1 MAJOR suggestion for Boonex and Mod Designers

I am a Old BBS run from the Dos days and have learned many things about people and how they flow when they are on a system. The one thing people hate is having to dig threw a system to get what they want and some are just too lazy to click more than 2 times.

  1 Suggestion for Mod makers, is to place the " Adding" of data right from the main page display boxes. Example: Forums should have an write to Forum or add to Forum choice right on the top where it says "Forum Posts". That way people get right to the data input area's Fast and efficiently.  I have a Movies Mod and a Garage sale mod ( Great Mods ) but they also need a direct click choice to add data .

       Now that i mention it, what do all of you think.......... should we request such a feature ?

I vote YES Cool

Quote · 12 May 2014

One thing I did was to add a block to the account page and profile page with Quick Add Content as the title.  In that block are buttons for "Add Video", "Add Soumds", "Add Photos" etc; they click on a button "Add Blog Post" and they are taken directly to the blog post editor.  So yes, better and easier one click for adding content is something that is desirable.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 12 May 2014


I am a Old BBS run from the Dos days and have learned many things about people and how they flow when they are on a system. The one thing people hate is having to dig threw a system to get what they want and some are just too lazy to click more than 2 times.

  1 Suggestion for Mod makers, is to place the " Adding" of data right from the main page display boxes. Example: Forums should have an write to Forum or add to Forum choice right on the top where it says "Forum Posts". That way people get right to the data input area's Fast and efficiently.  I have a Movies Mod and a Garage sale mod ( Great Mods ) but they also need a direct click choice to add data .

       Now that i mention it, what do all of you think.......... should we request such a feature ?

I vote YES Cool

 An old BBS'er eh? You still play MUD games? I still host an old Trade Wars 2002 game on my server......

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
Quote · 12 May 2014




I am a Old BBS run from the Dos days and have learned many things about people and how they flow when they are on a system. The one thing people hate is having to dig threw a system to get what they want and some are just too lazy to click more than 2 times.

  1 Suggestion for Mod makers, is to place the " Adding" of data right from the main page display boxes. Example: Forums should have an write to Forum or add to Forum choice right on the top where it says "Forum Posts". That way people get right to the data input area's Fast and efficiently.  I have a Movies Mod and a Garage sale mod ( Great Mods ) but they also need a direct click choice to add data .

       Now that i mention it, what do all of you think.......... should we request such a feature ?

I vote YES Cool

 An old BBS'er eh? You still play MUD games? I still host an old Trade Wars 2002 game on my server......


 Oh Yessssssss i own trade wars as well and   LORD ( both by Seth Able )....... I had many door games as well. I used most of those with Wildcat BBS but then i found out about Galaticomm ***** 5 stars  as many ports as i want on 1 PC....... I had the biggest BBS in my area for quite awhile . We got more than 3X the phone calls that 911 got  LOL.

      Do you remember Wildcat and Major BBS ?

My Hosting company even offers a Trade Wars Clone



       Which BBS format did you run your Doors off of ?


Quote · 12 May 2014


One thing I did was to add a block to the account page and profile page with Quick Add Content as the title.  In that block are buttons for "Add Video", "Add Soumds", "Add Photos" etc; they click on a button "Add Blog Post" and they are taken directly to the blog post editor.  So yes, better and easier one click for adding content is something that is desirable.

 Do you have a tutorial on how you did that ? i would be interested in seeing it.



Quote · 12 May 2014

I used to run a WWIV BBS myself called The Dean's List. Still listed on this archive page. http://bbslist.textfiles.com/413/ but of course they have the dates it was running wrong. I ran that BBS for a lot longer than 1 year and was up to 8 nodes before it's last year in operation.

Anywho. Back in those days as i remember, people had to know what they were doing to even use a computer. It seems every year that goes by, computers get easier to use and people know less about them. It's not all the softwares fault. I think some of these people today would not even be able to figure out how to use a BBS or play games like trade wars.

Quote · 12 May 2014


I used to run a WWIV BBS myself called The Dean's List. Still listed on this archive page. http://bbslist.textfiles.com/413/ but of course they have the dates it was running wrong. I ran that BBS for a lot longer than 1 year and was up to 8 nodes before it's last year in operation.

Anywho. Back in those days as i remember, people had to know what they were doing to even use a computer. It seems every year that goes by, computers get easier to use and people know less about them. It's not all the softwares fault. I think some of these people today would not even be able to figure out how to use a BBS or play games like trade wars.

 Your going to laugh , i could run a Dos based system with great ease, but i get confused as hell with these php ones LOL.

  I still have a 286 in my rack with DOS and Major BBS loaded. I turn it on from time to time...... Dam i miss those days. Back when we had software that did more than the job needed.Innocent

Quote · 12 May 2014

I don't miss taking one hour to download a 90KB file from a BBS one bit... nor do I miss text appearing on my 150 pound monitor one character at a time.  I did appreciate xmodem though.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 May 2014

LOL. Yea. I can't live without high speed anymore either.

"Hey mom. Whats a pay phone?"

Quote · 12 May 2014

Correction: I meant to say zmodem....not xmodem

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 May 2014


LOL. Yea. I can't live without high speed anymore either.

"Hey mom. Whats a pay phone?"

 Remember when, to have a friend, you had to actually meet them?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 May 2014

Yea. I guess Pen Pals did not count.

LOL. pen and paper to write letters.

Ugggg, i am out. I need a drink. I am suddenly starting to feel old and depressed.

Quote · 12 May 2014





I am a Old BBS run from the Dos days and have learned many things about people and how they flow when they are on a system. The one thing people hate is having to dig threw a system to get what they want and some are just too lazy to click more than 2 times.

  1 Suggestion for Mod makers, is to place the " Adding" of data right from the main page display boxes. Example: Forums should have an write to Forum or add to Forum choice right on the top where it says "Forum Posts". That way people get right to the data input area's Fast and efficiently.  I have a Movies Mod and a Garage sale mod ( Great Mods ) but they also need a direct click choice to add data .

       Now that i mention it, what do all of you think.......... should we request such a feature ?

I vote YES Cool

 An old BBS'er eh? You still play MUD games? I still host an old Trade Wars 2002 game on my server......


 Oh Yessssssss i own trade wars as well and   LORD ( both by Seth Able )....... I had many door games as well. I used most of those with Wildcat BBS but then i found out about Galaticomm ***** 5 stars  as many ports as i want on 1 PC....... I had the biggest BBS in my area for quite awhile . We got more than 3X the phone calls that 911 got  LOL.

      Do you remember Wildcat and Major BBS ?

My Hosting company even offers a Trade Wars Clone



       Which BBS format did you run your Doors off of ?


The good on bbs days and dos yes i remember 

Quote · 12 May 2014



One thing I did was to add a block to the account page and profile page with Quick Add Content as the title.  In that block are buttons for "Add Video", "Add Soumds", "Add Photos" etc; they click on a button "Add Blog Post" and they are taken directly to the blog post editor.  So yes, better and easier one click for adding content is something that is desirable.

 Do you have a tutorial on how you did that ? i would be interested in seeing it.



Yes, you can have the code, no problem, just links with the button class; you have to pull out the member's ID so it knows who is posting.  It is a php  block so you need to add a php block to the page; deano's tools (free), Deano's Block Tools (paid module but nice for working with blocks) or add Deano's free add php block to the page builder.  Then you just add the code.

I need to add more quick post links to my block as I have added modules.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 12 May 2014





I am a Old BBS run from the Dos days and have learned many things about people and how they flow when they are on a system. The one thing people hate is having to dig threw a system to get what they want and some are just too lazy to click more than 2 times.

  1 Suggestion for Mod makers, is to place the " Adding" of data right from the main page display boxes. Example: Forums should have an write to Forum or add to Forum choice right on the top where it says "Forum Posts". That way people get right to the data input area's Fast and efficiently.  I have a Movies Mod and a Garage sale mod ( Great Mods ) but they also need a direct click choice to add data .

       Now that i mention it, what do all of you think.......... should we request such a feature ?

I vote YES Cool

 An old BBS'er eh? You still play MUD games? I still host an old Trade Wars 2002 game on my server......


 Oh Yessssssss i own trade wars as well and   LORD ( both by Seth Able )....... I had many door games as well. I used most of those with Wildcat BBS but then i found out about Galaticomm ***** 5 stars  as many ports as i want on 1 PC....... I had the biggest BBS in my area for quite awhile . We got more than 3X the phone calls that 911 got  LOL.

      Do you remember Wildcat and Major BBS ?

My Hosting company even offers a Trade Wars Clone



       Which BBS format did you run your Doors off of ?


I don't run BBS software anymore. I absolutely remember the Wildcat and MajorBBS platforms...I also remember the $1000 a month phone bills from remote dialing BBS's on the other side of the country and sitting online with my 300 baud modem (before the Internet really existed) for hours at a time!

The Tradewars community and EIS Online kept Trade Wars alive and made it a standalone product, thanks to John Pritchet. I now host the Gold version of the game and you can login to it with your helper at telnet://twgs.twarbase.com.... I have been a big fan of Twar all the way back to the single user door version (you know, where you had to wait to play your turns).  I currently have about 10 games running with a specially modified game that is based loosely on Babylon 5 TV show.... It has 30,000 sectors....

PS, here's the jump gate for existing games. http://wiki.classictw.com/index.php?title=Jumpgate

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
Quote · 12 May 2014


I don't miss taking one hour to download a 90KB file from a BBS one bit... nor do I miss text appearing on my 150 pound monitor one character at a time.  I did appreciate xmodem though.

 LOL, lets not forget some of those ridiculously useful files we used to download. Seems all BBS's had the exact same content after a while as they traded back and forth betweenCool all 50 of them.... I especially liked the dot matrix and ansi art!!! The current Trade Wars game still uses that exact same look to portray the game. They were very careful not to remove the ability to use your imagination about what your universe actually looked like....

Oh god, you've really opened up a bag o worms with this post.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
Quote · 12 May 2014

My BBS was called "The Tide Side", it was the unofficial BBS of the University of Alabama. I only had one phone line so it was pretty ridiculous. I remember Trade Wars, also a game called Usurper and one called Food Wars. I don't remember which BBS software we were all using but I do remember we all had the source code so we were all working on our own games that we never finished.. Just about like now with Dolphin.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 12 May 2014

I feel like a kid now, i don't know whats BBS Embarassed

so much to do....
Quote · 12 May 2014


I feel like a kid now, i don't know whats BBS Embarassed

 It was the original way of distributing viruses

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 May 2014

Don't forget. If using the member menu, there Are already  links there for users to add content. Also Add links on the Account page under account control.

Quote · 12 May 2014

I'm also a retired BBS Sysop. I still have my MajorBBS / WorldGroup Server sitting here gathering dust. Use to run a 24 Modem Line + ISDN for a Multi-Player Gaming Server with MADM and Game Connection Pro for the original First Person Shooters like Doom, Doom II, Quake, Quake II, Heretic, Hexen with up to 8 Players in each Game. Also had MajorMUD, TradeWars 2002, TradeWars 2002 Game Server, Lunatix and T-Lord. Must have spent $10,000.00 on software for that damn thing.

I don't really miss the $800.00 per month phone bills either, but back in the early days of Cellular Phones, you could Call-Forward a Cell Phone to the Hunt-Group of your BBS's Primary Phone # and anyone in the USA could call your BBS for FREE with No Long Distance Charges. Oh those were the days. :)

Quote · 13 May 2014


I'm also a retired BBS Sysop. I still have my MajorBBS / WorldGroup Server sitting here gathering dust. Use to run a 24 Modem Line + ISDN for a Multi-Player Gaming Server with MADM and Game Connection Pro for the original First Person Shooters like Doom, Doom II, Quake, Quake II, Heretic, Hexen with up to 8 Players in each Game. Also had MajorMUD, TradeWars 2002, TradeWars 2002 Game Server, Lunatix and T-Lord. Must have spent $10,000.00 on software for that damn thing.

I don't really miss the $800.00 per month phone bills either, but back in the early days of Cellular Phones, you could Call-Forward a Cell Phone to the Hunt-Group of your BBS's Primary Phone # and anyone in the USA could call your BBS for FREE with No Long Distance Charges. Oh those were the days. :)

 Do you still have Game Connection Pro software ? i have my Key but cannot find the software. Would love to have it for old times sake and might set it up again LOL.

     I had a 16 line system ( MajorBBS ) with a phone bill around $ 460.00 amonth but then i made $ 2,000 a month in charges ( yes i actually made money ). By the time i was done with my MajorBBS i 125 Phone lines at 56.6 and  4 T1 cables of lines with a phone line bill of $ 14,600.00 a month ( Yes 14,000+ Thousand dollars Canadian  a month). We made soem where in the area of $ 30,000.00 a month and my partners account told him to pull out. He said it wasn't making enough money LOL. In the end we got whooped by Cable and DSL because i was to chicken to go to theh abnk for  1/2 a milllion to play with the big boys.

     So yea i grew beyond a BBS and became an ISP , it was fun but i dont miss the 15 hr days 7 days a week. Living like that was crazzzzy.

Quote · 13 May 2014


I feel like a kid now, i don't know whats BBS Embarassed

 BBS = Bulletin Board System

   It's where all we OLD Nerds hung out in our younger days - Modems-Door Games-Chat- Get togethers- and the DOS operating system, 6.2 was great.

Quote · 13 May 2014

Ohhh i have to open this door way to the PAST      OS2 Warp

OS2 WarpI built my first Multinode BBS on that Operating system. Man i think that operating was the Greatest 1, even till today........ I still believe Microjerks paid IBM to go away...

Quote · 13 May 2014


Ohhh i have to open this door way to the PAST      OS2 Warp

OS2 WarpI built my first Multinode BBS on that Operating system. Man i think that operating was the Greatest 1, even till today........ I still believe Microjerks paid IBM to go away...

I ran my 8 node BBS on OS2 Warp as well.

Quote · 13 May 2014

I sorta still do dialup and DSL. http://www.mtdata.com/

I walked away from the business a year and a half ago. It's about to close it's doors. Dropped the 8 flexpaths and T1's i had. Everything is farmed out now with national local dialup numbers. But the cable companies and phone companies have killed it. Was fun while it lasted tho.

Quote · 13 May 2014

We are way behind where we could be because of Bill Gates and MicroCrap.  Too bad we lost Gary Kildall and IBM should have went with CP/M over that buggy DOS that MicroCrap sold them.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 13 May 2014

Do you still have Game Connection Pro software ? i have my Key but cannot find the software. Would love to have it for old times sake and might set it up again LOL.

Yes I still have Game Connection Pro and a HUGE Library of other MajorBBS / WorldGroup Files, I save everything. I actually found a Upgrade Patch to TradeWars 2002 a few years ago that was totally unknown to other people, just by chance I had downloaded it from HVS just days before they shut down for good.

Quote · 13 May 2014


Do you still have Game Connection Pro software ? i have my Key but cannot find the software. Would love to have it for old times sake and might set it up again LOL.

Yes I still have Game Connection Pro and a HUGE Library of other MajorBBS / WorldGroup Files, I save everything. I actually found a Upgrade Patch to TradeWars 2002 a few years ago that was totally unknown to other people, just by chance I had downloaded it from HVS just days before they shut down for good.

 High Velocity Software ( out of Texas i believe ), i bought a lot of addons/Mods ( for the Dolphin crew ) from those guy. They made good software. I love to go threw your library and fill the holes i have..... I have many keys but lost the files due to old CD's crapping out...... Did you ever upgrade to WorldGroup version of Gcomm..... If so i have a 32 bit WG manager that works great....ohhhh and Vircom , the gods of solid software design Laughing.

Quote · 13 May 2014


We are way behind where we could be because of Bill Gates and MicroCrap.  Too bad we lost Gary Kildall and IBM should have went with CP/M over that buggy DOS that MicroCrap sold them.

 Whats CP/M  Geek ?

         I don't know that acronym...... and did u run OS2 ?


Quote · 13 May 2014

CP/M was developed by digital research. It's older than MSDOS.



IBM was in talks with Digital Research over licensing when Microsoft stepped in with the offer of MSDOS which IBM ended up using instead of CP/M

Quote · 13 May 2014



Do you still have Game Connection Pro software ? i have my Key but cannot find the software. Would love to have it for old times sake and might set it up again LOL.

Yes I still have Game Connection Pro and a HUGE Library of other MajorBBS / WorldGroup Files, I save everything. I actually found a Upgrade Patch to TradeWars 2002 a few years ago that was totally unknown to other people, just by chance I had downloaded it from HVS just days before they shut down for good.

 High Velocity Software ( out of Texas i believe ), i bought a lot of addons/Mods ( for the Dolphin crew ) from those guy. They made good software. I love to go threw your library and fill the holes i have..... I have many keys but lost the files due to old CD's crapping out...... Did you ever upgrade to WorldGroup version of Gcomm..... If so i have a 32 bit WG manager that works great....ohhhh and Vircom , the gods of solid software design Laughing.

 Yeah, I've got everything from MajorBBS 6.21 to WG 3.3, and a bunch of Vircom's stuff all different versions.

Quote · 13 May 2014




Do you still have Game Connection Pro software ? i have my Key but cannot find the software. Would love to have it for old times sake and might set it up again LOL.

Yes I still have Game Connection Pro and a HUGE Library of other MajorBBS / WorldGroup Files, I save everything. I actually found a Upgrade Patch to TradeWars 2002 a few years ago that was totally unknown to other people, just by chance I had downloaded it from HVS just days before they shut down for good.

 High Velocity Software ( out of Texas i believe ), i bought a lot of addons/Mods ( for the Dolphin crew ) from those guy. They made good software. I love to go threw your library and fill the holes i have..... I have many keys but lost the files due to old CD's crapping out...... Did you ever upgrade to WorldGroup version of Gcomm..... If so i have a 32 bit WG manager that works great....ohhhh and Vircom , the gods of solid software design Laughing.

 Yeah, I've got everything from MajorBBS 6.21 to WG 3.3, and a bunch of Vircom's stuff all different versions.

 I love to get my hands on that Library...... I'll pay shipping and the DVD ?

Quote · 14 May 2014




Do you still have Game Connection Pro software ? i have my Key but cannot find the software. Would love to have it for old times sake and might set it up again LOL.

Yes I still have Game Connection Pro and a HUGE Library of other MajorBBS / WorldGroup Files, I save everything. I actually found a Upgrade Patch to TradeWars 2002 a few years ago that was totally unknown to other people, just by chance I had downloaded it from HVS just days before they shut down for good.

 High Velocity Software ( out of Texas i believe ), i bought a lot of addons/Mods ( for the Dolphin crew ) from those guy. They made good software. I love to go threw your library and fill the holes i have..... I have many keys but lost the files due to old CD's crapping out...... Did you ever upgrade to WorldGroup version of Gcomm..... If so i have a 32 bit WG manager that works great....ohhhh and Vircom , the gods of solid software design Laughing.

 Yeah, I've got everything from MajorBBS 6.21 to WG 3.3, and a bunch of Vircom's stuff all different versions.

 Syclops, Is it possible to get Game Connection from you as well?  I have a license but only the time limited demo.  I'd like to see how this worked in an emulated environment.  If you could contact me and let me know, I'd love to see if I could get it working again.  Thanks.

Quote · 17 May 2015

You might want to send him a PM, this thread is a year old and he doesn't drop in very frequently.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 17 May 2015
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