A couple of questions- need help please.


I have some questions that I hope somebody can help me out with please.

1- Is there a Swedish language package for Dolphin?

2- Can I download and use the free software, and after that buy a licens for remving the ads? Or do I have to buy a new software if I decided to remove the adds and links?

3- Can I uppgrade the latest Dolphin version to Dolphin 7 when its released? Or should I wait until Dolphin 7 is released if I want to use it?

Thanks for the help

Quote · 16 Oct 2009

1: Swedish language, I can not be sure of, check the download section on expertzzz.com

2: Yes, you will only need to add your paid Domain license to admin area to have to ads removed

3: I would wait, however that is your choice, read the blog post from unoboonex, this will give you a clearer understanding on D7 & upgrading from D6.

From the land DownUnder
Quote · 16 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.