I just got done with the 7.0.4 update, so far noting new broken. But the oo iPhone app is still giving me grief.
When I attempt to play a video the iPhone pops up an error that says "This movie format is not supported"
I suspect it may some how be related to my ffmpeg version so I will be testing that tonight.
As I work on this I was hoping someone else might be able to test this on there site / iPhone. if this is working on your site, could you send me your address so I can make an account and try it from my phone?
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
IPhone does not support flash..... http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
IPhone does not support flash.....
I know. I'm not sure what your point is.
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
IPhone does not support flash.....
I know. I'm not sure what your point is.
He seems to not realize that Flash isn't the only delivery method for video. I guess he didn't grow up with RealPlayer or QuickTime.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Obviously, the movie format is not supported. Most likely because it's flash. If it ins't flash, then the files being delivered are probably corrupted or too large for the phone to view.
Why don't you get a real phone? (lol)
I gave up on the iphone app mostly because even when it does work, you can't do anything of value with it.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Why don't you get a real phone? (lol)
Obvious troll is obvious.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Or h264...
I'm stumped and running out of ideas.
I have tired the ffmpeg.exe that comes with the 7.0.4 install package, and with a version compiled for my version of Ubuntu (with x264 support).
The only difference I have noticed is the compiled for Ubuntu version seems to be 3x as fast encoding the videos.
I have also tried changing the encoder setting in the flash/modules/video/inc/header.inc.php file.
My next attempt is going to be to setup a different server environment with a clean 7.0.4 install.
I wish I could just pay someone $50 to fix it for me.
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Obviously, the movie format is not supported. Most likely because it's flash. If it ins't flash, then the files being delivered are probably corrupted or too large for the phone to view.
It is not flash, it is some version of h264. Even before dolphin 7 had full h264 support for desktop videos, mobile videos where being encoded with it. And the videos are not corrupted. They play just fine on a desktop using VLC. The issue is iOS dosen't like the way the file was encoded.
Why don't you get a real phone? (lol)
I gave up on the iphone app mostly because even when it does work, you can't do anything of value with it.
Yeah, there are only 85 million devices out there that can run the Boonex provided oo app. Hardly worth the effort to get it working for my site and users.
I mean, why cater to 28% of the mobile device market? http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/06/06/apples_iphone_market_share_three_times_greater_than_android_in_us.html
Just because you don't see anything of value dose not mean others aren't interested.
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Oh god, here we go. ... LOL
Nah, changed my mind. I have far better things to do than this......... Good luck with that. 
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Try with newly uploaded video, also please can you check if it is working for you on boonex.us ? Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Try with newly uploaded video, also please can you check if it is working for you on boonex.us ?
Regarding boonex.us
I get a pop-up that says the following when I try to login with the oo app:
Error title
XML error: Invalid document end at line 1, column 1
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
I was able to login using the oo app when I set the URL as www.boonex.us instead of boonex.us
Uploaded a new video.
Got the following message when I tried to play the video:
This movie could not be played.
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Thank you for checking, it looks like ffmpeg can not create correct video for iPhone from some source video formats, I will check it more carefully and let you know.
I was able to login using the oo app when I set the URL as www.boonex.us instead of boonex.us
Uploaded a new video.
Got the following message when I tried to play the video:
This movie could not be played.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
HI, I get the same error since going to 7.04 and using the iphone app.
I get a pop-up that says the following when I try to login with the oo app:
Error title
XML error: Invalid document end at line 1, column 1
My hosts ( TMDhosting ) who are a reccomended hosting here - and install all mods, upgrades and software scripts - say refer it to here.
Any ideas??
Try to enter your domain name with www. or without it.
HI, I get the same error since going to 7.04 and using the iphone app.
I get a pop-up that says the following when I try to login with the oo app:
Error title
XML error: Invalid document end at line 1, column 1
My hosts ( TMDhosting ) who are a reccomended hosting here - and install all mods, upgrades and software scripts - say refer it to here.
Any ideas??
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Try to enter your domain name with www. or without it.
HI, I get the same error since going to 7.04 and using the iphone app.
I get a pop-up that says the following when I try to login with the oo app:
Error title
XML error: Invalid document end at line 1, column 1
My hosts ( TMDhosting ) who are a reccomended hosting here - and install all mods, upgrades and software scripts - say refer it to here.
Any ideas??
do not use "http://www" in the url. or "www" / as the www is already defined in the "" #define BX_SITE_URL ""
thanks, that works.