Access Denied vs. Forbidden Confusion


I'm customizing the language settings to create more appealing messages to website visitors who I want to join rather than seeing the standard access denied or forbidden.

However, I'm seeing two different statements in the language settings: "access denied" and "access is forbidden."

If I type "access denied", I get _Access Denied, bx_sounds_access_denied, bx_pageac_access_denied, photos, shoutbox, poll, etc... (the same structure).

If I type "access is forbidden", I get bx_photos_forbidden, files, sounds, videos (the same structure).

There's also _Action_Not_Allowed & _bx_pageac_deny_text.

Which message do visitors see if they haven't yet joined vs. which message do members see if their membership level doesn't allow access? I don't know which settings to change to what.

I hope this is made easier in 7.2, but for now I'm confused.


Quote · 23 Apr 2015

 Try reading this topic. It might help some.

I'm customizing the language settings to create more appealing messages to website visitors who I want to join rather than seeing the standard access denied or forbidden.


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 23 Apr 2015

Hey Newton.

I've been reading that thread over and over.

Let me use an example to see if I get it.

1. A non-member sees a video link on Facebook for http://mydomain/m/videos/view/this-aviation-video-is-the-best.

2. They click on the link and see "Access is forbidden" (because it's for members only).


3. Do I change _bx_pageac_deny_text to my custom message "Oh snap! Join now..."?

4. Then do I go to PAC and type in m/videos/ (to the access URL template field) and only check mark 'non-member' in the forbidden groups field?

5. Now all non-members see my custom message "Oh snap! Join now..." (for any members only video)?


So the forbidden groups that are checked for a particular access URL template get the
_bx_pageac_deny_text message?


Separate question: is there specific code that I can add to a language setting so that the login or join box appears?


Thanks for your help!

Quote · 23 Apr 2015

Well that didn't work.

If I update '_bx_pageac_deny_text' to a custom message, and add m/videos/view/* to PAC (checking non-member box), I get "Access Is Forbidden" message on videos instead of my custom message.

If I update the 'bx_videos_forbidden' language setting, the text & html in that box shows up 4 separate times on the video's page (image below).

Back to square one.

All I'd like is for non-members trying to view members only content to see a persuasive Join Now! message. Really shouldn't be this much of a problem to figure out.

Quote · 23 Apr 2015

 Yes, I just made something short for those warnings.

If I update the 'bx_videos_forbidden' language setting, the text & html in that box shows up 4 separate times on the video's page (image below).

 I wish it where different but I don't see that happening how it is.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 24 Apr 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.