7.2 Testing for store issue, no Buy button

I have been testing placing a product for sale in the store. Set up Paypal information, place product in Store by Admin, Created a premium acct  as a test member then navigated to the product to find no "BUY" key in action block. Hmmm am I missing something. I been to the following modules searching for the answer, store, payment, paypal pro, membership permissions, page access, page builder, etc. Clear Caches also, Any ideas?

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net
Quote · 16 Sep 2015

Okay a little digging again. Same as 7.1, still cannot sell hard goods unless something is placed in the File section. Therefore the Download button also shows along with the buy now button. This needs to be fixed if only selling a hard product.

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net
Quote · 17 Sep 2015

Okay more, The download button is not visible to the buying member, the add to cart button is seen by buyer. When pressed pop up states The vendor does not accept payments. Hmmm more digging

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net
Quote · 17 Sep 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.