6.1 how to disable My Photo Gallery titles

hello all,

when members upload profile photo it requires them to add a title to every photo if left black it will not allow them to upload it, how can i make this optional?


Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Can't you just sent the title length to zero (0)?

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

I tryed that under admin, adv settings "Min length of title for media file" set to 0

but that did not work.


members hate to have to add a title :(

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

hummm cant find the option anywhere

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

adv settings "Min length of title for media file" set it to -3 then it will work

because of settings in this file: inc/classes/File BxDolMedia.php
$aMediaConfig['min']['mediaTitle'] = (int)$min_media_title ? $min_media_title : 3; //Min numbers of chars in media title

This will change min length on title to music/video also and maybe some other places to!!!!!

I think this will change min length on photo title only, but are not 100% sure about it!!
open file upload_media.php find this code

function PageCompMainCode()
global $tmpl, $_page, $oTemplConfig;

$iProfileID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

$show = $_REQUEST['show'];
switch( $show )
case 'photo':
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'uploadPhoto.php' );
$oMedia = new UploadPhoto( $iProfileID );
$oMedia -> getMediaArray();
$_page['header_text'] = _t( "_My Photos" );

$ret = '';

$ret .= '
<script type="text/javascript">

function checkForm()

var el;
var hasErr = false;
var fild = "";

el = document.getElementById("mediaTitle");
if( el.value.length < ' . $oMedia -> aMediaConfig['min']['mediaTitle'] . ' )

edit last line to

if( el.value.length < 0 )

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

thank u soooo much.... "adv settings "Min length of title for media file" set it to -3 then it will work" did the trick..

thanks to both of you

Quote · 31 Dec 2009
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