6.1.5 upgrade

I had a company ugrade to the new version for me earlier as it seemed promising. WRONG I had 3 major bugs after it was installed My Presence failed to load, My Profile went to a blank screen, members profiles went to a blank screen and I still have problems with videos not loading as they say the widget has not been registered. What an absolute waist of time, fortunatlety the company has reset it back to prior the upgrade and refunded but its still not correct. Whats version 7 going to be like??

Quote · 8 May 2009

i think its fair to say that just because you were unfortunate enough to have problems with the upgrade, it doesnt mean the upgrade is at fault. I upgraded, im no expert, but my upgrade went succesfully. there are a lot of files to move over, and i did mine manualy, one mistake and it will mess everything up, but again, thats not the upgrade's fault. It would have been far simpler to check you had moved all the files over succefully i think, than to knock the upgrade.

Just a thought



Quote · 8 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.