Dolphin 6.1
Install gives errorwolf29 started 11 May 2009 · deano92964 replied 11 May 2009Good day, Didn't get too far as running give the following error:
New License structureMedfordite started 6 May 2009 · Medfordite replied 11 May 2009This a bit easy but...I am planning in the next month or two to transfer my site to a new domain name for increased exposure ...
template white pageamorosso started 10 May 2009 · tyke replied 10 May 2009Hi, I scrwed it up. I found a free template that I installed and now I get all white screens, front end and back end. I did l...
Changing border color on thumbnailskagerullen started 8 May 2009 · kagerullen replied 10 May 2009Hi guys, I'm changing the appearance or my site and have stumbled upon a problem. I cannot seem to find the right pla...
6.1.5 chat & shoutbox problem !!!mokemipl started 10 May 2009 · mokemipl replied 10 May 2009after upgrading from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5 I can't use special characters like : łóśćąęź. When I try to write in chat or shoutbox fo...
6.1.5 upgrade - changes to home or html ???meinecommunity started 9 May 2009 · meinecommunity replied 10 May 2009. Hi everyone, We're using the licensed dolphin 6.1.4 without ray or orca. We're also
Site Name: Perodic ReportCALTRADE started 10 May 2009 · CALTRADE replied 10 May 2009I just got a email message from my new 6.1.5 install (I think) titled "Site Name (name of new dolphin site): Perodic Report
Need more membersmarcohuettel started 10 May 2009 · CALTRADE replied 10 May 2009Hi what does this mean: (Need more members engaged to get new membership status ) respectively   where can i...
6.1.5: have been admin's events bugs corrected??nymeria started 10 May 2009 · nymeria replied 10 May 2009Hello, I was thinking to upgrade to 6.15, but before I must be sure that Admin's events bugs (admin's events...
Banner Not showrum started 10 May 2009 · CALTRADE replied 10 May 2009I put banner to mysite,  but not show, why? any help me?
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.