can easily design a page get it to pull stuff from a database. One day I may have a fiddle, but it will never be a working site. 

WYSIWYG Webbuilder is a brilliant Web design program and it's dirt cheap. I've been using it for years, it has a fantastic manual and a equally fantastic forum. You can download a 30 day FULL tial here:

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Ya it actually is very similar. Only exception is the older one I am speaking of comes with a splash page.. And the reason I am asking for install/customization/updating, is I am not a developer or coder lol. So I would have to pay an individual to customize/update/install the template once changes have been made. I would imagine it would not require a lot? I could be wrong. I figured the majority of the code is there, just needs to be designed to work on the latest version.

If it's similar to the BlackisBlack Responsive:

It could probably be replicated using Evolution Light. I've doing a redesign of the skin at the moment an there's a lot of stuff to change. I've never used graduated fills, but they shouldn't present too much of a problem.





its only good up to 7.1.6

Yes, that template is way outdated.  If it is just the CSS styling that you like you might could bring it over to one of the compatible templates.  

If it's similar to the BlackisBlack Responsive:

It could probably be replicated using Evolution Light. I've doing a redesign of the skin at the moment an there's a lot of stuff to change. I've never used graduated fills, but they shouldn't present too much of a problem.



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Hold on sorry... the template is called 

Splashpage + Template - BlackisBlack D 7.1

and its only good up to 7.1.6

He has two that are available I have mistaken the other for this. But we are still at the same issue. It was last updated 10.21.14

Ya did that already. 


Even though it says in the dropdown that it works up to version 4.4.2.

When checking version on Dolphin Market, you have to first change to an earlier version number in the drop down and then after that check, click on the drop down and choose 7.4.2 to see if it is listed as compatible.


Haha, so what would be fair for the work needed you think? The template is all input code If I am not mistaken. Another words its not installed by the installer. I haven't attempted to install it at all on Cheetah, so I am not sure what would have to happen to integrate it? You tell me what would be a fair fee?


Even though it says in the dropdown that it works up to version 4.4.2.

When checking version on Dolphin Market, you have to first change to an earlier version number in the drop down and then after that check, click on the drop down and choose 7.4.2 to see if it is listed as compatible.

Is it just a CSS issue or is it issues with the scripts.  How badly does it break?  I think 7.4.x is when the new template system was put in place.  If so, then 7.3.x templates won't work without being updated.  Depends on how much you are offering for the work.

So I have a template originally designed for Dolphin that was good up to version 7.3.3. It is made by danielmarseille , called blackisblack 7.3.x

It currently will not work on anything beyond that version. (Even though it says in the dropdown that it works up to version 4.4.2.) I would like to see if someone can edit and correct it to work on my site. I own it and used it in my dolphin site. I am not getting a response from the developer to see if he can update it. The last time it was updated according to Dolphin Market was 08.02.18.

Its a beautiful template and I would like to integrate it into my current Cheetah site.

Is there anyone here who can edit/customize/install it for me?

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