Add VideoJS to HTML5 audio/video with VideoJS

Dolphin currently uses the browser's default HTML5 audio/video interface. I don't like that, so I've opted to use VideoJS to create a unified look across all devices and browsers. I wrote about this in a thread a while back, but I'll make a tutorial here.

First: Demo

You can see the new player in action here:


Edit /boonex/modules/html5av/classes/BxH5avModule.php and ...


1. Look for (around line 89):

$sOverride = '
    <video controls preload="auto" autobuffer ' . $sAutoPlay . $sPoster . ' style="width:100%; height:' . getSettingValue('video', 'player_height') . 'px;" id="' . $sId . '">
        ' . $sSourceWebm . '
        <source src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "flash/modules/video/get_file.php?id=" . $iFileId . "&ext=m4v&token=" . $sToken . '" />


Replace the whole bit with this:

$sOverride = '
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="//"></script>

    <video class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" data-setup=\'{}\' width="100%" height="' . getSettingValue('video', 'player_height') . 'px" controls preload="auto" autobuffer ' . $sAutoPlay . $sPoster . ' id="' . $sId . '">
        ' . $sSourceWebm . '
        <source type=\'video/mp4\' src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "flash/modules/video/get_file.php?id=" . $iFileId . "&ext=m4v&token=" . $sToken . '" />


2. Look for (around line 230):

$sOverride = '
    <audio controls ' . $sAutoPlay . ' preload="auto" autobuffer style="width:100%" id="' . $sId . '">


Replace the whole bit with this:

$sOverride = '
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="//"></script>

    <audio class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" data-setup=\'{}\' width="100%" controls ' . $sAutoPlay . ' preload="auto" autobuffer style="width:100%" id="' . $sId . '">


3. Look for (around line 344):

$sOverride = '
    <video controls preload="auto" autobuffer id="' . $sId . '">
        ' . $sSourceWebm . '
        <source src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "flash/modules/video_comments/get_file.php?id=" . $iFileId . "&ext=m4v&token=" . $sToken . '" />


Replace the whole bit with this:

$sOverride = '
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="//"></script>

    <video class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" data-setup=\'{}\' width="100%" controls preload="auto" autobuffer id="' . $sId . '">
        ' . $sSourceWebm . '
        <source type=\'video/mp4\' src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "flash/modules/video_comments/get_file.php?id=" . $iFileId . "&ext=m4v&token=" . $sToken . '" />


That's it. Clear all cache and take a look.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 2 Jun 2015

Thank you!!Smile

Quote · 2 Jun 2015

Vid player is nice, prob have a play with that!

Quote · 2 Jun 2015

Still no play sign in thumbnail :/

Umar Haroon
Quote · 2 Jun 2015

Hmmm. I have been using the VideoJS player in my tutorials section for quite some time now. I have seen no problems with chrome, even on the latest version i just tested a few minutes ago. I have not put in any fixes from AlexT either. Stock dolphin. Sample here.

I also use the VideoJS player on my personal Video Directory module and have not had any issues with chrome.

VideoJS is great. Nice player.
Quote · 2 Jun 2015


Hmmm. I have been using the VideoJS player in my tutorials section for quite some time now. I have seen no problems with chrome, even on the latest version i just tested a few minutes ago. I have not put in any fixes from AlexT either. Stock dolphin. Sample here.

I also use the VideoJS player on my personal Video Directory module and have not had any issues with chrome.

VideoJS is great. Nice player.

I ran into some issues with the default source URLs on Safari, but it may have been another tweak I did to resolve it. You do need to specify the type='video/mp4' for the m4v video to work in some cases. I'll check.


Edit: Indeed, it wasn't needed after all. Just need to specify the type. I've removed those bits.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 2 Jun 2015

I can not see the code!

Quote · 27 Jun 2015


I can not see the code!

It seems somebody (I won't name names) broke the forums. I'll correct the post in a bit, but I should have that old text file somewhere to download...


Ah, here it is.

readme.txt · 2.4K · 505 downloads
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 27 Jun 2015

Thanks so much Nathan.

Quote · 27 Jun 2015

Tried a couple of times to edit  BxH5avModule, so I think I've done it right but getting:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'href' (T_STRING) in /home/psmmnet/public_html/modules/boonex/html5av/classes/BxH5avModule.php on line 93

I think that's this line that includes the text:

I'm burning the midnight oil here so your help is especially appreicated.

Quote · 27 Jun 2015

Thanks, Nathan!

This works great!

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 27 Jun 2015


Dolphin currently uses the browser's default HTML5 audio/video interface. I don't like that, so I've opted to use VideoJS to create a unified look across all devices and browsers. I wrote about this in a thread a while back, but I'll make a tutorial here.

First: Demo

You can see the new player in action here:



I noticed that the video file had a "Download" button among the action column, but the audio doesn't. Is this not achievable with audio as well, cos' i would love for member files to be downloadable by guests.

The audio happens to be the most uploaded member files in most music communities. I would love this configuration for my website if the audio enjoys the same privilege of the "DOWNLOAD" option.


Quote · 27 Jun 2015


Tried a couple of times to edit  BxH5avModule, so I think I've done it right but getting:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'href' (T_STRING) in /home/psmmnet/public_html/modules/boonex/html5av/classes/BxH5avModule.php on line 93

I think that's this line that includes the text:

I'm burning the midnight oil here so your help is especially appreicated.

Post that line from the file. These are the same code edits I've made, so they should work. Make sure to copy and paste the changes, rather than trying to apply them by hand.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 27 Jun 2015


I noticed that the video file had a "Download" button among the action column, but the audio doesn't. Is this not achievable with audio as well, cos' i would love for member files to be downloadable by guests.

The audio happens to be the most uploaded member files in most music communities. I would love this configuration for my website if the audio enjoys the same privilege of the "DOWNLOAD" option.


Questions unrelated to the player are best asked in their own threads. That said, downloads are disabled for the sounds module by default. You can enable it from Admin Panel => Modules => Flash Apps => Music Player => Settings. Tick the box "Enable files saving" and save. The button should then be in the Actions block.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 27 Jun 2015


Thanks, Nathan!

This works great!


 Thanks very much sbg101 for the PM, you solved my problem and save a lot of time!

Quote · 27 Jun 2015

 You are most welcome! 

I've received so much help from the community, either directly or by reading the answers others received on their struggles, that it's great to be able to give back some help as I'm able to do so. :)


Thanks, Nathan!

This works great!


 Thanks very much sbg101 for the PM, you solved my problem and save a lot of time!


7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 27 Jun 2015

Thanks Nathan ! Works great :), one tiny question , for the audio is there a possibility to add effects to the background when a sound playing ...

Proud Hosted by
Quote · 27 Jun 2015


Thanks Nathan ! Works great :), one tiny question , for the audio is there a possibility to add effects to the background when a sound playing ...

That's beyond the scope of this thread, and would be better asked over at the VideoJS community (which I believe is on Stack Overflow). That said, I did look into this before, but didn't have any success. You'd probably need to have custom work done to have this feature.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 27 Jun 2015

Cool Man . Thanks anyway for the This great video :)

Proud Hosted by
Quote · 27 Jun 2015
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