Activation mail


i have the promlem if i activate a member, dolphin don´t send activation info mail to the user




Quote · 13 May 2009

I have this problem also - posted about it here a long time ago, but never got it solved.  My community is still small, so I have been writing individual welcome letters anyway, but have procrastinated on fixing this for too long.   When I "activate" the member profile nothing happens - they don't get that "profile activation message" email.   Anyone besides me and Jack have this issue?  Any theories as to why, or possible fixes?



Quote · 13 May 2009

i found the solution for my problem.

check the checkbox in settings/moderation settings

i have this deaktivated:  Automatic profile activation after joining

it is not necessary for me because the join form are very short.

password username but nothin like textboxe wheer tzhe meber can be type bad words.

if the go to edit profile and add or change somethin then i have to activate it after check this profile.

i hope that´s the same solution for you

Quote · 13 May 2009

Thanks for finding that Jack, but that won't work for me.  With my application/model, I do need to approve the profiles.  Does this mean that the profile activation message only gets sent for unmoderated profiles?  In other words, if you activate a profile from the admin panel it won't get sent?  That's the way it works on my system, is that the way it works for everyone?  - or is something wrong with my set-up?



Quote · 13 May 2009

There is a better thread on this that I overlooked in my search earlier: - according to okweb, the $site['email'] param in inc/ has to be an email address on your server, and I was using a gmail account (which seemed to be working for everything except this).  I've changed it, and waited long enough for the chron I think, but still don't have it working.  I will post there if I find a solution.

Quote · 13 May 2009

Many times, if the "from" email address belongs to a different domain than the one from which the email is sent, the email will never reach it's intended recipient.  This is due to a very common spam filter used by aol, yahoo, and many others.  The reason they do this is because that is the way most spam messages are formatted.... the 'from' address does not belong to the domain from which the email was sent.  The emails will never even reach the users spam folder... they will just be automatically deleted.


I would highly recommend using email addresses from your own domain in 

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 13 May 2009

Houston, do you know if having your dolphin installation in a subdirectory would make any difference?  Also, does this work for other people here?  If you have both "Automatic profile activation after joining" and "Automatic profile confirmation without Confirmation Email" unchecked, and then on the members screen you select that member and click the "activate" button, will the "account activated" message go out?  I am trying to determine if this is a bug, or if there is something wrong with my set-up.

Quote · 13 May 2009

Don't know about manual activation.  I have it set for auto...... it's worked all ten times:) 


Using an email address from the same domain, may not fix every problem.  It just eliminates the possibility of the message being blocked by a common spam filter.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 13 May 2009

Ok, well I just tested the send "comfirm email" button on the members profile manangement page in the admin panel, and it works fine.  That makes me wonder if this is "by design" (or lack of design).  Could someone tell me- is anyone able to send the "profile activation" mail from the admin panel?  Does that ever work?

Quote · 13 May 2009

Would someone mind trying this for me?  Just deactivate any member account that uses your own email, then reactivate it with the "activate" button in the member management panel.  Let me know if you get the "profile activation" email.  I want to know if there is something wrong with my system, or if this is the way it is designed.

Quote · 13 May 2009

Quote · 14 May 2009

grrrrrr - couldn't you start a new thread for that question? - it is not all that related to what I was asking.  I just wanted to see if someone could take a minute and deactivate one of there accounts that uses there own email (for example a test account, or your personal member account on one of your networks) then click the "activate" button on admin/users/members., and tell me if you get the "profile activated" message.    I simply want to know if this works for other people of if there is something wrong with my server.


Thank you




Sorry acid, I don't know the answer to your SMTP question - using windows as a server seems to cause all sorts of problems- maybe someone else can help you.  UPDATE - never mind, I see you did start a new thread.

Quote · 14 May 2009

see what your maillog says.  /var/log/maillog

Quote · 14 May 2009

I can't find the "var" directory- where is it?   Is anyone here able to send the profile activation message from the admin panel?



Quote · 14 May 2009

cd /var/log

If you're on windows your maillogs could be in many places.

I can send confirm emails from my 6.1.5 admin panel.

Quote · 14 May 2009

sqt - I am not using windows for hosting - I am using a normal hosting service.  I know that you can send the "confirm" emails from the control panel - I said so above.  I was asking about the "profile activation" emails.  I'm beginning to think it can't be done from there and am dropping the issue, but if anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.

Quote · 14 May 2009
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