Admin Panel invisible

Hello, Anyone can help. My Admin Panel is invisible.  I had a video uploading error. I ask my hosting company to fix it.

I didn't know what do they did.  My Admin Panel is invisible. in news, where I can change font size, add photo ect box is invisible.  Also I can upload my sound with no problem. Now I can't upload either. It's say Error: File not Processed. And, my video same too.  Is anyone know the what/whee is problem? Are you can help please.


Quote · 29 Jun 2015

It sounds like your host really screwed things up.  Did they make a backup of the site files before their fix?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 29 Jun 2015

yes, they have backup.  But It's almost 5 days I having problems.  But, if they backup my 5 days other updating and uploading going to lost.  So, is any way to fix with out backup?

Thank you


Quote · 29 Jun 2015

I can understand about not wanting to lose content.  However, we have no way of knowing what changes were made by your host.  It would have been better to come here asking for help on the original problem first unless your hosting company knows Dolphin as well as this community.

What do you mean by Admin Panel Invisible?  Are you just seeing a white page when you try to view the administration page?  We will tackle this first before addressing the other issues.


Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 29 Jun 2015

No. After I login,  my admin bar come on bottom of the site.  I can click on to go my admin site. The bar is disappear now.  Now(yesterday) I can`t login too.  Login screen come again & again. IN news, photos are not showing. all looking black.  htp:// this is my web address. So, I ask them to restore the server.  from there, we can see what I having problem.

Thaks for your message. I will touch you later. 

Thankyou again


Quote · 30 Jun 2015

Ok, Arvixe Restore my site. But still can't fix it.  So are you can help me.  Now, I can login only.  Other problem can't fix it.

I having problem are.

After I login,  my admin bar come on bottom of the site.  I can click on to go my admin site. The bar is disappear now.

Also, when I adding news if I add pics. The pic area is black.  No pics showing.

ANd, I can't upload photos, sound or videos all of them are not working.  If, I am flash upload if I want to Embed. It's don't go. So, is any php setting problem?

Are you please help me my site is

Thank you


Quote · 1 Jul 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.