Would you like to help promote Cheetah?
Below you will find some Cheetah logos you can use on your website to help promote Cheetah. The default logo with the blue text works well on most light themed websites. For those with a darker theme, a black and white logo is also provided. You may alter the colors of the logos if you need to so it better fits your website theme. Allways select an image that is larger than you need. For quality, it is best to shrink an image rather than enlarge it.
To download any of these logos, right click on the image and select save image as.
These are full logos with text. They are in .PNG format.
Default Logo. Transparent Background with blue text.
Size: 656x128
Default Logo. Transparent Background with blue text.
Size: 1310x256
Default Logo. Transparent Background with blue text.
Size: 2620x512
Black+White Logo. Transparent Background with white text and black cheetah.
Size: 656x128
Black+White Logo. Transparent Background with white text and black cheetah.
Size: 1310x256
Black+White Logo. Transparent Background with white text and black cheetah.
Size: 2620x512
Blue+White Logo. Transparent Background with white text and blue cheetah.
Size: 656x128
Blue+White Logo. Transparent Background with white text and blue cheetah.
Size: 1310x256
Blue+White Logo. Transparent Background with white text and blue cheetah.
Size: 2620x512
These are cheetah silhouette logos without the text. They are in .PNG format.
Size: 128x128 Size: 256x256 Size: 512x512 Size: 128x128
Size: 256x256 Size: 512x512 Size: 128x128 Size: 256x256
Size: 512x512 Size: 128x128 Size: 256x256 Size: 512x512