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Replace default database error message

Boonex changed the default database error message with the intention of being more end user friendly.  However, Boonex coders were never very good at UI stuff.  The current database error message is "Something went wrong! Please try reloading the page."  However, the end user can reload the page all day long and it won't do anything but repeat that message.  The database error is not going to just go away.  When I first ran into that problem with a Dolphin site, I did not know it was a database error message.  The message should be along the lines of "An error occurred while loading the page.  The site's administrator has been notified."  Something along those lines will make more sense and the end user won't mindless reload the page thinking that it will magically start working again.

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Geeks know how to do it best.
05.08.2020 (05.08.2020)
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