How about...
I'm a dumbass for doing this instead of just copying the wordpress data into my dolphin database. No, that's to easy since you expect us to solve your problems for you. For $100 I'll fix it when I have time. It'll be a while though.
Not quite the dumbass that you think !!!
Actually the WP install is nothing to do with Dolphin and needs to stay separate. . There's many advanced SEO tricks that you clearly have no idea about . . and thats a situation I am certainly not going to share with a rude dumbass as to the benfefits of XML-RPC Publishing Protocols and how a couple of special tweaks within WP can supercharge a target domain up the rankings of Google.
. . . .. But hey !
You must be the experts who know everything about everything to presume so much hey? Sure
Its directly that mentality around Boonex and its forums which ensure Dolphin and its CMS will stay in the shadows of more mainstream open source web apps !
My question was a serious one. Although I can see its a waste of time in this particular forum. Dolphin has many limitations and is surely written in a way to keep the learning curve very steep - but hey, that at least keeps you dead heads looking clever and able to piss over others "lesser" than yourselves !
Sammie . . love your remarks lol, however - You have the wrong guy ! Mark might have registered in here during our FULL SmartPro licensing of Dolphin and given its makers a shit load of cash for questionable programming, but he has no idea about web applications and leaves it to us others in TheNerve.TV company to sort out IT issues. . . I'll pass on your interest to him for you though lol x x
Best of luck with your projects all of you and making real cash ! I somehow think you'll need all of the luck you can find.