I'd like to remove the "profile music" "profile photo" "profile video" Links from the Actions Block on the view profile page.
Can someone direct me to the file that contains the links?
Hi, I'd like to remove the "profile music" "profile photo" "profile video" Links from the Actions Block on the view profile page.
Can someone direct me to the file that contains the links?
Thanks |
templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php Betweens lines 372 - 388
Just comment out the entire line that you don't want to appear in the block, I wouldn't delete it, just in case you want to put it back sometime. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
That did it...Thanks houston Can I get a pointer to where the same can be removed in the members own "My Profile" sub menu? Thanks again. |
You can disable those in admin > builders > Navigation Menu Builder
The one's I don't use, I just uncheck all the 'Viewable By' selections, and leave the menu item in place.... in case I ever want to easily put it back.
Isn't it fun jumping between admin and manually editing files, to do the simple things that should all be in admin? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
heheh...yeah, fun wow! :) I almost took them out, so glad I saw your tip here...for anyone else new to this stuff to do what Houston suggests you have to go to the section he pointed out and look under "Myprofile" ...it's a bit confusing because the items are named a bit different than they are in the menu. Instead of "Profile Video etc, look for "Member Video" "Member Music" blocks. To make them invisible click on each on and uncheck the "Visible for" boxes. To reactivate, just recheck the boxes to make them viewable to visitors and or members. Thanks again Houston. |