Alright, if you don't want to know the background, just skip to the next paragraph.
Some people (mydatery) seem to think that I have nothing else to do aside from getting our dolphin community working up to par. Fact of the matter is that I'm working on 4 different TLDs containing additional subdomains and tens of thousands of files. I'm not only creating custom options & features for the community such as our own music pages, our own video functions, and game includes, but I also have to translate boat loads of files/templates/terms into german since the german language pack that I purchased from expertzzz was far from perfect. Just the translations are going to cost me a couple of more days time. I purchased dolphin with branding rights to our company, based on the advertising from the boonex site ... which suggested to me that this phenomenal application can be made to work like a charm in just a few days and after being told that the language packs could save me a lot of time. Well, in reality, I think someone has to have at least 2 to 4 weeks of "tinkering time" to make dolphin truly incredible, and that's time that I just don't have! Having said that ....
I'm a week behind schedule now. Our community was supposed to be "perfect" as of last Friday and testing all of the functions was supposed to commence on Monday, four days ago. Being a week behind schedule is a major disaster and I'm not just blowing smoke here. Everything within our massive project is designed around timelines and if we didn't make every effort to keep those, our project would only be half finished at this point. Due to the fact that almost all of the really cool functions are contained within ray (which is not branded to our company and which we're not using) it's taken considerable more time than anticipated to get things done the way that we want.
We're looking for and willing to pay someone ... for answers that are still missing!
No references to firebug and half a dozen other sites that teach php and other useless baloney like that. I repeat what I said above, our timeline is already a week behind. Time for more and more research is the last thing in the World that we have. We need answers and answers only. I'm willing to pay someone 50.00 USD via PayPal to help me figure out how to move things around on the profile pages ... stuff like the tiny text user menu at the very top of the page ... stuff like the profile photos that are wayyyyyy off center ... and some other things that people in this forum, particularily mydatery, seem to think are senseless easily answered items and/or items that have already received answers ... which I'm too stupid to find as most of the answers that I need aren't SPECIFIC enough.
We purchased dolphin with branding rights after lots and lots of research online having been convinced by all of the promos that dolphin is an "out of the box" community solution, which in hindsight is absolutely not true ... at least not if you don't want to purchase branding rights for ray too (yes, I've been emailing back and forth with boonex a few times). No, we're not "upset" that dolphin wasn't perfection out of the box, it is incredible community software! But we are upset about users who constantly tell us to learn more php and follow links and research more on google and blah blah blah blah blah.
When I go to a forum, I go there for the purpose of looking for answers because to me that's the purpose of a forum. If I don't know the ANSWER to a question ... I shut up! If I do (or think that I) know the answer, I provide it. But I don't believe in telling other people to do a lot of other time consuming things ... unless their question isn't concise enough or unless it's blatantly obvious that he or she hasn't even tried to find the answer on the forum. Think about it this way .... if you were to vacation in a foreign country and you went to a forum, looking for a few key phrases to use, how happy would you be about people telling you to buy language books, or research half a dozen language sites, etc.? You're looking for answers that someone knowledgeable can easily provide ... yet people are telling you to spend hours doing something on your own which ultimately causes you to find the answer yourself. Hello, wake up and smell the coffee, those aren't answers but rather ... ADVICE. And advice is something we're not interested in as that won't actually answer any of our questions or problems.
Unlike most people who use their dolphin community for everything or their homepage, or with ray, we're only using dolphin as a small fraction to a ton of free services that we also provide ... and that's why we don't have nor ever had lots of time to deal with dolphin in the way that some people suggest. We need answers, real actual answers, and that's that. So, like I said, 50.00 USD to someone who's willing to help with all of these simple and silly things that I'm to dumb to figure out. According to mydatery, our problems are so pathetically simple that I'd imagine a lot of people will be asking about the 50.00 bucks. After all, it's easy money, right?
Screenshots of everything, plus detailed questions will be provided after contact has been established.
Please do not answer this post, just send a private message to get more dialogue going, thanks!
Greetings from Germany