
would anyone kno how to edit the actions block so users are not able to download, i see the download button an dont want it , cant find where it is 


thx Doug

Quote · 23 Feb 2016

Where does the Download button appear Doug? I don't have one in the Photos Module.

Quote · 23 Feb 2016

To edit action blocks, you can edit the database table directly, or you can buy one of the action blocks managers in the Market.  The modules in the Market make it easy without having to directly edit the database.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 23 Feb 2016

You can check out the Actions Manager module.

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Quote · 24 Feb 2016

thx everyone for all the input, i gave up on it 

Quote · 24 Feb 2016


thx everyone for all the input, i gave up on it 

Removing the download button is fairly easy.  For $20 you can buy the module and either remove it or make it inactive.  Or you can find the action in the database and remove it there.  A search here on the forum will quickly get you the information if you want to do a direct edit.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 24 Feb 2016

thx geek_girl, but ive been thinkin given up had so many prob understanding things on dolphin so far 

Quote · 24 Feb 2016

Don't give up just yet Doug. Dolphin is very powerful and with power comes complexities. I've been using Dolphin as a hobby project for some years and I still need to ask questions. At least they generally get answered these days. The problem is that Dolphin's documentation is very old and outdated.


As I need to also remove the download option when I find it, I'll work on it and let you know how it's done. That's why I asked where it is. Can you please let me know because I may not have the module installed.


The problem is, a lot of people try to cash in on Dolphin and instead of helping others, they'll design a module and ask for money. I'm also use another script where there's a real community and every module is free. Unfortunately the forum is useless there. Fortunately Geek_Girl, AlexT and now the Professor are very active here but they can't answer everything as detailed as you would sometimes like.


Let me know what module has the download button and I'll work it out for you. I've already deleted a few.



Quote · 24 Feb 2016

i need ta contact TMD , they moved my acct to another server now its notuploading any vids they come back failed

Quote · 25 Feb 2016


Let me know what module has the download button and I'll work it out for you. I've already deleted a few.

The easiest way would have been to invest in Modzzz's module.

However, if you don't want to spend the money, you are approaching the solution in the wrong manner.  Find the action in the database and remove it there instead of editing the code for the module. 

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 25 Feb 2016

He hasn't answered my question so I can't help. I intended doing it from the DB onece I figured out what button he wanted to delete:


--  Using PHPMyAdmin, do the following query


      DELETE FROM sys_objects_actions WHERE Caption = 'whatever'

Quote · 25 Feb 2016


I'm also use another script where there's a real community and every module is free.

I know you mentioned Elgg once; or at least I think it was you but I am not totally sure.  When Elgg went to version 2.x, most of the modules for the previous version would not work.  Many of the developers were charging to upgrade their previously free modules.  I don't know if that is still the case since I moved away from Elgg at the time I started with Dolphin.  There were issues with Elgg; for one, the order in which a plugin was installed could break Elgg.  Plus, having all content in one table (the stream) was a poor design in my opinion; actually, my development team as a whole thought it was a poor design.  As for free modules versus for pay modules, free modules may not be updated so can become obsolete.  With paid modules, the developer has the incentive (continuing the revenue stream) to keep the module current.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 25 Feb 2016

sorry demmy i, still waitin on TMD ta fix what they messed up on my site with the video Mod 

Quote · 25 Feb 2016

ok when u click the video on the top of the page, then click a vid u have up loaded , then you will see the

following Actions in the image i attached


55.JPG · 19.8K · 228 views
Quote · 25 Feb 2016

@Geek_Girl - "I know you mentioned Elgg once; or at least I think it was you..."

This is a bit off-topic, but it was me and my live site has been running flawlessly on Elgg for a few years. It's an old version (1.9 I think.) There are a couple of problems: It doesn't have a forum and my members want one; It retains the original images and I'm running out of disk space. The brilliant module designer involved isn't fussed about fixing that, but it's been on his "to do list" for years. Finally the thumbnails are ridiculously small. I managed to get them bigger in the Stream (Wall or timeline if you like), but not everywhere. Whenever I've attempted to upgrade, those problems weren't fixed so I never went ahead.

I agree that lots of modules don't work with newer versions, but Dolphin has the same problem in that regard. The complaints here are serious because people have paid a lot of money. Not so with Elgg. I'm not sure about people charging these days. I haven't been near the site for a year. Elgg modules usually don't break the script, they often have dependencies and the order in which modules appear is important. The script warns you and you simply move the module order above or below others as required. That's easy enough.

Funny about the Steam. I think it's one of the best features of Elgg. Sure it lists everything, but there's a set of tabs at the top and you just click them to see - All Posts, Friends Only, or Myself. None of Dolphin's nonsense where you have to go to different pages to see different timelines. Wall posts are also only 2cm or so high, not half a screen as in Dolphin.


A few of Elgg's great features are seriously lacking in Dolphin. Here's a couple for the profile alone:


1. Profile Tabs - My profiles questions are quite long and this feature is essential.
2. Question and answer on the same line in Profile view. I'm trying to resolve that without success here:

3. Each answer in a multiple choice question is a link. It takes you to profiles with the same answer when you click one.


Finally, at user level, Elgg is far more intuitive. The photo module leaves Dolphin's for dead. Having said that, I'm persevering with Dolphin because it has a forum. I can put up with the photo thumbs being ridiculously large. At least I've got them down to half the size which is far more reasonable. My Dolphin site is so heavily modified, I'll ask my partner to put up a demo site on his server in a few days so that people here can visit it.

Quote · 26 Feb 2016

@DougMn - To remove the download button from the Actions block on the Video page, run the following query below in your phpmyadmin and then login to your Dolphin Admin and clear cache.


DELETE FROM `sys_objects_actions` WHERE `Type`='bx_videos' AND `Icon`='download';

Paypal email is -
Quote · 26 Feb 2016

yep found it an that got rid of it wow i think im buyin the Mod ta do this lol


thx for all that responed to this 



Quote · 26 Feb 2016

but still desided ta buy the Action Mod  fer this save on asprin lol

Quote · 26 Feb 2016

Ive downloaded the actions manager, but it still doesnt stop non members from deleting things that arent theirs. Not sure why this is such a hassle. Creating ads, that anyone can delete is not productive.

Quote · 6 Mar 2016

Default Dolphin DOES NOT allow non-members to delete anything. You certainly have some configuration in your membership level settings that is causing this problem. For example, if you accidentally activated the membership action that says "events delete any event" for non-membership level then non-members will be able to delete any Event. Therefore, check your membership action settings to see what is causing this.

Ive downloaded the actions manager, but it still doesnt stop non members from deleting things that arent theirs. Not sure why this is such a hassle. Creating ads, that anyone can delete is not productive.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 6 Mar 2016

on mine i have all actions for non members disabled , 

Quote · 6 Mar 2016

Just buy the Actions Manager module Modzzz made.


It is easy-peesy and it will save you soooo much time. Sometimes you have to ask yourself is savin 20 dollars worth the days it will take you to manually go through and adjust the codes and Db yourself. Personally i feel my time is a lot more valuable than that.

Quote · 6 Mar 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.