Has someone created a mod like this:
Creation of pet profiles similar to the person/owners profile (with the ability to add as many pet profiles as needed) with ability to add pictures. Ability to enter into the different pet profiles and make comments.
This would be an interesting mod. I would have a place for my kitty then! =D |
Yes I think it would be too...  |
I can't believe that noone here knows how to do this nor knows where there may be an extention or contribution that does this. Please help... :) |
To much time??? Oh my.. not as much as you I would suppose.. :) |
Yes I think this would be a great mod maybe it's something that can be done with Dolphin 7 as they are plannning on changing the structure of couple profiles * better get your request in quick as it might have to wait until Dolphin 7.1*
Or you can pop over to expertzzz.com and make a request, I suggest contacting Dolpinmods *have a feeling Victor and Anton etc are busy at the mo working on Dolphin 7/Spunky*
We need more features/mods like this that will set us apart from facebook/myspace etc... |
Thank you.. I will try that! :) |
Just had a thought, why don't me, you and RuralMn split the development cost and anyone else interested in such a mod... |
getting back on topic, this mod would need to handle multiple pets owned by community members/sharing of pets between members/pets befriending each other.... |
Doesn't sound creepy at all, pets are often owned by families which might involve 2-3 profiles |
Don't take this the wrong way, but the USA is not exactly "famous" for being a pet lover country. At least 35 to 50 percent of large dog owners for example, keep their dogs outside permanently. When we lived in Florida, it amazed me how many people kept big parrots in small cages that were clearly too small to be healthy (I used to own two MaCaws). No, not trying to offend anyone, but if you leave out the crap countries like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and a few others where it's more fun to mistreat & torture animals, then you're left with countries like Germany, England, Holland, France, and many others where a so called "pet" is treated pretty much like a viable member of the family.
No, they don't eat at the table, sleep in the same bad, wear clothing, and other creepy stuff (although I'm sure that there's that too), but it means that those pets are treated with dignity, love, nurturing, etc. similar to how you would treat your own child. In affect, for many pet owners, especially ones without a child, their pet does indeed become an integral part of their life. When I was a kid, our german shepard was indeed my best friend, absolutely positively !!! I'll never forget the great times that we had together.
Maybe it's a cultural thing too, dunno, but here in Germany keeping a dog outside is almost unheard of and many people have more than one pet or dog too. We have two spanish galgos that came from spanish death camps (no shit, it's truly disgusting) which we adopted, and before that we had a north american racer that got rescued and then adopted by us. Sadly, he passed away last October (stomach cancer), that's the picture that I use for my profile. Some of us pet owners love our pets with just as much feeling as we'd love a person ... nothing wrong with that ... as long as you know where to draw the line !!! Having said that, I too agree that pet profiles would be really cool to have. Dolphin wants to be worldwide and that means that some worldwide cultural habits ought to be considered too ... dating & meeting friends, sharing videos, sharing photos, enjoying music, and ... pet ownership.
Greetings from Germany
Don't take this the wrong way, but the USA is not exactly "famous" for being a pet lover country. At least 35 to 50 percent of large dog owners for example, keep their dogs outside permanently. When we lived in Florida, it amazed me how many people kept big parrots in small cages that were clearly too small to be healthy (I used to own two MaCaws). No, not trying to offend anyone, but if you leave out the crap countries like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and a few others where it's more fun to mistreat & torture animals, then you're left with countries like Germany, England, Holland, France, and many others where a so called "pet" is treated pretty much like a viable member of the family.
No, they don't eat at the table, sleep in the same bad, wear clothing, and other creepy stuff (although I'm sure that there's that too), but it means that those pets are treated with dignity, love, nurturing, etc. similar to how you would treat your own child. In affect, for many pet owners, especially ones without a child, their pet does indeed become an integral part of their life. When I was a kid, our german shepard was indeed my best friend, absolutely positively !!! I'll never forget the great times that we had together.
Maybe it's a cultural thing too, dunno, but here in Germany keeping a dog outside is almost unheard of and many people have more than one pet or dog too. We have two spanish galgos that came from spanish death camps (no shit, it's truly disgusting) which we adopted, and before that we had a north american racer that got rescued and then adopted by us. Sadly, he passed away last October (stomach cancer), that's the picture that I use for my profile. Some of us pet owners love our pets with just as much feeling as we'd love a person ... nothing wrong with that ... as long as you know where to draw the line !!! Having said that, I too agree that pet profiles would be really cool to have. Dolphin wants to be worldwide and that means that some worldwide cultural habits ought to be considered too ... dating & meeting friends, sharing videos, sharing photos, enjoying music, and ... pet ownership.
Greetings from Germany
I don't even know where to start with this one.
meincommunity -> "No, not trying to offend anyone, but if you leave out the crap
countries like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and a few others where it's more
fun to mistreat & torture animals, then you're left with countries
like Germany, England, Holland, France, and many others where a so
called "pet" is treated pretty much like a viable member of the family."
Sorry too late.
So you consider Mexico, Spain, Italy and a few others to be crap countries?
What f*cken planet are you from? You really should STFU.
You are one f*cked up noob.
Closing my browser now. I don't even want to be on the same page as you.
Don't take this the wrong way, but the USA is not exactly "famous" for being a pet lover country. At least 35 to 50 percent of large dog owners for example, keep their dogs outside permanently. When we lived in Florida, it amazed me how many people kept big parrots in small cages that were clearly too small to be healthy (I used to own two MaCaws). No, not trying to offend anyone, but if you leave out the crap countries like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and a few others where it's more fun to mistreat & torture animals, then you're left with countries like Germany, England, Holland, France, and many others where a so called "pet" is treated pretty much like a viable member of the family.
No, they don't eat at the table, sleep in the same bad, wear clothing, and other creepy stuff (although I'm sure that there's that too), but it means that those pets are treated with dignity, love, nurturing, etc. similar to how you would treat your own child. In affect, for many pet owners, especially ones without a child, their pet does indeed become an integral part of their life. When I was a kid, our german shepard was indeed my best friend, absolutely positively !!! I'll never forget the great times that we had together.
Maybe it's a cultural thing too, dunno, but here in Germany keeping a dog outside is almost unheard of and many people have more than one pet or dog too. We have two spanish galgos that came from spanish death camps (no shit, it's truly disgusting) which we adopted, and before that we had a north american racer that got rescued and then adopted by us. Sadly, he passed away last October (stomach cancer), that's the picture that I use for my profile. Some of us pet owners love our pets with just as much feeling as we'd love a person ... nothing wrong with that ... as long as you know where to draw the line !!! Having said that, I too agree that pet profiles would be really cool to have. Dolphin wants to be worldwide and that means that some worldwide cultural habits ought to be considered too ... dating & meeting friends, sharing videos, sharing photos, enjoying music, and ... pet ownership.
Greetings from Germany
Ooooo, thats a bit of a sweeping and unfair statement, im sure in all countries there are cruel people, In the UK we love our pets sure, but then there is still a need for the RCPCA ( Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) So to say that a certain country is cruel to its animals is a bit unfair. Some people are cruel, and some are not, no matter which country you live in.
Ignore anything said by HoustonLively he clearly states on his profile "just here to make trouble" and is obviously just looking to provoke reactions off people, has nothing constructive to say and isn't doing Boonex any favours...
Don't rise to his bait! |
meincommunity -> "No, not trying to offend anyone, but if you leave out the crap
countries like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and a few others where it's more
fun to mistreat & torture animals, then you're left with countries
like Germany, England, Holland, France, and many others where a so
called "pet" is treated pretty much like a viable member of the family."
Sorry too late.
So you consider Mexico, Spain, Italy and a few others to be crap countries?
What f*cken planet are you from? You really should STFU.
You are one f*cked up noob.
Closing my browser now. I don't even want to be on the same page as you.
Geeez, rarely do I react like this, but ...
surfboard, you're a FAH with total tunnel vision which is probably why you're some dipshit surfer on a beach in Mexico or wherever. Get a friggen' life and read up on some global animal statistics. Shit, for that matter, just visit YouTube. They used to have tons of cruelty videos from spain, mexico, norway, etc.
Like it or not FAH, for those who are truly interested in animals, real news reporting, and more importantly, for those who have lived in several countries over the course of roughly 50 years, it happens to be a well known & publicized fact that some countries are downright infamous for their animal cruelty (such as spain, mexico, and a few others). So what the f... is your problem, FAH ??? It's not my fault that you happen to live in one of those countries but I tell you what, at least I'm decent & honest enough of a person that when someone points out shit to me that my country is known for tolerating or having tolerated .... I don't lose my mind with misplaced patriotism or other derogatory bullshit, well, at least not until someone like you comes along and tries to piss me off intentionally, that is.
Unless you truly are an imbecile with tunnel vision, you couldn't possibly think that I believe an entire country is bad ??? just because of many bad things that happen there. Of course there's good people, and people who rescue abused & tortured animals (even in spain) but because some particular countries are so well known for their animal cruelty in conjunction with how little those governments do to really stop that kind of behavior, to me those types of countries are viwed as crap countries ... strictly regarding what goes on there as far as animal abuse is concerned.
Since this entire post was about pets, pet owners, pet profiles, i.e. PETS it stupidly didn't dawn on me that I'd have to specify that my feelings had to do strictly and only with the bad treatment of animals or pets within a particular country. Yeah, I'm prejudiced against countries like that and if you tell me that you don't have any prejudism against anyone or anything, then you're nothing but friggen' lier. We all have our little ticks, thoughts, and beliefs. I just happen "not to be afraid" to stand up for my opinions or my values! So, umh, BITE ME dickhead.
Drop dead from Germany
Honestly, isn't there enough bickering on this site already? People have to take a nice post like this and trash it with snide comments and cultural insults?
I think pet profiles are a great idea. I'm not sure how much I could contribute to the development of the idea, but I do like it. I think that it would be a serious undertaking and would likely cost quite a bit.
I'm in the USA - BTW, and I treat my kitty like he is part of the family - because he is. I don't know where you come up with your stereotypes meinecommunity, but you should be careful painting entire countries with one broad brush stroke. Especially with the kind of history Germany has.
I think it's very sad that the majority of threads here turn into this kind of garbage. Maturity is a wonderful thing.
I don't know where you come up with your stereotypes meinecommunity, but you should be careful painting entire countries with one broad brush stroke. Especially with the kind of history Germany has.
I think it's very sad that the majority of threads here turn into this kind of garbage. Maturity is a wonderful thing.
Read my last post again. I do agree with you 100% but I also believe that people have a right to defend themselves. Yes, I made a brusque analogy and you can even accuse me of having done so in bad taste or without enough consideration ... but that doesn't excuse the repulsive asinine & vulgar attack by surfboard which was way over the top.
Greetings from Germany
meincommunity -> "No, not trying to offend anyone, but if you leave out the crap
countries like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and a few others where it's more
fun to mistreat & torture animals, then you're left with countries
like Germany, England, Holland, France, and many others where a so
called "pet" is treated pretty much like a viable member of the family."
Sorry too late.
So you consider Mexico, Spain, Italy and a few others to be crap countries?
What f*cken planet are you from? You really should STFU.
You are one f*cked up noob.
Closing my browser now. I don't even want to be on the same page as you.
Geeez, rarely do I react like this, but ...
surfboard, you're a FAH with total tunnel vision which is probably why you're some dipshit surfer on a beach in Mexico or wherever. Get a friggen' life and read up on some global animal statistics. Shit, for that matter, just visit YouTube. They used to have tons of cruelty videos from spain, mexico, norway, etc.
Like it or not FAH, for those who are truly interested in animals, real news reporting, and more importantly, for those who have lived in several countries over the course of roughly 50 years, it happens to be a well known & publicized fact that some countries are downright infamous for their animal cruelty (such as spain, mexico, and a few others). So what the f... is your problem, FAH ??? It's not my fault that you happen to live in one of those countries but I tell you what, at least I'm decent & honest enough of a person that when someone points out shit to me that my country is known for tolerating or having tolerated .... I don't lose my mind with misplaced patriotism or other derogatory bullshit, well, at least not until someone like you comes along and tries to piss me off intentionally, that is.
Unless you truly are an imbecile with tunnel vision, you couldn't possibly think that I believe an entire country is bad ??? just because of many bad things that happen there. Of course there's good people, and people who rescue abused & tortured animals (even in spain) but because some particular countries are so well known for their animal cruelty in conjunction with how little those governments do to really stop that kind of behavior, to me those types of countries are viwed as crap countries ... strictly regarding what goes on there as far as animal abuse is concerned.
Since this entire post was about pets, pet owners, pet profiles, i.e. PETS it stupidly didn't dawn on me that I'd have to specify that my feelings had to do strictly and only with the bad treatment of animals or pets within a particular country. Yeah, I'm prejudiced against countries like that and if you tell me that you don't have any prejudism against anyone or anything, then you're nothing but friggen' lier. We all have our little ticks, thoughts, and beliefs. I just happen "not to be afraid" to stand up for my opinions or my values! So, umh, BITE ME dickhead.
Drop dead from Germany
Erm no offence here MC, but what did you expect, you simply cant say stuff like that in such a sweeping statement and not expect to upset people. People do love their countries on the whole, and you simply cant say countries are crap (translated to, the people who live in those countries are crap) because of some minority behavoir, that happen in most countries anyway. Even in the Uk we have illegal dog fighting still, all secretive and hidden away, and not widely reported, but still happens, badger hunting too, so more goes on in all countries that is probably reported about. You simply cant throw sweeping judgments on a culture like that, coming from germany as you do, i would have thought you would have understood that better than most. To me the germans are good honest people, but ask my grandad who went through the war what he thinks and you will get a different answer. So really judging a country and or culture on the whole is not a really good idea, aspecially when you have multi culture's using this site.
meincommunity -> "No, not trying to offend anyone, but if you leave out the crap
countries like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and a few others where it's more
fun to mistreat & torture animals, then you're left with countries
like Germany, England, Holland, France, and many others where a so
called "pet" is treated pretty much like a viable member of the family."
Sorry too late.
So you consider Mexico, Spain, Italy and a few others to be crap countries?
What f*cken planet are you from? You really should STFU.
You are one f*cked up noob.
Closing my browser now. I don't even want to be on the same page as you.
Geeez, rarely do I react like this, but ...
surfboard, you're a FAH with total tunnel vision which is probably why you're some dipshit surfer on a beach in Mexico or wherever. Get a friggen' life and read up on some global animal statistics. Shit, for that matter, just visit YouTube. They used to have tons of cruelty videos from spain, mexico, norway, etc.
Like it or not FAH, for those who are truly interested in animals, real news reporting, and more importantly, for those who have lived in several countries over the course of roughly 50 years, it happens to be a well known & publicized fact that some countries are downright infamous for their animal cruelty (such as spain, mexico, and a few others). So what the f... is your problem, FAH ??? It's not my fault that you happen to live in one of those countries but I tell you what, at least I'm decent & honest enough of a person that when someone points out shit to me that my country is known for tolerating or having tolerated .... I don't lose my mind with misplaced patriotism or other derogatory bullshit, well, at least not until someone like you comes along and tries to piss me off intentionally, that is.
Unless you truly are an imbecile with tunnel vision, you couldn't possibly think that I believe an entire country is bad ??? just because of many bad things that happen there. Of course there's good people, and people who rescue abused & tortured animals (even in spain) but because some particular countries are so well known for their animal cruelty in conjunction with how little those governments do to really stop that kind of behavior, to me those types of countries are viwed as crap countries ... strictly regarding what goes on there as far as animal abuse is concerned.
Since this entire post was about pets, pet owners, pet profiles, i.e. PETS it stupidly didn't dawn on me that I'd have to specify that my feelings had to do strictly and only with the bad treatment of animals or pets within a particular country. Yeah, I'm prejudiced against countries like that and if you tell me that you don't have any prejudism against anyone or anything, then you're nothing but friggen' lier. We all have our little ticks, thoughts, and beliefs. I just happen "not to be afraid" to stand up for my opinions or my values! So, umh, BITE ME dickhead.
Drop dead from Germany
You are a conflicted person and you really should take a break from your keyboard because each time you post you look more like an idiot with each character you type.
Just own up that you made a mistake in your post.
Don't try to defend your mistake.
@tyke and @surfboard
Since this entire post was about pets, pet owners, pet profiles, i.e. PETS it stupidly didn't dawn on me that I'd have to specify that my feelings
had to do strictly and only with the bad treatment of animals or pets
within a particular country. Yeah, I'm prejudiced against countries
like that and if you tell me that you don't have any prejudism against
anyone or anything, then you're nothing but friggen' lier. .
I think the above made it pretty clear where I was coming from!
It really amazes me how people avoid their own prejudisms in order to harp on others for theirs. Granted, the German "race" is responsible for the loss of 6 million jewish lives, but all of that happened around 20 years before I was even born. It was horrible as can be, truly diabolical, but I certainly can't point the finger at anyone for that today. On the other hand though, I also have to disagree with you tyke, perhaps age something to do with it ??? but there truly are a few choice countries in the world, not too many of them mind you, that are quite known for how badly animals are treated there and only there.
Sure, there's idiots who abuse animals everywhere ... and people who abuse spouses, children, drugs, etc. That is a worldwide phenomena because that's part of what makes people (in some cases) what they are. However, if you were looking to relocate your family to the USA and found out that Detroit (don't know if that's still true) has the highest murder rate in the USA, you'd stay the flock away from there, wouldn't you? But why? Well, because you'd feel "ill at ease" with all of the drugs, and crime, and murder, and homelessness, etc. etc. etc. Perhaps even a little prejudicial ??? against that type of behavior, the criminal types, the dirt & disease that often accompanies drugs and crime ??? Well, that's how it is for my wife and me with animal abuse too! We stay the hell away from places where such behavior is openly condoned ... and regardless what surfboard has to say about that ... such behavior is indeed condoned by the mexican, spanish, and a few other governments. No, they don't admit this - who would? But greenpeace and many other animal rights organizations have been trying for decades to strengthen the laws (with proper enforcement) in those countries, to this day with little to no progress. So no, surfboard, I'm not going to apologize for something that I believe in and if nobody is capable of understanding the text that I highlighted in yellow, then so be it.
Greetings from Germany
I skimmed over this thread and I think this is an example of how misunderstandings happen on the web. Especially via forums. This is one of the banes of comminque for the Internet.
As I read this a bit more, I don't believe meincommunity was trying to offend anyone. I think the delivery may have been off a bit but for the most part if I were to take it in context of the rest of the thread I think he was making reference to how some countries may have a higher statistical prevalence of cruelty as a whole. Even with that statement I may also be incorrect. For example, in Canada, we don't have bull fighting as it is illegal. However, in countries like Spain, it is legal. Again, depending on the culture, how you grew up and where you're from there is an array of opinions.
As for me, my dog was in a Java Book.
Let's just calm down and take a break.
Updating my BoonexNerd.net site. |
Yup, sitting here on my 4th huge cup (16 ounces) of Java ...
Nail on the head, I feel so understood now ... so check these here out:
Batman, our Surfboard MaCaw
Batman, could it be better ... ???
Sparx, especially under the wings
Ripley, retired Greyhound Racer
Day of the big flight
Melissa was supposed to be his companion
Adopted Splash after Ripley passed away
He has scars everywhere too ...
Well, there you have it. Just a few of probably more than 100 pet photos that we have in our gigantic online family album with apx. 900 photos total. Oh yeah, the internet and digital cameras, what a lovely combination ...
Greetings from Germany
Honestly, isn't there enough bickering on this site already? People have to take a nice post like this and trash it with snide comments and cultural insults?
I think pet profiles are a great idea. I'm not sure how much I could contribute to the development of the idea, but I do like it. I think that it would be a serious undertaking and would likely cost quite a bit.
I'm in the USA - BTW, and I treat my kitty like he is part of the family - because he is. I don't know where you come up with your stereotypes meinecommunity, but you should be careful painting entire countries with one broad brush stroke. Especially with the kind of history Germany has.
I think it's very sad that the majority of threads here turn into this kind of garbage. Maturity is a wonderful thing.
You have a really good point here. The majority of this forum is fine, but it can quickly turn into misunderstanding and ugly talk through people not thinking about the comments they make and not much caring either. This is because of one thing, and one thing only, NO moderators on site like most forums have to keep an eye on things or delete or edit posts where needed. This is my biggest gripe about Orca, its been left out of the workings and really does need to be included in the software. This community is no different from any other with different charactors posting, sometimes we will get a clash, and any forum needs the abilty to have in house moderators, sat on the forum ready, not as the case is now, having to fiddle about in the admin panel, then go to this menu, then that menu before you even come close to moderating anything. Its not good at all.
OK OK OK Let me clearify this so that EVERYONE is crystal CLEAR on what I want and would like to have.. MAN< what I am TRYING to build is a type of vet site.. where members can come and get advice from others with simular pets. Or meet others with the same breeds of animals etc.. there is NO MISTREATMENT of any aminals and that is completely out of line. I am born and live in the UNITED STATES.. I don't believe in mistreatment of any aminal period! So lets get that out of the conversation! Anyone that wants to cause trash talk should just stay away from me and my posts!!! I'm not one to put up with it.. this is stupid to even consider it (the conversation I mean) I want to provide my members with a way to post multible pet profiles with their own, say I have 5 dogs and 2 cats (which by the way I have 3 dogs, which 1 does live outside and well taken care of! Along with 2 cats) I would like to post their profiles with mine so that when someone comes to my profile (which only memebers will be able to see, BTW) they can see my pets and I can see theirs etc. Now what's wrong with that? UGHHHHHH
So please get off the subject of aminal cruelity and stuff like that... man some people have nothing better to do than to start trash!!! Grow up!
Thank you (the ones that are trying to help me..) I would love some help in developing this mod and would like to here more.
Perhaps your dog is smarter than you and on reading your reply decided eating it was the the best course or action or else try feeding your dog from time to time....
*No offence intended* |
Ignore anything said by HoustonLively he clearly states on his profile "just here to make trouble" and is obviously just looking to provoke reactions off people, has nothing constructive to say and isn't doing Boonex any favours...
Don't rise to his bait!
I had a reply written down for this... buy my dog ate it.
Why don't you just go and aggravate some others and leave mine alone? This mod is NOT for people to hurt anything... I have a client that wants to share and have a community for pet lovers EVERYWHERE. I can't help what others do especially in other countries, but I would never be apart of something that would intentionally hurt human or animals. So I would say that you are speaking way out of turn here and just wanting to start trouble.. you won't find NONE here. So please unless you have something to constructively impact this discussion thread, please don't embarrass yourself any futher and pick on someone elses or better yet, tend to your own community and let us go in peace!
Thank you
It's already possible right now to do what you have in mind, with the current version of dolphin. Unless you plan on running human profiles and pet profiles separately ... which in my opinion would be total overkill ... just make any needed changes from within the admin panel and the css files. For example:
It wouldn't be a problem at all to change the default "single" (human) profile setting to "loner" (single pet in a household) or whatever word you see fit. It also wouldn't be a problem to change the "couple" (human) setting to "familypets" (multiple pets in a household) instead. As a matter of fact, if you use the "familypets" by default, then you could even apply two different titles to each of the two profiles which are then created in the same account. One of these could be labeled "critters" (or whatever) and the other one could be labeled "owners" which would then provide you automatically with two profile options, one for the animals or single animal in a household, and a second profile that's strictly for the pet owners ... running side by side in the same account. You could even create an "open to the public" profile for vets if they don't want to have an individual account, with password access upon request & verfication of course. Especially with the "new dolphin" darn near everything is going to be possible without adding extra mods ... but by doing some adjustments on your own, here and there.
You don't need a separate mod and you don't need to spend any extra money. What you DO need to do, is to involve yourself more with dolphin, how dolphin works, the builder blocks, the page designs, the profile fields, the language keys, and the css files. Everything that you've been proposing is already possible and if you really can't figure out how to do this ... just generate a post in the community that you're willing to pay a few dollars for someone to make those modifications for you. I'm willing to bet that someone who really knows their stuff about dolphin (member mydatery perhaps) can do this pretty affordably. Just start working with it and stop being so frustrated ... almost all forums in the world are screwed up like this. Get used to it or not, you won't be able to change it by complaining, nobody can.
Why don't you go and FYS eh?
What the hell did I ever say to you that gives you cause to start calling me names? That's totally uncalled for on your part, especially since this fiasco had so obviously already been settled earlier in this post. Starting crap all over for no reason at all. Get a life, dude! Apparently you're the one with too much time on his hands. Once you're done jerking yourself off you have nothing better to do with your time than to incense others. What I said was said without intending to harm, just a poor choice of words, but what you said was said out of sheer spite. See here we go again, twolf. Sorry about that ...
Greetings from Germany
It's already possible right now to do what you have in mind, with the current version of dolphin. Unless you plan on running human profiles and pet profiles separately ... which in my opinion would be total overkill ... just make any needed changes from within the admin panel and the css files. For example:
It wouldn't be a problem at all to change the default "single" (human) profile setting to "loner" (single pet in a household) or whatever word you see fit. It also wouldn't be a problem to change the "couple" (human) setting to "familypets" (multiple pets in a household) instead. As a matter of fact, if you use the "familypets" by default, then you could even apply two different titles to each of the two profiles which are then created in the same account. One of these could be labeled "critters" (or whatever) and the other one could be labeled "owners" which would then provide you automatically with two profile options, one for the animals or single animal in a household, and a second profile that's strictly for the pet owners ... running side by side in the same account. You could even create an "open to the public" profile for vets if they don't want to have an individual account, with password access upon request & verfication of course. Especially with the "new dolphin" darn near everything is going to be possible without adding extra mods ... but by doing some adjustments on your own, here and there.
You don't need a separate mod and you don't need to spend any extra money. What you DO need to do, is to involve yourself more with dolphin, how dolphin works, the builder blocks, the page designs, the profile fields, the language keys, and the css files. Everything that you've been proposing is already possible and if you really can't figure out how to do this ... just generate a post in the community that you're willing to pay a few dollars for someone to make those modifications for you. I'm willing to bet that someone who really knows their stuff about dolphin (member mydatery perhaps) can do this pretty affordably. Just start working with it and stop being so frustrated ... almost all forums in the world are screwed up like this. Get used to it or not, you won't be able to change it by complaining, nobody can.
Why don't you go and FYS eh?
What the hell did I ever say to you that gives you cause to start calling me names? That's totally uncalled for on your part, especially since this fiasco had so obviously already been settled earlier in this post. Starting crap all over for no reason at all. Get a life, dude! Apparently you're the one with too much time on his hands. Once you're done jerking yourself off you have nothing better to do with your time than to incense others. What I said was said without intending to harm, just a poor choice of words, but what you said was said out of sheer spite. See here we go again, twolf. Sorry about that ...
Greetings from Germany
Yes I agree that replying to people like that does nothing but aggravate the entire situation. For this I must say I'm sorry to all that are actually trying to help me with this! I'm sorry! Now that that's outta the way, I will take your advice and look around. A member here has posted it for me and the response that he/she has gotten was $600 which I said was totally unreasonable... heck for that I could get an entire site coded....lol. But I will continue to look around and also try and take a look at the files and things that you pointed out and see if I can't do most of it myself.
Thank you!
Ignore anything said by HoustonLively he clearly states on his profile "just here to make trouble" and is obviously just looking to provoke reactions off people, has nothing constructive to say and isn't doing Boonex any favours...
Don't rise to his bait!
I had a reply written down for this... buy my dog ate it.
Why don't you just go and aggravate some others and leave mine alone? This mod is NOT for people to hurt anything... I have a client that wants to share and have a community for pet lovers EVERYWHERE. I can't help what others do especially in other countries, but I would never be apart of something that would intentionally hurt human or animals. So I would say that you are speaking way out of turn here and just wanting to start trouble.. you won't find NONE here. So please unless you have something to constructively impact this discussion thread, please don't embarrass yourself any futher and pick on someone elses or better yet, tend to your own community and let us go in peace!
Thank you
Twolf, don't get your pantyhose in a knot. No one is accusing you of any wrongdoing. The real idiots here are 'meindipshit', who posted those inflammatory remarks, and 'YouDidntSeeMyBrainAnywhereDidYou" who is upset with me because I know that almost all the profiles on her site are fake. If I've said anything to rile people up, they seriously need to grow a thicker skin.
With that said, you should spend some time composing a detailed specification for your idea, and present it to coders for bids. I would suggest that you insist on retaining distrubution rights to the mod, with perhaps a percentage of each sale going to the coder. It is actually a pretty unique idea, and I expect many people would pay for the mod. Even if your intent is not to make money off of it, you could donate proceeds to animal shelters or something.
If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time and money in the development of mods for Dolphin 6.1.x Do it for D7. Something like this should be treated as an extension of a regular profile... maybe titled 'My Pets'. Take the time to draw up a specification of everything you envision the addon doing. Obviously, you want to enter multiple pets. You probably also want fields for descriptive information such as Breed, Age, Weight, Likes, Dislikes, Favorite Toy, Favorite snack, Favorite pastime, etc. You definitely want photos and Videos, and a comment system to go with them.
Draw it up and run it by AndreyP . There is probably a lot of Dolphin 7 profile code that can be altered and reused to extend profiles in the way that you require.
You don't need to cuss and act like a child! I have reported your last post.. oh and by the way I'm from the USA as well and I don't feel that way.. There is absolutely NO need for that type of behavior!!!! Shame on you Houstonlively, I have family in Houston and you and people like you make them look badly and you really should just go and crawl back under the rock you crawled out of!
Please just go away!
[quote]A member here has posted it for me and the response that he/she has
gotten was $600 which I said was totally unreasonable... heck for that
I could get an entire site coded....lol. But I will continue to look
around and also try and take a look at the files and things that you
pointed out and see if I can't do most of it myself.[/quote]
Yes well that doesnt suprise me at all, the smell of making money from a user (a new one like you too) can make some members wet themselves and bend over backwards to help.
With a little time, you could probably, like houston says, do this (to some degree yourself) takes time to learn the system though, so with a little reading around, and then manipulation of idea's to suit your needs, you could possible do some of what you wanted.
wish you luck with it.
twolf has misunderstood my mail, the mod would not be for sale for $600 (that would be the development costs) it would be for sale below $100, I also think a mod is the way to go on this as I have lots of ideas for this to do it properly... |
twolf has misunderstood my mail, the mod would not be for sale for $600 (that would be the development costs) it would be for sale below $100, I also think a mod is the way to go on this as I have lots of ideas for this to do it properly...
twolf ... Again, there's absolutely no reason to design a mod at all for this !!!
You have to learn to use the system anyway, so just do it on your own as you're learning to use everything. There's only very little difference between people and pet profiles since you can easily modify them as either. Just change the field/title/builder descriptions and that's all there's to it. Dolphin is specifically designed to be able to do this !!!
Would pet owners or vets possibly want videos, just like standard profile holders ... of course!
Would they have photos and galleries just like standard members ... sure they would.
Would they want custom features, perhaps an html block, etc ... yup, just like in regular profiles!
And like I said, if you use the "couple" i.e. "petfamily" as a default sign up (it only takes seconds to get that done in the builders ---> profile fields ---> join section from the admin panel), then you already have a single profile with dual user options that could be split up as vet clinic & animals or perhaps pet owner & pets, whatever. Each of these receive their own private gallerie, meaning that a vet could use one part of the dual profile for clinic and experience related stuff while the other portion of that dual profile could be used for specific photos, blogs, etc. And if you want to change specific text ANYWHERE within dolphin, all you need to do is find the specific language key for that particular text, followed by making it whatever you want it to be. Unless you're in a crazy hurry, I bet you could do it all yourself in as little as 1 week of time if you work hard at it. Geeez, this would really be fairly simple to do, especially the way dolphin has been designed - and now with all of the ray plugins and stuff included for free as well - I can't believe that anyone would even contemplate paying to create such a mod.
Ah well, that's it for me, I'm outta here ...
Greetings from Germany
Hi Webmaster,
Thanks for your services its very wonderful service. I install free Boonex 6.1.5 its intall ok but the thing is internal pages it shows 404 error what is the exact problem not understanding please guide us and let me know what is the exact problem
only members and forums fields are working fine remaining fields it shows problem please we cant understanding problem.
Thanks & Regards Rahaman MA |
Hello rahaman
I wrote you a message.. that error is usually because something isn't where it is supposed to be... get back with me via the message box an I can help you thru there.
Hope t talk with you soon! |
Hello rahaman
I wrote you a message.. that error is usually because something isn't where it is supposed to be... get back with me via the message box an I can help you thru there.
Hope t talk with you soon! |
Ignore anything said by HoustonLively he clearly states on his profile "just here to make trouble" and is obviously just looking to provoke reactions off people, has nothing constructive to say and isn't doing Boonex any favours...
Don't rise to his bait!
I wanted to set the record straight for the U.S. meinecommunity said "...Maybe it's a cultural thing too, dunno, but but here in Germany keeping a dog outside is almost unheard of.." First off Germany is freezing cold in winter; whereas, much of the U.S. doesn't get so cold. Second, in general, there is more open space in America. There are ranches and farms spread out across the U.S. in Texas/Kansas/Oklahoma/Kentucky..etc. that have a pack of dogs that live outside in fenced or unfenced land. Domestic dogs like being outside as long as they have shelter and companionship via other dogs. I have a dog who lives inside but likes being outside, more often, to hunt and lay in the grass. He can't stand being inside. There is too much to do outside. Many dogs are outside part time here in America. If I were a dog, I couldn't imagine being pent up inside with Germans all day. They may be the ones who you are concerned about. Just as some asians eat dogs. Anyway, by far the majority of dogs here are treated well. Nice job..saving a dog from Spanish death camp. My grandfather, who is alive at 90, fought in Germany WWII as a captain. He saved a Jew from a death camp. It seems we all have our cross to bear. That is, if I were to generalize and say that Germans treat Jews badly. That seems to be the problem with broad sweeping generalizations.
So, what's wrong with dogs wearing clothing? ha
By the way twolf this has nothing to do with your question but I felt obligated to point out meinecommunities false assumtions and generalizations about the treatment of U.S. dogs LOL..it's O.K. you can laugh. I don't take anything I read or write here too seriously, nor should you.
Ignore anything said by HoustonLively he clearly states on his profile "just here to make trouble" and is obviously just looking to provoke reactions off people, has nothing constructive to say and isn't doing Boonex any favours...
Don't rise to his bait!
I wanted to set the record straight for the U.S. meinecommunity said "...Maybe it's a cultural thing too, dunno, but but here in Germany keeping a dog outside is almost unheard of.." First off Germany is freezing cold in winter; whereas, much of the U.S. doesn't get so cold. Second, in general, there is more open space in America. There are ranches and farms spread out across the U.S. in Texas/Kansas/Oklahoma/Kentucky..etc. that have a pack of dogs that live outside in fenced or unfenced land. Domestic dogs like being outside as long as they have shelter and companionship via other dogs. I have a dog who lives inside but likes being outside, more often, to hunt and lay in the grass. He can't stand being inside. There is too much to do outside. Many dogs are outside part time here in America. If I were a dog, I couldn't imagine being pent up inside with Germans all day. They may be the ones who you are concerned about. Just as some asians eat dogs. Anyway, by far the majority of dogs here are treated well. Nice job..saving a dog from Spanish death camp. My grandfather, who is alive at 90, fought in Germany WWII as a captain. He saved a Jew from a death camp. It seems we all have our cross to bear. That is, if I were to generalize and say that Germans treat Jews badly. That seems to be the problem with broad sweeping generalizations.
So, what's wrong with dogs wearing clothing? ha
Hi, lol... Not laughing but just wondering what does the Germans and Jews have to do with creating a pet profile on Dolphin? :) I understand what you were trying to say about the animals being pinned up inside all the time, and beleve me there is alot of it over here as well.. but what I'm trying to do is create a site where loving owners and others that would like info and to be apart of a site that deals with pets and their owners can go and socialize and gain valuable info for their pets. It isn't just about cats and dogs it can be any pet which believe me there are some ppl out there that have some pretty crazy pets...lol. But they can come and join and see what other people have as pets and hopefully gain some valuable knowledge and share all sorts of things.
I just want a mod that let's say an owner has 3 dogs and 2 cats along with a couple of gold fish, they can have each a profile connected with theirs and able to share if they would like. That isn't so hard..
Thanks for your input tho.... :) It was an interesting read.. also my Great Uncle fought the Germans as well as the Japs and see alot of there as well. :)
just a thought here but why not just use the group section to create different groups of pets. make a group for each pet you own. in your profile page it shows what groups you belong to.....
i know its not the same thing you are looking to do but its a start and all the pieces are all ready in place.
PS i love my weimaraner and she sleeps in the bed and eats at the table and loves to have coffee with me in the morning... so there i have a german dog and live in the US.
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
*smiles* I had weimaraners for years. Neurotic and lovable. Had a blue and several fawns.
Now, I have Dogo Argentinos. Smartest dogs I've ever owned, but far more independent.
I've also owned or fostered: Chows, Shelties, Labs, Danes, Basenjis, Spanish Water Dogs, Irish Wolfhounds, Sheps, Elkhounds and more...
I'm practically a world of dogs, LOL! |
Hello Everybody,
I want to suggest some solution on the subject and show my pets :) as a good example.
My cat Sam - http://kolimarfey.demozzz.com/dolphin614/places/view/43
My dog Dora - http://kolimarfey.demozzz.com/dolphin614/places/photos/42
I have a script Places, where users can post Places they visit, why not to use this script for pets profiles ? like on my examples .. One user can post unlimited number of pets profiles with any number of photos and videos.
All is need to change all Places words to Pets words, which is easy via language file before installation.
Also I have a manual how to add any custom fields, so you can change Place related fields to Pets related fields.
You can remove map if it is not needed, but in some cases it may be useful too.
hi Kilomarfey ....good thinking, if you can find a way of adding a duplicate of your places mod on a dolphin website where some already has your places mod installed I would purchase another copy. Also the map block would be better off below the photos and videos blocks in a pets/places modified mod...
YouDidntDidYou aka "hard as snails" |
So a I getting this right... the Places Mod allows creation of a specific kind of profile? Like I could have (for example) a website for the entertainment industry, and have a specialized profile for agents?
Does it allow multiple types of profiles? Like profiles for agents, writers, actors, costumers, directors, camera specialists, etc?
If no, does any mod allow this? Or is that mod yet to be built?
Thanks! |
Hello Everybody,
I want to suggest some solution on the subject and show my pets :) as a good example.
My cat Sam - http://kolimarfey.demozzz.com/dolphin614/places/view/43
My dog Dora - http://kolimarfey.demozzz.com/dolphin614/places/photos/42
I have a script Places, where users can post Places they visit, why not to use this script for pets profiles ? like on my examples .. One user can post unlimited number of pets profiles with any number of photos and videos.
All is need to change all Places words to Pets words, which is easy via language file before installation.
Also I have a manual how to add any custom fields, so you can change Place related fields to Pets related fields.
You can remove map if it is not needed, but in some cases it may be useful too.
Yes this is something like I need, but the owner would have to be able to edit it in their profile page so to speak.. for instance: I have a dog that gets a really bad cold, (just for example) and I talked with my vet and he/she mentioned for me to try an over the counter remedy which worked great, I would then like to share that with my friends list. Or that I had my pet groomed in such a way that was totally cool and wanted to share that with my friends I could then upload a pic of that without replacing the other photos... like have picture albums etc... does this make sense? Of course these where just examples. But alot of people doesn't really know how to create webpages to just link too so, this would be the main reason for the pet profile area of the dolphin. :)
So a I getting this right... the Places Mod allows creation of a specific kind of profile? Like I could have (for example) a website for the entertainment industry, and have a specialized profile for agents?
Does it allow multiple types of profiles? Like profiles for agents, writers, actors, costumers, directors, camera specialists, etc?
If no, does any mod allow this? Or is that mod yet to be built?
The mod or whatever anyone wants to call it..lol. is like this:
Let's say I have signed up for the site, and I have 4 pets: 2 dogs 1 cat and a bata fish. I would like to have it where I can post a profile for each of them, with me as the owner of course, and a link from their profile to mine, where my friends on my friendslist can go and see them and post comments helpful hints etc... also have the ability to add more pets in the future if I want and of course delete if desired as well..
I guess you could use it for what you are talking about to show the entertainers resume' , agents, etc... but that would be up to the person... but my site is strickly for pets and pet owners as a community. :)
So a I getting this right... the Places Mod allows creation of a specific kind of profile? Like I could have (for example) a website for the entertainment industry, and have a specialized profile for agents?
Does it allow multiple types of profiles? Like profiles for agents, writers, actors, costumers, directors, camera specialists, etc?
If no, does any mod allow this? Or is that mod yet to be built?
hi TheSoMeEx I think what your are looking for it is Anton's profile splitter http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/3323
Hello Everybody,
I want to suggest some solution on the subject and show my pets :) as a good example.
My cat Sam - http://kolimarfey.demozzz.com/dolphin614/places/view/43
My dog Dora - http://kolimarfey.demozzz.com/dolphin614/places/photos/42
I have a script Places, where users can post Places they visit, why not to use this script for pets profiles ? like on my examples .. One user can post unlimited number of pets profiles with any number of photos and videos.
All is need to change all Places words to Pets words, which is easy via language file before installation.
Also I have a manual how to add any custom fields, so you can change Place related fields to Pets related fields.
You can remove map if it is not needed, but in some cases it may be useful too.
Yes this is something like I need, but the owner would have to be able to edit it in their profile page so to speak.. for instance: I have a dog that gets a really bad cold, (just for example) and I talked with my vet and he/she mentioned for me to try an over the counter remedy which worked great, I would then like to share that with my friends list. Or that I had my pet groomed in such a way that was totally cool and wanted to share that with my friends I could then upload a pic of that without replacing the other photos... like have picture albums etc... does this make sense? Of course these where just examples. But alot of people doesn't really know how to create webpages to just link too so, this would be the main reason for the pet profile area of the dolphin. :)
Yes, you can update description of any pet you have added at any time. Also you can add/delete photos/videos.
So a I getting this right... the Places Mod allows creation of a specific kind of profile? Like I could have (for example) a website for the entertainment industry, and have a specialized profile for agents?
Does it allow multiple types of profiles? Like profiles for agents, writers, actors, costumers, directors, camera specialists, etc?
If no, does any mod allow this? Or is that mod yet to be built?
The mod or whatever anyone wants to call it..lol. is like this:
Let's say I have signed up for the site, and I have 4 pets: 2 dogs 1 cat and a bata fish. I would like to have it where I can post a profile for each of them, with me as the owner of course, and a link from their profile to mine, where my friends on my friendslist can go and see them and post comments helpful hints etc... also have the ability to add more pets in the future if I want and of course delete if desired as well..
I guess you could use it for what you are talking about to show the entertainers resume' , agents, etc... but that would be up to the person... but my site is strickly for pets and pet owners as a community. :)
Please look at the following example. I have two pets cat and dog, they are displayed in my profile:
Also on individual pet's page, there is a link to the author (near "Posted By" field):
Also I like this idea, and most probably I will make all necessary changes to Places mod to make real Pets extension for Dolphin.
Best regards, Alex.
So a I getting this right... the Places Mod allows creation of a specific kind of profile? Like I could have (for example) a website for the entertainment industry, and have a specialized profile for agents?
Does it allow multiple types of profiles? Like profiles for agents, writers, actors, costumers, directors, camera specialists, etc?
If no, does any mod allow this? Or is that mod yet to be built?
Sorry, but it is something different. Member's profile is leaved intact. Just add new functionality to post some content, like blogs, groups or places, for example.
Best regards, Alex.
YouDidntDidYou, thank you for that link. It's perfect for the project I am developing.
Ahhh. Thank you, Alex. Your explanation makes sense. I have been looking at Places. It is still something I need in the future.
*smiles* |
twolf has misunderstood my mail, the mod would not be for sale for $600 (that would be the development costs) it would be for sale below $100, I also think a mod is the way to go on this as I have lots of ideas for this to do it properly...
twolf ... Again, there's absolutely no reason to design a mod at all for this !!!
You have to learn to use the system anyway, so just do it on your own as you're learning to use everything. There's only very little difference between people and pet profiles since you can easily modify them as either. Just change the field/title/builder descriptions and that's all there's to it. Dolphin is specifically designed to be able to do this !!!
Would pet owners or vets possibly want videos, just like standard profile holders ... of course!
Would they have photos and galleries just like standard members ... sure they would.
Would they want custom features, perhaps an html block, etc ... yup, just like in regular profiles!
And like I said, if you use the "couple" i.e. "petfamily" as a default sign up (it only takes seconds to get that done in the builders ---> profile fields ---> join section from the admin panel), then you already have a single profile with dual user options that could be split up as vet clinic & animals or perhaps pet owner & pets, whatever. Each of these receive their own private gallerie, meaning that a vet could use one part of the dual profile for clinic and experience related stuff while the other portion of that dual profile could be used for specific photos, blogs, etc. And if you want to change specific text ANYWHERE within dolphin, all you need to do is find the specific language key for that particular text, followed by making it whatever you want it to be. Unless you're in a crazy hurry, I bet you could do it all yourself in as little as 1 week of time if you work hard at it. Geeez, this would really be fairly simple to do, especially the way dolphin has been designed - and now with all of the ray plugins and stuff included for free as well - I can't believe that anyone would even contemplate paying to create such a mod.
Ah well, that's it for me, I'm outta here ...
Greetings from Germany
I have tried it the way you have explained it here and it does not work... any other suggestions?
Thank you! |
take a look at http://uniteddogs.com and http://unitedcats.com maybe they even using customised dolphin website.
Pets module is in progress too  |
take a look at http://uniteddogs.com and http://unitedcats.com maybe they even using customised dolphin website.
Pets module is in progress too 
Great job on having a mod like this in progress. Here are a few things you may or may not have considered as I took a look at this one for fun.
1. You will need a dependent fields modification installed within it as you'll need to use dependent values for people to choose pet type and then breed (this is just the beginning of this)
2. Layout would be similiar to Couples profile, however it will have to rename the 2nd photo on the profile page to the pet's name as currently dolphin defaults (even 6.1.6) calls it Member's Nickname Photo (2) and this just doesn't seem right.
3. The join form will need to either be multi-paged or the default 2 column that Dolphin calls will have to be forced to layout completely differerent questions per column directly relating to pet/human and how it should be answered.
4. This brings us to the Admin Panel, you'll need dependent values, a builders option to allow Admin to develop there site as they choose with unique fields that are not thought of during build phase, not to mention to much work to also create all the unique fields. But it will have to reference which partner is going on which side.
Now, a mod such as this could be useful, not just with pets, but even with Couples profiles, as the questions that apply to men can/are much different than those that apply to women, could be used with pets, cars, sports teams and many other areas.
A Pet Profiles mod is now available on expertzzz, see http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/6265 |
A Pet Profiles mod is now available on expertzzz, see http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/6265
Thank you Jerome... I mean Dolphinmods for this great mod. I'm sure many will appreciate it and I know of at least one group that will come running for it, if not 2 of them. You have taught me many things in the background about Dolphin and helped to make the MyDatery family of sites unlike what most take theres to be.
Your mods have saved me countless hours and this one I'm sure works as seemlessly as all the others that you've put out. People who have pet sites should be running to get this mod, it's the first of it's kind and definitely worth that small price tag you put on it.
Awesome job on bringing back the longest ranting thread on Unity!!
wow really nice mod you made.... a 10 + Kids first |