Hello everyone,
As we all know when we login, the user gets redirected to the member.php where it shows some information regarding the account and some quick links.
What I want to do on this section is to remove the quick links, and the account information (the little user's photo) the name, the last time he/she logged in, etc. [see 1st attachment]
So I went to the page builder, edited the account page and then removed the 2 columns and that's where I'm stuck. I saw that I can add a HTML Block and write HTML code, but since I need to retrieve the user's photo, name and position, I need to add at least php code, but it doesn't show in the page builder options. [see attachment 2]
Also if it's not too much trouble, I would like to know the name of the functions that retrieve the photo of the user, or maybe there's an easy way to do this and I'm not seeing it hehe, thanks in advance.