I have just searched the forums for "<script>alert". There is nothing.
What is the defense for the following exploit?
[+] Script : Orca-v.2.0.2
[+] Bug: Xss
[+] By: J-Hacker || Jerusalem Hacker || From : soqor.net
[+] Email : M0t4z@hotmail.com
[+] Download : http://www.boonex.com/thankyou.php?p=Orca-v.2.0
[+] D0rk :Powered by Orca Interactive Forum Script. Copyright 2008 My Company
First you must login then write new topic
write in the topic
demo: http://www.demozzz.com/orca/demo/?action=goto&topic_id=test--2009-01-30#topic/-script-alert-document-cookie-script-.htm
[+] Greetz : HACKERS PAL , Sp1d3r_Net , Mr.5rab , Dr.CriMiNAL SyRiA , And All soqor.net members
[+] http://WwW.SoQoR.NeT
# milw0rm.com [2009-01-30]