In the file view_unit.html we can point all useful for users information that will be displayed at every page with published file.
But how can I display in view_unit.html Author (Name and Surname) and Date of media?
In the file view_unit.html we can point all useful for users information that will be displayed at every page with published file.
But how can I display in view_unit.html Author (Name and Surname) and Date of media? |
About date: In BxFilesPageView.php I wrote this string:
'fileDate' => getLocaleDate($aFileInfo['medDate'], BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT),
In view_unit.html I used this command: __fileDate__ But I always get date 01.01.1970 . Why??.... |
Correct line of code would be: 'fileDate' => getLocaleDate($this->aFileInfo['medDate'], BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT),
Rules → |
Thank you very much. Now it works properly.
May be you have some advices about "Author" field, AlexT? )) |