Admin Panel: how translate


I searched in the forum but I don't have found nevere.

I would like know some things:

1) how I can translate all the admin panel?;

2) hov I can replace the elements of "country" with a list of my personal elements? (for example the countries of my province);

3) Where I can find the test of "term_of_use", "about_us" to translate them in my language?

4) Is there a way to translate, for example, the page "images.php" in "immagini.php" ?

Thank you very very much for your answers.

Quote · 9 Oct 2008

little up!

Quote · 9 Oct 2008

Some help here:


4) Of course you can translate all you files name... but only if you like having big problems or the look of the 404 error page not found :-))

Seriously... FORGET SUCH IDEA !!!

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 9 Oct 2008

I'm sorry because I thought that the mod_rewrite of dolphin may help me to translate as wel like me the name of all the file.

Quote · 10 Oct 2008

I have read the link but I don't have found answer to mai First and Second question.

Can you help me, please?

Quote · 10 Oct 2008


I' have yet problems with transations: I ho I can translate all the admin area? In the Boonex FAQ I don't found nothing!

Quote · 14 Oct 2008

Little up!

Please, can you help me?

Quote · 15 Oct 2008


So it possible, but not simple ;)

Need really spend about 2 weeks to it

Quote · 16 Oct 2008

I thing you can do it in your lang-en.php file...when I was translating mine, without knowing/wanting it my admin panel was translated which I didnt like, got used to english commands...

Quote · 16 Oct 2008

Admin folder (quite all) not used language keys.

so it is out of usual translation

I spent my 2 weeks to rewrite all admin and all strings was replaced by keys.

It was titanic job

So now it possible to translate it ;)

Quote · 16 Oct 2008


Excuseme but I don't have yet understand how to translate the admin panel.

@AndreyP: So now it possible to translate it ;)

How I translate this page?


Quote · 16 Oct 2008


open each file, and replace all hardcoded text to keys, so provide all text via language key

are need teach you how programming in PHP? :)
I can just give you a book (tutorial for PHP)

Quote · 17 Oct 2008


thank you for you answer.

No, I cannot programming in php, but i Know some basic rules for php.

So, I must translate all the files located in admin root? And, because I must know php to translate?

I translated all the file sql for the frontend area of dolphin....a wrong work!

Quote · 20 Oct 2008

Yes, each file,

replace all strings of text to keys


<div>tralala string</div>


<div>". _t('_Tralala string admin') ."</div>

understand? I used here key instead string.

after this if course will need new key

_Tralala string admin

to lang keys with necessary value in both - english and translated language.

so as you see this is hard but possible job.

As default dolphin able to translate only frontend (user side), not admin.

Quote · 21 Oct 2008

mmm.....I think it's a difficult work!

I thinked that it's enough to simple translate the strings, but I didn't think that it's necessary to declare new stirngs keys.

Quote · 21 Oct 2008

Yes, its true, this is crazy work, but it is one way to make admin multilanguage.

.. also here are another way, all hardcoded strings rehardcode with new your language values, and saving file as UTF8 of course,  it will work too.

Quote · 22 Oct 2008
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