Sorry guys I couldn't wait to show off the pretty work!
Just amazed at what has happened to our beloved Dolphin Pro!
Hope they don't mind..
Sorry guys I couldn't wait to show off the pretty work! Just amazed at what has happened to our beloved Dolphin Pro! Hope they don't mind.. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Looks good, Google likes it. Will the long streak of navigation buttons end up transforming nicely into a nice navigation dropdown on small screen devices or will there always be the cut off of what is visible? |
i liked that its responsive Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. |
looks nice. Like the menu slider bit. |
Too bad the 'Outline' still shows in a single line though. It does that with all responsive templates actually which is the reason why it is not used on my site.
Nothing to see here |
Looks good, Google likes it.
What part of that looks good? google mobile score 68 (apple and android phone image) desktop score 81. If you ask me it as long way to go still.... - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I thought it was going to be responsive like Trident. Right now it totally sucks. Its old dolphin with half responsive template. Umar Haroon |
What part of that looks good? google mobile score 68 (apple and android phone image) desktop score 81.
If you ask me it as long way to go still.... I agree, but again, the EVO template is still being worked on. I'm hoping that will change. (the buttons) ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Here is the solution folks since everyone thinks the internet should be about f--king phones. Take all the graphics etc out and just go back to the early days of a text based internet. Geeks, making the world a better place |
I agree, I hate how google dropped me from page 1 ranks to no mans land because I don't support mobile devices on my site.... - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
By 'Google likes it' I meant that it passes their mobile readiness test. As I noted, there's stuff that looks wrong but that can be worked on, after all, there's already templates out there that manage to work decently well. Geek Girl, it doesn't have to be all text, that script that you set up for me is working a treat. Getting the best from it will take a while but we do have interesting content pages for very little work. |
Here is the solution folks since everyone thinks the internet should be about f--king phones.
Not saying that, in one of my sites case you can see a lot of my visitors are mobile or Apple; almost half are. More than 48% are mobile on GMO. When I look at the site in reference on someones mobile device, 7.1 responsive template does well for me but some places it's horrible. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Seeing as how Evo isn't finished, I'll hold any judgement of how well it works until the beta. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Too early :). Template work is about 50% complete. Splash screen will be completely different. Many modules (Photos, Timeline, etc) will be readjusted, too. We are now focused on dev tickets (bugs and functionality impricements), planning to finilize the template once we have implemented planned improvements. Many things are interconnected and need to be done in mixed stages. Heart Head Hands |
As for Google score - it takes some specific optimisation just to bump that score. Nothing too hard - just polishing touches that will be done at the latest stages. Heart Head Hands |
As for Google score - it takes some specific optimisation just to bump that score. Nothing too hard - just polishing touches that will be done at the latest stages. Andrew,
any realistic time frame for these? it really is a big deal
also, any real guess as to when the mobile app upgrade will be released?
TIA for an answer yes, I searched before asking.... |
Just for geek-girl... It takes a LOT of work, but, it turns out pretty decent. This is your friend when it comes to CSS: You add this to the bottom of General, common, form_adv, etc.. And any modules that have a view.css.
@media only screen and (max-width:320px),only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio :1.5),only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio :1.5){ Here's a few screen shots on mobile. |
I am looking at this on my Nexus 6 Android. All I can say is what the hell? The modules need to be responsive with the template. When the screen size changes, everything on the site needs to be fluid and not just change position. I think I said that right, "fluid". Change the screen size on p-o-r-n dot c-o-m and you will see what I mean by "fluid". |
I just looked at Trident Flow on my Nexus and it really looks good. |
I am looking at this on my Nexus 6 Android. All I can say is what the hell? The modules need to be responsive with the template. When the screen size changes, everything on the site needs to be fluid and not just change position. I think I said that right, "fluid". Change the screen size on p-o-r-n dot c-o-m and you will see what I mean by "fluid". It's still under development. I'd hold off on any pitchforks until the beta. As for Trident, it had a few years start to have its responsive template finished. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Here is the solution folks since everyone thinks the internet should be about f--king phones. Take all the graphics etc out and just go back to the early days of a text based internet. That wouldn't work. I'd guess that the vast majority of people using phones to access the internet are using phones their mommy bought for them, and the rest are various creepos looking around to prey on those using the phones their mommy bought for them. I don't know ANY adult professional people that use their phone for any serious web browsing. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
The EVO template is looking better and better each update. Some parts of the site are still being tuned but so far I can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only addition I have done has been the "scroll to top" modification. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
And it looks like the sharing to Facebook is working great as well! This is when you click to share a video... And this is my timeline on Facebook. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Interesting thing i found, you were born in early 50s ;) Will that Back to Top be included in the Evo template? It would be nice to have it :) By any chance can we change this purple background in Evo? I think photo viewer need to be changed. Its hard to click on those arrows instead just click on the left side of picture to view the next picture. In search the check box options need to go horizontal, it takes too much space instead of showing the result. To Andrew plz plz include Internal sharing in this beta along the social sharing. Umar Haroon |
Will that Back to Top be included in the Evo template?
I did the "back to top" myself, I was inspired by this post, ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Interesting thing i found, you were born in early 50s ;)
? ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I think they are very close to the release! I merged a current site that doesn't have members just because of the EVO responsive template. Now the mobile visitors can actually see my nieces site; all her friends mostly use mobile devices or tablets, The feedback has been totally awesome!
The front site and the back admin area look beautiful Boonex. This is what will make our sites stand out now, the responsiveness and all platforms showing the same results! ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Nope. I think Still long way to go if we see the demo you are giving us. But the one we saw andrew is working on looks nice. Umar Haroon |
Nope. I think Still long way to go if we see the demo you are giving us. But the one we saw andrew is working on looks nice.
No, this is not meant for you to judge so close, my version is about a week old. Do you not experiment with the current SVN? ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I was talking about the changes you can see in the picture i posted. Just compare the photo module. So i mean you might have an older update of dolphinpro 7.2 . Can you plz give me the link to github version of dpro 7.2 ? Umar Haroon |
Can you plz give me the link to github version of dpro 7.2 ?
Sure... ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Here is the solution folks since everyone thinks the internet should be about f--king phones. Take all the graphics etc out and just go back to the early days of a text based internet. Im with you on that. We could even revert to Ansi Art to spiff the place up a bit ... Hosted by! |
No one pays 800$ for text based "Welcome to my website" thing -_-
Here is the solution folks since everyone thinks the internet should be about f--king phones. Take all the graphics etc out and just go back to the early days of a text based internet. Im with you on that. We could even revert to Ansi Art to spiff the place up a bit
Umar Haroon |
Timelime: is going to be completely changed. We're working on a fully responsive version. Photos/media: all media modules will receive an updated look, but first we're working on new uploaders and getting rid of Avatars module (I know someone's going to be happy about it). We have made a few really cool improvements over the last week and more is coming this week. I will be posting some details shortly. Heart Head Hands |
Photos/media: all media modules will receive an updated look, but first we're working on new uploaders and getting rid of Avatars module (I know someone's going to be happy about it). I hope these new uploaders are background processes. The one thing I constantly hear from members is that the current upload is confusing. They want to be able to drag/drop, select a file, or copy/paste a URL without having to choose an uploader. Same for videos. Also glad to hear you're doing something about the avatar module, although I hope members can set a default photo, rather than using the last uploaded photo. Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See for more information |
Don't get rid of the avatar module because guess what Andrew, people in the real world likes them. What they want is to be able to use their animated gifs; that was the complaint I had with the avatar module, not that my members could not use it or did not want to use it, they wanted the ability to have their animated gifs back. However, go ahead and fuck up Dolphin some more because real world users don't matter when it comes to making Dolphin. At least with the round thumbs that is usually just CSS and easy to remove. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Just don't strip out all the code for the avatar module so that we have a fucking choice. What the hell do you need to remove a module that can be installed by choice. If someone doesn't want avatars on their site, then just don't install the module. If they are so stupid they don't understand the difference between an avatar and a profile photo, then they don't need to be running a Dolphin site in the first place. I would think you are trying to drive people away from Dolphin. Geeks, making the world a better place |
We're considering a few different options with Avatars at the moment. I believe it is mostly likely still going to be available as a module, just not as a default way of displaying user-pics. Heart Head Hands |
Any idea when the release of 7.2 ? if it is a beta can we use it in a Live site ? Thanks Proud Hosted by |
Any idea when the release of 7.2 ? if it is a beta can we use it in a Live site ?
We are progressing very quickly, but there're still a umber of important improvements planned. A few more weeks are needed until the first beta. Beta will be upgradable, but whether it'd be safe to use on a live site is anyone's guess. Heart Head Hands |
Changing background image Umar Haroon |
Timelime: is going to be completely changed. We're working on a fully responsive version. Photos/media: all media modules will receive an updated look, but first we're working on new uploaders and getting rid of Avatars module (I know someone's going to be happy about it). We have made a few really cool improvements over the last week and more is coming this week. I will be posting some details shortly. Cool , any update on chat/messenger ? |
Search going to be like trident or you planing to keep it the old way? If you make any changes in search, plz make the check box options in horizontal format instead of vertical ( Taking too much space). Timelime: is going to be completely changed. We're working on a fully responsive version. Photos/media: all media modules will receive an updated look, but first we're working on new uploaders and getting rid of Avatars module (I know someone's going to be happy about it). We have made a few really cool improvements over the last week and more is coming this week. I will be posting some details shortly.
Umar Haroon |
Cool , any update on chat/messenger ?
It still looks the same! ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I just downloaded and uploaded to test out. I have noticed, If you un-check the flash for upload in the admin for photos and videos, When you try to upload a picture or video you get a blank white page. So how do you make html5 as default for the pad or some other mobile device that does not have flash? |
That has nothing to do with how the file is played. That flash selection determines how the user uploads media. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I know but to make it truly friendly for mobile I un-checked flash to use standard, html5, or embed boxes for uploads on photos and videos. I went to go try to add a photo or video and I got a blank white page to upload anything. So in other words flash has to be checked. |
I think they are still working on new html5 uploader..So be patient until the final product arrive. We can ask andrew and alex to let us know before releasing the alpha so we can test properly. If we found any bugs we can report them. Any way thats what Alphas are for o.O Umar Haroon |
Border gap still need to be reduced Umar Haroon |
Well they fixed my question. Now there is no more flash.. Yay.. |