File View Description as formatted/HTMLadifabio started 9 Dec 2015
medias45 replied 31 May 2016Hello, Does anyone know how to change the description field of an uploaded file as formatted/HTMl input instead of the normal...
Using Ajax to flick between photo'smicoots started 29 May 2016
micoots replied 29 May 2016Hi. When going through photo's using the in-built photo's module, is there a way to not reload the page while going through t...
Cache Problemgoldkast started 19 May 2016
geek_girl replied 26 May 2016I got following error message and web site is not displyaing properly.
Member Menu item injection?arkane220 started 26 May 2016
arkane220 replied 26 May 2016I'm using a lot of custom built UI enhancements for mobile because around 80% members use my site from their cell phones or t...