Hello everybody.
This is a support forum for our Access Management System 2.0 module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.
Related products:
1. Access Management System 1.0 - previous version of this module which has less functions.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I just setup this module... lots of nice tools... especially the ability to limit repeated login attempts. Since I'm working on a dev site, I tried setting up the tool "Give access only for listed IP-s" and put in my workstation internet IP... I soon noticed I was getting the admin emails below... every minute. I tried adding my server's dedicated IP address plus local IP but the emails continued every minute... until I finally turned the tool off. Any ideas? I'm using shared hosting... should I contact my hosting provider?
Subject: Cron <myaccount@node01> cd /home/myaccount/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php
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http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
We didn't have deal with such problem before. Could you please provide us with FTP, CPanel and Dolphin admin panel access info that we can investigate it and fix. You may send them via Unity internal mailbox.
Thanks for the report.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
It appears its a cron job associated with my hosting company and not to worry about.  http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
Great. Thanks to let me know.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Hello, everybody!
New updated 2.0.7 version was released.
Changes Log:
- The latest database with IPs, Anonymous Proxies and a couple of new Countries with Regions were added.
- Corrections for member’s IP definition and small design corrections were done.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
New 2.0.8 version was released.
IPs database was updated.
Also it's compatible with new Dolphin 7.1 now.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I would like a feature added if possible. Let's say I block a country. I have a member that has a friend in the country that is blocked that would like to join the site. Could their be a way to block a country but have a place for allowed IP addresses from that country or countries for when multiple countries are blocked? Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hello, geek_girl!
By default, Access Management System allows to close access for several countries or close access for all users except defined IPs. If you like to have feature which allows to block users from some countries and allow access from some persons from these blocked countries, we can add it for you but as custom modification.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Why is everything always a custom mod where we have to pay more? I will just hack it myself.
Another feature that would be nice is a confirmation on the members you are deleting to prevent deleting the wrong members.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hello, geek_girl!
Custom modification takes additional time and efforts, therefore it is not for free.
Another feature that would be nice is a confirmation on the members you are deleting to prevent deleting the wrong members. We plan to release new version of this module in the nearest time with several new features. We will add above correction into it. Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I have some members that claimed the "fail login attempts" still prevents them from logging in after the 24 hour period. Where can I go, in the database or the programme, to remove these blocks based on failed logins?
Thank you.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hello, geek_girl!
You can remove all failed login attempts from admin panel -> modules -> Access Management System -> Failed login attempts area.
Also you may increase the number of login attempts before ban in admin panel -> modules -> Access Management System -> Tools -> Settings -> "Failed Attempts" feature settings drop down area.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I have two people that are stilled banned even though I remove them from the failed log on. The only thing I know to do is to uninstall the module and that would clear all data. Please advise. Geeks, making the world a better place |
I depend on AMS2 to manage site access and have on several occasions had to 'delete' site members IPs from the Failed Login Attempts list in allow members to login after their limit has been reached. The feature appears to work... though I wish the list of Failed Login Attempts was setup to allow sorting by IP or Date... so I could see how the list items group under each. Right now I have it ordered by Date. Would also be nice to have the list auto delete old entries that are less than the limit. My list has gotten very long and I'm forced to manually prune it from time to time. http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
Have you tried to log into the "banned" accounts yourself? I had a site-member who informed me they still block after I definitely unblocked them... but when I tried I could log in. Then they tried and could log in. No idea whether it was operator error or a glitch in how the code functions.
geek_girlI have two people that are stilled banned even though I remove them from the failed log on. The only thing I know to do is to uninstall the module and that would clear all data. Please advise.
http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
I have removed them from the list. The thing is, after x hours, the ban is suppose to automatically be lifted; how does work? Does the module automatically delete them from the list/from the database? Is this dependent on a cron job?
They are telling me, even after I removed them from the list, he message is stating their IP address is banned.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
In my experience... after I've deleted their IP address from the "Failed Attempts" list, then they can login. If I don't then once the site-member has reached the "Failed Attempt" limit, which we as site admins set, then the "banned" person must wait for a predetermined time period before they can make another attempt... and if they then fail then they must wait again. For example, if you set the "Attempts" limit to 10 and set the delay period for one hour... then after 10 successive failed attempts they must wait at least an hour before their 11th attempt... if they fail they must wait at least another hour for their 12th try... and so on. And once they're in a 'banned' state (e.g. must wait at least an hour after each failed attempt) then they remain that way until you (the admin) manually edits the list of failed attempts to remove them. You can leave them... I have several IPs listed with over 50 failed attempts to login... these cases are obviously not site members but SPAM bots attempting to gain access.
I suggest you double check by trying to log into the 'banned' account about to verify it's actually banned. If it is banned but not on the AMS Failed Attempt list then look for other ways it could be banned. AMS is not the only dolphin tool/module capable of blocking login and banning accounts. If you're blocking by country then check to ensure the banned IP is correctly filtered by the country IP blocks listed the AMS database table.
http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
epaulo, thanks for your assistance and suggestions.
geek_girl, if you still have any problems, please, let us now.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Version was updated up to 2.0.9
Changes for IP detection were added.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Just want to report back that the two members are now able to log in. I cleared out the entire list of failed log-on attempts. My guess is they were in the list more than once and perhaps that was the problem.
Thanks epaulo for your explanation and thanks AntonLV for your assistance as well.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
New 3.0.0 version was released.
IPs database was updated.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Feature request... please add option to auto-prune the Failed Attempts list in two ways... number of days on the list without further failed attempts and number of failed attempts. Plus another option to clear very old rows. For example, one cronjob where all rows greater than x number of days are deleted *except* if the number of failed attempts is greater than x number of times. Plus a second cronjob where all rows greater than x number of days are deleted. For simplicity, you could just have two instances of the first cronjob, i.e. with different parameters.
My motivation... I find myself pruning the Failed Login Attempts list a few times a week to reduce the number of rows for easier for viewing, i.e. removing older rows with a low number of attempts while retaining "SPAMMER" rows that have made numerous attempts within a short time frame. When I notice a "SPAMMER" IP block then I add it to the blocked list and remove those rows from the Failed Attempt list.
http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
Please provide a script to update IPs without having to uninstall and reinstall module, thank you :-)
New 3.0.0 version was released.
IPs database was updated.
http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
Hello, Epaulo!
Thanks, for you suggestions! We are already working on the new version. It will contain several new features for the Failed attempts area and many others for other parts. All your requirements also will be included. We will try to finish new version during 1-2 months.
Please provide a script to update IPs without having to uninstall and reinstall module, thank you :-)
Ok, provide us please with your email via our inbox, we will send you the archive which you need to import using phpmyadmin panel. It will update Ips database.
We will also add new feature to our module, which shows new available IPs database and you will be able to apply it in one click.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
PM sent... thank you for responding quickly, very much appreciated! http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
All how want to update IPs base without installation, send me the request via inbox, I'll provide you with the file.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I am using 2.0.8; although I will upgrade to 3.0. My question is that it appears that my failed login attempts are not being cleared out.
I had a member that claimed she logged in only once, and it banned her. What I think is the problem is that one night she might log in wrong, then she logs in correct and gets in. She repeats this for several nights until she is banned. Then I have to clear out the failed logins in order to reset her.
I have no idea how many have encountered this and it will cost me members. Has this been changed in 3.0?
If nothing else, I need a cron job that I can set that will clear the failed logins at some set time, every three nights might be enough to prevent banning legitimate members of my site. The idea is to not locked legitimate members out of my site if they type the wrong password once or twice a week. Evidently it accumulates when they do it once or twice until they reach the limit and then bam they are locked out.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
We have just updated Access Management System module. You can install new 2.1.1. version.
Now all failed attempts will be removed in period of hours prescribed in settings. By default you can see in admin panel -> modules -> Access Management System -> Settings -> "Failed Attempts" feature settings two parameters and second one (During this period of time (in hours) person will not be able to open your site from banned IP) shows number of hours in which blocked IPs will be removed from failed attempts area.
Now all failed attempts, which were made from any IP, will be also removed if member from this IP is successfully logged.
P.S. We have corrected version number, it was incorrect. The latest version is 2.1.1
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Thanks Anton. So outside of the ip database that you supplied, the only other change I need to do is to add this sql query for the cron jobs?
INSERT INTO `sys_cron_jobs` (`name`, `time`, `class`, `file`, `eval`) VALUES (@sPluginName, '0 0 * * *', 'AqbAmsCron', 'modules/aqb/ams/classes/AqbAmsCron.php', ''), ('expired_attempts', '*/15 * * * *', '', '', 'BxDolService::call(''aqb_ams'', ''delete_expired_attempts'');');
Geeks, making the world a better place |
I upgraded but it did not fix my database error messages I have been getting for a month.
Query: UPDATE `aqb_ams_failedatts` SET `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `IP` = INET_ATON('') LIMIT 1
Mysql error: Duplicate entry '1145089244-1394345348' for key 'ID_2' Found error in the file '*/modules/aqb/ams/classes/AqbAmsDb.php*' at line *83*. Called '*query*' function with erroneous argument #*0*.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hi, geek_girl!
Can you please provide us with your site's access info(ftp and admin panel)? We will check the files.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I upgraded but it did not fix my database error messages I have been getting for a month.
Query: UPDATE `aqb_ams_failedatts` SET `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `IP` = INET_ATON('') LIMIT 1
Mysql error: Duplicate entry '1145089244-1394345348' for key 'ID_2' Found error in the file '*/modules/aqb/ams/classes/AqbAmsDb.php*' at line *83*. Called '*query*' function with erroneous argument #*0*.
Can not give access at this time.
Here is another that happened last night:
Query: UPDATE `aqb_ams_failedatts` SET `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `IP` = INET_ATON('') LIMIT 1 Mysql error: Duplicate entry '3633904467-1394408205' for key 'ID_2'
Different IP and different duplicate entry.
Looking at the code in question:
if ($this -> query("UPDATE `{$this -> _sPrefix}failedatts` SET `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `IP` = INET_ATON('{$sIP}') LIMIT 1") != 1) $this -> query("REPLACE INTO `{$this -> _sPrefix}failedatts` SET `IP` = INET_ATON('{$sIP}'), `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()");
So looking at the error that mySql reported and the code that is creating the query, what do you think is the issue?
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hi, geek_girl!
Replace this code:
if ($this -> query("UPDATE `{$this -> _sPrefix}failedatts` SET `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `IP` = INET_ATON('{$sIP}') LIMIT 1") != 1) $this -> query("REPLACE INTO `{$this -> _sPrefix}failedatts` SET `IP` = INET_ATON('{$sIP}'), `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()");
with this code:
$this -> query("REPLACE INTO `{$this -> _sPrefix}failedatts` SET `IP` = INET_ATON('{$sIP}'), `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()");
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
At times I get the following database error; what do you think could be the cause?
REPLACE INTO `aqb_ams_failedatts` SET `IP` = INET_ATON(''), `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
Mysql error: Column 'IP' cannot be null
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hello, geek_girl!
Thanks for the bug report. We'll update the version in the nearest time and let you know.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
I also see a bunch of these this morning; what do you think could be causing the duplicate entry?
UPDATE `aqb_ams_failedatts` SET `Time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `IP` = INET_ATON('') LIMIT 1
Mysql error: Duplicate entry '3233305957-1417778093' for key 'ID_2'
Geeks, making the world a better place |
hi Anton,
Please release an IP database update for your AMS module. I'm starting to get some "false negatives", i.e. some people from my country, while trying to register at my D7.0.9 site, are being blocked because their IP is not in the database yet.
Would be great if you could simply provide an SQL script, which I can run from PHPMyAdmin, that empties aqb_ams_ip_base then fills it with the most recent IP information.
You have my email...sent to you Sept 4th, 2013 (for the last update).
Thank you, Paul
http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
New 2.1.2 version was released. IPs database was updated and now the module contains new algorithm for detecting member's IPs and location. It works more accurate and faster then previous versions.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
New 2.1.3 version was released. Fixed bug with duplicated records.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
What is the upgrade procedure for the new release? Geeks, making the world a better place |
The next files were updated:
1) ams\classes\AqbAmsDb.php 2) ams\classes\AqbAmsMethods.php 3) ams\classes\AqbAmsAlertsResponseSystem.php
Database changes: UNIQUE KEY for table `aqb_ams_failedattsdetails` was changed. You may edit table's structure via phpmyadmin and set the next fields for it: `Time`,`MemberID`,`Username`.
Also IP base was updated. We have gzip archive with new records and you just need to import it via phpmyadmin. If you don't want to reinstall the module, send us request via unity inbox we will send archive on your email.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Module was updated and now compatible with 7.2 version.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Module was updated. Added support for IPV6 and service for IP to country detecting.
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |