добрый день
стучался в скайп, указанный в контакте и на емэйл писал - 0 реакций
мне нужен долфин
надеюсь вам нужны клиенты
с кем я могу обговорить детали?
добрый день стучался в скайп, указанный в контакте и на емэйл писал - 0 реакций
мне нужен долфин надеюсь вам нужны клиенты
с кем я могу обговорить детали?
спасибо |
Привет |
And for those who are wondering what this is about, allow me to elaborate for you.
The title says:
here does work someone? (**I"ll take it that should say: Does someone work here?)
The body of the Original Post:
the good day it knocked into [skayp], indicated in the contact and to the email he wrote - 0 reactions to me is necessary [dolfin] I hope to you they are necessary the clients with whom I can discuss components? the thanks
(**I think this is saying they talked to someone in skype and now want to discuss the components of Dolphin. Not positive, but maybe someone else can make sense of that.
Any point, our new resident helper responded:
Regards What you do think? dophin that to you is necessary? Here you can it free of charge! or as you do think, to other?
(**I believe he's saying that an individual can run dolphin free of charge or they can do to others as they think. My Russian is a little on the corroded side so I might have some of this wrong, but you get the point. And I've been very happy to participate as a translator today)