I am setting up advertising campaigns in the 2 search engines to get traffic to my site and am being told by yahoo and google, (msn won't even accept adult sites for ads) that I need a disclaimer on my home page stating that all models were 18 at the time the photos were taken. I cannot figure out how to put text on a page except through a banner ad, and then the text is a link, which I have made a link to the join up page, but I would rather have just plain text and not a link. Not to mention, then the disclaimer is on every page, not just the home page. Which is another story, because once my site gets popular I should be able to sell advertising on just one page and not for example an ad on the bottom or top of every page. I can put text in the footer, such as before the copyright, but the footer doesn't stretch with the amount of text, the text just goes outside the lines of the footer box. So basically, does anybody know how to put text on the bottom of the home page?