500 Internal Server Error on Backup

I'm trying to backup in admin panel but get a 500 Internal Server Error each time. Any ideas to correct this is appreciated. I didn't have this problem when I backed up about a week ago but now, hmmmm...it's happening. I checked with my host and nothing's askew on their end.


Quote · 2 Aug 2009

i had the same problem

on the beginning it worked just fine
looks like when the sql data base gets larger then 2-3 MB and you are trying to backup using admin panel it starts to return 500 internal error


Quote · 2 Aug 2009

You should not count on that method of backup anyway. If your site becomes damaged and you can't get into admin to restore it what will you do.

Best to learn how to backup your database using phpmyadmin or whatever your host provided you with to access databases.

And also to keep archived copies of your site as well. Not just a copy of the database.

Quote · 2 Aug 2009

You should not count on that method of backup anyway. If your site becomes damaged and you can't get into admin to restore it what will you do.

Best to learn how to backup your database using phpmyadmin or whatever your host provided you with to access databases.

And also to keep archived copies of your site as well. Not just a copy of the database.

Deano, thank you! I was thinking along those lines but using that backup as a Plan B. One reason I  selected my hosting company was based on the incremental backups they do because I get careless at times and don't backup as I should. I use the cPanel backup method. I am unable to access admin now on a site. Off the thread but can you direct me to one that covers it?

Quote · 2 Aug 2009

i had the same problem

on the beginning it worked just fine
looks like when the sql data base gets larger then 2-3 MB and you are trying to backup using admin panel it starts to return 500 internal error


Thanks for providing this info to me, Prolaznik!

Quote · 2 Aug 2009

You should not count on that method of backup anyway. If your site becomes damaged and you can't get into admin to restore it what will you do.

Best to learn how to backup your database using phpmyadmin or whatever your host provided you with to access databases.

And also to keep archived copies of your site as well. Not just a copy of the database.

I just go into my sql and export copies to my desk top. I hope I'm doing it right.

but what do you mean about keeping copies of the site?

Which files and/or directories should I back up on a regualar basis?

I know to keep members video,mp3 and photos backed up, but what else should I keep?

I had a forum crash one time, (SMF)

I deleted all the root files, dropped all the tables in mysql, reinstalled everything to knew, went back to mysqland dropped the new tables then imported the backup and it restored the forum!

Will dolphin work the same way?

Quote · 3 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.