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Adding a honeypot captcha

I came across this today and was wondering if this can be added to Cheetah?

How to add a honeypot to your website form

Step 1: Create a form so your users can subscribe to your messages

Step 2: Add a hidden field to your form as a decoy for bad actors

Step 3: Add the form to your site and hide your decoy field

Step 4: Capture and view the form field

Step 5: Use segments to filter out spam users

Staff Comments
The link you provided is invalid. However, i am wondering why. Are you still getting spam accounts? Cheetah has a spam bot detection system built in now that detects pretty much all automated signups to the site which can be turned on from Administration->Antispam Tools->Settings and checking the option for Block Detected Spam Bots The goal of this auto detection is to get rid of the need for captcha and other trickery that makes things harder for the people using the site.
02.21.2022 · posted by admin
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  •  WillMonte: 

    Oh ok, nahh no bots on my site, i was just trying to suggest the idea to you, thanks for the reply!

    0 points
The city rolls!
02.20.2022 (02.20.2022)
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