Adding Social Bookmarks to Your User's Blogs

If you would be interesting in letting your user's submit your blog content to the social bookmarking sites in only a few clicks this is for you.

Users can easily submit your content to sites such as Digg, De.lic.ious, Myspace, Facebook, Newsvine, and many more. This gives your site exposure because these sites normally rank really high in search engines.

Visit the link below to see how I did it and feel free to use this on your sites, I also have it up and running so please test it out.

My Blog on how to add social bookmark button to your sites blogs

Quote · 7 Oct 2008

Good start ;)

Quote · 8 Oct 2008

Thanks, this is really one of my first attempt at modifying anything with Dolphin.


I was really hoping to get the share button to show above the comments - any ideas on how to change that

Quote · 8 Oct 2008
This looks good. Will it work with Forums? What is the html page for that? Many thanks, very usefull! Stuart
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 8 Oct 2008
AndreyP, is the code in the right place? When I go to submit it says 'Blogs' instead of the articles title. Stuart
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 8 Oct 2008

Hey justinlutzfl,

If these guys don't yell at me for posting you can insert the link following this guide I wrote for inserting google adsense into the blogs.

It is based on inserting google adsense above the comments, however you can simply replace the google adsense code in my guide with your code.

I've also included in the guide how to put it at the top or bottom of a blog.

Hope this is what you are looking for. Yes this is FREE!

The guide is here:

gameuopia - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 8 Oct 2008

@Gameutopia - that's exactly what is needed

Quote · 8 Oct 2008

It works, I am going to update my blog to reflect that.

Do you know where the code would be inserted for adding it to the articles section?

Quote · 8 Oct 2008

AndreyP, is the code in the right place? When I go to submit it says 'Blogs' instead of the articles title. Stuart

With the current instructions you can post the share button within your users blog instead of underneath or above the content.

Stuart - that was to edit the template for users blogs. I am trying to find out where it would go for articles - will look later and update the thread.

Blog is updated

Quote · 8 Oct 2008

Hi justinlutzfl,

nice idea! I have implemented gameutopia's suggestion (thanks for that, gameutopia!) and put your code within the 'blog's' themselves. The Blog title still comes up rather than the content title, no real prob. To put this into articles would be good. is it pheasable for Forums also?



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 9 Oct 2008

Articles absolutely

Forums we may need some help - I could see possibly adding a button next to the rss feed and permalink buttons. I will work on it, but if somebody more experienced wants to help that would be even better.

Quote · 9 Oct 2008

Okay, so here is my blog showing how to add social bookmarking capabilities to your users blogs

And, here is an article showing how to add social bookmarking capabilities to your users articles

Feel free to test them out on my site to see how easy it is to bookmark something through Digg or whoever you use.

Quote · 9 Oct 2008

Update: the best way I have found to do this is through clearspring


If you must have the button within your blog content then the addthis button from my last post is the way to go. then edit the files within my blog/article to add the buttons there.


But to get this clearspring widget installed the way I have it now


Just visit their site. select the web option -> follow the prompts to customize the widget, then paste the javascript within the <div> </div> tags on page49.html within the template folder.


Here is what it looks like with up to 59 icons added within the widget for sharing your content

Quote · 31 Oct 2008

Adding social bookmark links to your blog or web site makes it easy for readers to save and share your content. This social bookmarks tool, created by TopRank's Thomas McMahon aka TwisterMC, provides you with several easy to implement options to encourage visitors to your blog to bookmark your posts on the most popular social bookmark and news sites.



[url=""]Social Bookmarking [/url]

Quote · 6 Nov 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.