I got the chat working; mainly by guessing parameters. Regular members can log in using the oauth button but when the admin of the site tries to log in, it appears to attempt it but then the oauth login button reappears. I am guessing perhaps the authentication is failing. I don't see any error message displayed, just the round we go trying to log in with oauth. It is possible to log in using the login form so for now in order to have admin access to the chat, the login form is being displayed. I also noticed that Admin is not appearing to other members in chat and that on the admin login, the admin does not see the other members in chat or any of the messages they have left. It is almost like the admin is on a different chat. However, when the admin go to users loged in, the list of members logged into chat is present. Geeks, making the world a better place |
You can try the following options:
1) Create another admin user in Dolphin and try to login with this user to Rocket.Chat, admin users in Dolphin are admins in Rocket.Chat as well.
2) If you have login form displayed you can login using login and password pair which was specified during first chat run, just after installation.
3) you can re-install Rocket.Chat, but in this case all chats data will be lost.
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You can try the following options:
1) Create another admin user in Dolphin and try to login with this user to Rocket.Chat, admin users in Dolphin are admins in Rocket.Chat as well.
2) If you have login form displayed you can login using login and password pair which was specified during first chat run, just after installation.
3) you can re-install Rocket.Chat, but in this case all chats data will be lost.
Only option one is viable option. The idea is to remove the form so it won't be displayed as it confuses the members. Rocket.Chat has already been re-installed. I will see how option one works. Perhaps it is because the current admin was added to chat using the start.sh.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Admins of the site other than the one that is in the mogodb as admin of chat can log in but they are not admins of the chat. I can try reinstalling. I want to clean out everything and start fresh; what is installed and what is the best way to clean up all the things of chat+, mongo, etc.? Geeks, making the world a better place |
I think Rocket.Chat stores everything in the DB, so if you drop database it should be enough.
To drop database, execute the following using SSH:
mongo rocketchat --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
This example for database named 'rocketchat'
Important: all chat data will be lost and chat will need to be configured from the scratch.
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Deleting the database is not going to change the fact that Chat+ is not working; the database is not the programme; the programme just reads and writes data to the database. I already deleted the old database and reinstalled Chat+ from a fresh download into a new directory. I was able to log in using the admin user set up in start.sh. I also outlined that it appeared that Admin was in separate channel; admin could see all the people logged in but could not see anything being posted in the channel. Also, when admin posted in the channel, it did not appear in the channel to the regular uses. If anything is wrong, it is the programme, not the database.
What is the database structure? Also, is there a GUI for working on Mongo databases or does everything has to be done from the command line?
Geeks, making the world a better place |
You've asked
I want to clean out everything and start fresh; what is installed and what is the best way to clean up all the things of chat+, mongo, etc.?
So, I've answered how to delete database since it reset everything, am I wrong?
I think you can ask your question in Rocket.Chat community, since your question are specific to Rocket.Chat functionality.
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You've asked
I want to clean out everything and start fresh; what is installed and what is the best way to clean up all the things of chat+, mongo, etc.?
So, I've answered how to delete database since it reset everything, am I wrong?
I think you can ask your question in Rocket.Chat community, since your question are specific to Rocket.Chat functionality.
Yes, I did ask about that but you only answered about removing a database, not removing all the other things that are installed. I already knew about how to delete the database. And for mongo, yum remove mongodb; this is CentOS.
And yes, it is rocket.chat; but it is rocket.chat with a few changes by Boonex, No? Are you saying I can go grab the current rocket.chat and install it and the Dolphin oauth will be there?
Deleting the database is not going to do anything if there is some issue with the Dolphin oauth connection, which I feel is the real issue. I will bet you a three dollar bill that when I delete the database, the issue will still be there. There is a trick I thought I would try.
The whole Chat+ has not been that great. The old flash based chat just worked, install it and it worked. Today you have to put a whole slew of crap on a server and there are numerous places where something can break and cause a real big PITA. Here is a brainstorm, instead of the big piece of sheet of UNA, you could have built a good chat system for Dolphin. In fact, you could have built a lot of good things for Dolphin. I got a notice that UNA now has the same feature that Dolphin has had for years. I am starting to get upset, I am out.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
And yes, it is rocket.chat; but it is rocket.chat with a few changes by Boonex, No?
Are you saying I can go grab the current rocket.chat and install it and the Dolphin oauth will be there?
I am out.

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