Activate Wholesale

Greetings all --


Has anyone used the "activate wholesale" portion of the classifieds?


Wondering how it works etc.


~~ Lorren

Quote · 11 Sep 2008

I believe all it does is save you the trouble of approving them one by one when you have a whole bunch.  My question though, is what does the approval do at all?  On my system you can still see the ones that have not been approved.



Quote · 11 Sep 2008

Yes, this is just for total approving

Quote · 11 Sep 2008

AH so the wholesale approval doesn't work?

Quote · 11 Sep 2008

AH so the wholesale approval doesn't work?

Lorren  .....  the wholesale = bulk  .....  multi approval at once  .....  it should work  .....

Quote · 11 Sep 2008

As I understand this...Rob has approved a bunch and he still sees them as unapproved.


I believe all it does is save you the trouble of approving them one by one when you have a whole bunch.  My question though, is what does the approval do at all?  On my system you can still see the ones that have not been approved.



Quote · 11 Sep 2008

Why is everyone jumping in to say the exact same thing?  Just to clarify, my issue is not that I have approved classifieds and they are still unapproved, it is the opposite of that.  Even when I don't approve classifieds they can be seen by everyone, even non-members.



Quote · 11 Sep 2008

Yes, of course.

In classifieds we can see un-approoved ads,

admin can just post-moderate it. To Delete/change new unwanted items. Or just 'Activate wholesale' if all ok or he is lazy :)

so all normal as you describe here

Only status must changed from new to approved

Quote · 12 Sep 2008

Andrey, I still don't get it.  If everyone can see unapproved classifieds, what is the point of approving them at all?   What happens when you approve classifieds?



Quote · 12 Sep 2008

just a thought Caltrade, do you have "Automatic advertisements activation after adding" checked in admin > settings > advanced settings?

Could explain why ads show before approval if you have?

Quote · 12 Sep 2008

Hi Lazaru - no, that is not checked.   To clarify, they will not show up in the classifieds box you can put on the homepage if unapproved, but they will show up on the list that appears when you click the main classifieds menu item.  Does your system behave the same way?



Quote · 12 Sep 2008

dunno? I'm still in beta mode, the only two accounts are both test accounts.

I was looking for a different thing when I noticed the checkbox, that's why I asked. What I do know, 6.1.4 has more bugs than a primary school full of dirty kids ;)

I'm trying to work through each problem I find before starting on another but my list of 'other problems' is getting quite long. I'm still convinced I'll get Dolphin to do what I want it to do, it's just taking longer than I hoped.

On the plus side, I'm learning all the time so it's not all bad :D

P.S. Check the 'Buy now' feature, it says "auction will be closed" yet I can 'Buy Now' several times and it still shows... hehe all good fun

Quote · 12 Sep 2008
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