Hi there
I'm trying to create a platform that has a range of bespoke spaces/sections for different projects, which would essentially act as landing pages/micro home pages for the particular project. What this means is that I really need these different sections to have similar functionality to the home page - e.g. the ability to add modules/blocks into columns, etc. Currently when I create a new page, all I can add is a HTML block. It would be terrific if I was able to also add, for example, a blogs section, or a video section, with content tagged with the project name.
Is this possible at all?
Thank you so much for any/all help
Best regards,
Go into the market and go to deano92964 page. He has two free modules that will help you to add php blocks to pages, including the ones you create. one is Deano's Tools http://www.boonex.com/m/Deanos_Tools_V1_6_Dolphin_7_0_Version and the other is add php block to the builders, http://www.boonex.com/m/Add_PHP_Block_to_Page_Builders_
If you are uncertain about installing these modules on your site just give a shout and I or someone else will probably be happy to assist you.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thank you so much, you've made my day! |
Deano's Tools offers a lot in a free module, it is a must have for any Dolphin site. Geeks, making the world a better place |
depending on how involved you want your pages to be, you may consider duplicating one of the existing modules - such as Groups. While it is not that hard to add content to pages, if you are working with a specific subject, then a duplicated module may be what you are looking for. If you are willing to give a little more information on what exactly you are wanting to do, we may have some better ideas for you. caredesign.net |
Many thanks for all the help.
What I'm hoping for is a few different sections on the site that have similar functionality to the home page - i.e. that you're able to drop blocks into them which show (for example) the latest blogs for that section, news, etc. For example, in the home page i'm able to drop in different modules into the columns - i'm not able to do this for newly created pages.
I've downloaded Deano's tools but am having trouble placing modules into the blocks.
Please do forgive me for being a newb!
Is it just the case of duplicating the home page on the navigation bar? |
It depends on what you are trying to add. A lot of the modules have service method where you can use Dolphin service calls to add content. As was asked, if you can be more specific of what sort of content you want to add we can provide a better service. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Please accept my apologies for being unclear.
My vision of what i'd like is as follows:
The navigation on the home page would be as follows:
[ Home ] [ About ] [ Blogs ] [Project 1] Project 2] [ Videos ] [ Groups ]
So you have your standard home/about/videos/blogs sections. But on top of this, you also have 'Project' sections. I see these ideally as their own little micro-sites with functionality similar to the home page. So if you go into Project 1, you'd see the following (I hope this is clear):
| HTML block - a blurb about the project | | MODULE BOX: Shoutbox |
| | | |
|_________________________________| |________________________|
| MODULE BLOCK - latest Blogs tagged |
| with project name |
| MODULE BLOCK - latest Photos tagged |
| |
Sorry, just realised it got misaligned when i posted. Please see attached for a visual representation of the sort of thing that would be great to have in each project area.

Incredibly disappointed that I bought Deano's Block Tool and it does not work on 7.3.1 - money wasted :( |
This is a very old post..... over two years ago and much has changed.
PHP blocks can be added easily for free.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add PHP Block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /administration/pageBuilder.php?action_sys=addCodeBlock

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michel ✈ Meta-Travel.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Just email him, he might be able to do something for you.
The market entry would have said it's not compatible also? that is usually the case. Reading the forums etc would have also shown you that the PHP block function was now in-built in 7.3.1
Incredibly disappointed that I bought Deano's Block Tool and it does not work on 7.3.1 - money wasted :(
Just email him, he might be able to do something for you.
The market entry would have said it's not compatible also? that is usually the case. Reading the forums etc would have also shown you that the PHP block function was now in-built in 7.3.1
Incredibly disappointed that I bought Deano's Block Tool and it does not work on 7.3.1 - money wasted :(
A quick adjustment can often make an "outdated" mod usable again.
I just installed in 7.3.3 and it seems to be working great. The only change needed was the version compatibility in the config.php file of the mod.
7.3.5 with responsive UNI |