I'm customizing the language settings to create more appealing messages to website visitors who I want to join rather than seeing the standard access denied or forbidden.
However, I'm seeing two different statements in the language settings: "access denied" and "access is forbidden."
If I type "access denied", I get _Access Denied, bx_sounds_access_denied, bx_pageac_access_denied, photos, shoutbox, poll, etc... (the same structure).
If I type "access is forbidden", I get bx_photos_forbidden, files, sounds, videos (the same structure).
There's also _Action_Not_Allowed & _bx_pageac_deny_text.
Which message do visitors see if they haven't yet joined vs. which message do members see if their membership level doesn't allow access? I don't know which settings to change to what.
I hope this is made easier in 7.2, but for now I'm confused.