I got it for splash page but i forgot about when the user is joining the site how can i make it so they can go to the Join page a sign up without getting Redirect ( so only the join page and splash.php anyone so be able to use/see)
this is for the splash page
function PageCode($oTemplate = null) { global $echo; global $_page; global $_page_cont; global $oSysTemplate;
if(empty($oTemplate)) $oTemplate = $oSysTemplate;
/* Deanos Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - Start */ /* NOTE: If this is a dolphin page that uses the dolphin template system then this */ /* may cause a loop. if ((int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] == 0) { header('Location: ' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'splash.php'); } /* Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - End */
header( 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' ); $echo($oTemplate, 'page_' . $_page['name_index'] . '.html'); }
Updated code to take care of that problem.
/* Deanos Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - Start */ /* NOTE: If this is a dolphin page that uses the dolphin template system then this */ /* may cause a loop. */ if ((int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] == 0) { if ($_page['header'] != 'Join') { header('Location: ' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'splash.php'); } } /* Deanos Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - End */
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Do you know how i can get the Forget password ,About Us Privacy Terms Invite A Friend FAQ Help Contact us
pages to work without getting Redirect
Yes. Use this code instead.
/* Deanos Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - Start */ /* NOTE: If this is a dolphin page that uses the dolphin template system then this */ /* may cause a loop. */ if ((int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] == 0) { if ( $_page['header'] != 'Join' && $_page['header'] != 'About Us' && $_page['header'] != 'Privacy Policy' && $_page['header'] != 'Terms of use' && $_page['header'] != 'FAQ' && $_page['header'] != 'Invite a friend' && $_page['header'] != 'Contact us' && $_page['header'] != 'Help' && $_page['header'] != 'Advice' && $_page['header'] != 'Forgot password?' ) { header('Location: ' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'splash.php'); } } /* Deanos Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - End */ https://www.deanbassett.com |
All worked but Forgot password? "forgot.php"
Sorry. It's case sensitive. The p in password needs to be uppercase. Password.
/* Deanos Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - Start */ /* NOTE: If this is a dolphin page that uses the dolphin template system then this */ /* may cause a loop. */ if ((int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] == 0) { if ( $_page['header'] != 'Join' && $_page['header'] != 'About Us' && $_page['header'] != 'Privacy Policy' && $_page['header'] != 'Terms of use' && $_page['header'] != 'FAQ' && $_page['header'] != 'Invite a friend' && $_page['header'] != 'Contact us' && $_page['header'] != 'Help' && $_page['header'] != 'Advice' && $_page['header'] != 'Forgot Password?' ) { header('Location: ' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'splash.php'); } } /* Deanos Redirect Guests to splash.php - Code Add - End */ https://www.deanbassett.com |
Your the best! thanks for the fast answers working |
Great patch!!
I will make a guest can visit all mainpages from the modules.
What I must insert for News, Blogs and Orca????
All other modules are working but this don't...... 
Please help and many thanks for your excellent help!!!
Bezirzer.de, elbrocker.de, tierschutz-community.de |
And the Mainpage (index.php) don't working too  Bezirzer.de, elbrocker.de, tierschutz-community.de |
This was designed to redirect guests to a spash page. The index page is not suppose to work for guests. Otherwise there is no point to this mod.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Ok, but what is with the modules?
It's the same as the pages (About us, Help, ...)
With the Bands and Sites Module all is working fine. Guests can show the mainpage from this modules and no one more.
Only the News, Blogs and Forum don't work.
Bezirzer.de, elbrocker.de, tierschutz-community.de |
Ok. Forget it.
I have make a Guest-Membershiplevel with many restrictions and a hidden loginformular, that give the guest-logon to Dolphin. So guests can login and test the site with one click on "Logon as guest".
Bezirzer.de, elbrocker.de, tierschutz-community.de |
Hello Deano
i have page in other language and dont work me with header
how redirect to url , url1, url2, url3 ...